Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran
In the latest version of WEBCON BPS, the report coloring has been enhanced for additional functionalities (a description of the basic report coloring modes can be found here). There is the ability to go through a path without having to view the specific instance – just click on a properly configured cell. This configuration also allows you to set the cell style, as well as special display functions.
Business case
An example that presents the advanced functionality of reports coloring is the process of listing stored products (e.g. bicycle models). Each workflow instance represents a warehouse with the serial numbers of its products. The warehouse can be closed (e.g. when it is full) preventing the insertion and removal of products from it. Continue reading to see how to achieve this workflow automation with WEBCON BPS.
Workflow diagram
Fig. 1. The magazine is available for editing only at the registration and opened step
Form fields
Fig. 2. The total amount of products is set by form rules executed on value change
Fig. 3. The quantity of products is set by form rules executed on value change
Fig. 4. Instance representing the warehouse
The report configuration - warenhouses
The Warehouses report includes all warehouses with the number of stored products.
Fig. 5. The basic view contains only the total number of products
Fig. 6. The extended view displays also the number of individual models
This report allows you to see the number of products and go through the path from the report level, and close or open the warehouse depending on the step in which they are located – you can use the buttons added to the cell.
Fig. 7. In the View tab go to the configuration and select Coloring mode -> Advanced and then paste the JSOn code with cell stylling
Fig. 8. JSON with cell styling
”content”: ”=CurrentField” displays the basic cell value
The function ”=if(CurrentField == ‘Open’, ‘lightgreen’, ‘tomato’)” works in a similar way to Excel – first give the condition i.e. that the basic cell value is equal to the “Open” string of characters and then, enter the values accordingly for the fulfilled and unfilled condition.
In the children array there additional html elements that you want to display. In our case these are two buttons but only one will be visible at a time – depending on which step the instance is in. Use the ‘if’ function to define a value in the “display” attribute – thank to this only the correct button will be displayed following the path available in a given step.
”action”: {
”type”: ”quickPath”,
”params”: {
”pathId”: 1220
The above JSON fragment indicates the action of going through the path and the path ID. To work correctly, select the “Available as quick path” option.
Fig. 9. Quick paths allows you to go from the level withoult entering to a given instance
Fig. 10. Bars displaying the number of products are configured by selecting the color, minimum and maximum value
In the advanced mode you can use with the bar function:
Fig. 11. The Bar function contains the following arguments: the value specyfying the lenght of the bar, color and minimum and maximum value
Report configration - Model 1
Fig. 12. Lock icon indicates whether the warehouse is closed or opened
The report contains all model 1 products that are in the warehouses. The background cell column indicates the number of products in the warehouse.
Fig. 13. Available set of colors
In the advanced mode, use the ‘scale’ function to use with the above functionality.
‘Scale’ function
Syntax: scale(value, class_prefix, min, max)
The function finds in which of the 10 ranges (from minimum to maximum), the given value is located.
UI Fabric icons are available at: (icons should be searched for in the Fabric Core set).
Fig. 14. The configuration of the column containing the warehouse code with an icon that presents the step in which they are located
Functions formatting the report cells
In the expressions you can use defined operations and functions:
Functions connected with date and time support
Functions connected with picker value comparison
Each function takes a variable that refers to the picker column or one of the special system columns in their first argument.
The second argument is a string of the id#nazwa form. When it comes to picker fields in multiple choice mode, these values should be entered after a semicolon e.g. id1#nazwa1;id2#nazwa2;id3#nazwa3
Picker variables
Picker variables are special types of variables that are objects with Id and Name properties. Variables of this type are all choice column (AttChoose_N, where N is a number of a given attribute) and the following system variables:
Example of use:
Depending on the step ID the ContactCard and ContactCardSettings icon will be taken. Notice that when referring to the Id and Name, the value in the comparison operator is set as text (in apostrophes) – STP.Id == ‘212’
“attributes”: { “iconName”: “=if(STP.Id == ‘212’, ‘ContactCard’, ‘ContactCardSettings’)” }
Supported HTML attributes and elements
HTML elements
HTML attributes
Supported CSS classes and styles
CSS styles
CSS classes