Applies to version: 2022.1.4 and above; author: Grzegorz Straś
In the configuration of actions (e.g. Send a custom e-mail) and in E-mail notification templates, it is possible to define an account that will be used as the sender instead of the default sender address. This can be either an E-mail address or a Distribution group with “Send as” privileges.
This feature called Allow "Send as" needs to be enabled in the System Settings, and once it is active it will be possible to substitute the sender address with a different one.
Additionally, if Exchange Online - Microsoft Graph is used as the Server type, additional configuration will be required on Graph’s end, which will be covered later in the article.
Enabling the option
Toggle the option in System settings -> E-mail notifications -> Configuration of sending E-mails -> Allow "Send as"
With this now enabled, it will now be possible to use a sender address different than the default one in the configuration of Actions, Action templates, and E-mail templates for processes.
This checkbox can be toggled after custom sender addresses are filled out. If you do this, a pop-up message will show you all places where a custom sender address was entered (i.e. in Actions, Action templates, and E-mail templates).
Note: As you can probably guess, the custom senders will require correct permission to send e-mails. If the permission settings are incorrect, the action will result in an error. You will need correct settings for either of the two variants (Distribution groups or E-mail addresses), and additional settings for Graph applications if necessary.
Graph settings
If Exchange Online - Microsoft Graph is used as the Server type, the application needs to be configured.
Most importantly, it needs the correct permissions. The minimum Graph application permissions for various functions are discussed in [this article].
In short:
However, there is a catch. The Mail.Send permission allows sending through all mailboxes, so we should limit this to only specific sender addresses added to a security group.
This method has been described here.
Distribution group settings
Other mailbox settings