There's tile restriction in Outlook addin classic which doesn't allow to add more than 12 costum tiles.
Is there any way to add more than 12 tiles?
I'm asking becouse this tool is used on daily besis by our costumers.
There's tile restriction in Outlook addin classic which doesn't allow to add more than 12 costum tiles.
Is there any way to add more than 12 tiles?
I'm asking becouse this tool is used on daily besis by our costumers.
Hi Laviee, I have a bad news and good news ;).
The bad news is that it's not possible to increase the limit. The good news is that we already have planned complete modernization of "Classic" Outlook Add-in and we'll take your suggestion into account during our work :).
I'll change the status to "not now", but please keep in mind the above information.