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After updating to webcon 2025 every worfklow shows "Failed with an unknown exception Error identifier:" at the start/when reloading the page. The workflow is still usable, however this is still a bit upsetting. When pasting the error code into the administration tools, it says that no error was f

Thanks, it works now as intended.

As the title says, i can't figure out how to add a newline/empty line. To give more context, the user can input what he wants in this field, there is a button that should add a text at the bottom of the textbox, however the text appears besides the user inputed text and i just can't figure out how

The user may input a "wrong" value into the autocomplete field, this however should not prevent the user from closing/cacelling the subworkflow.

I want the validation of the autocomple to work(is needed for when i want to save the values). But i dont want to have this errors appear when the user "cancels" (returns to the parent workflow, closes this subworkflow without saving/doing anything)the workflow.

As the title states, there are some autocomplete fields(with values in them that cannot be found) i have that prevent me from moving to the next step(in one case i would maybe like to "cancel" the subworkflow/return with negative). I tried to deactivate the form field validation on the paths, howeve

How excactly would i do that ? I can add a substitute however the original user can still edit/see the process

Good day webconcommunity, I would like to know if/how it would be possible to hand over a workflow to another user who might also in turn hand over the workflow to yet anoter user, important is that the there is a option to hand the workflow back to the original user. Thanks in advance

Good day webcon community, As the title states, i ask myself if javascript is faster than using formrules. As example i had a formrule what would get the sum of a number column in an item list and compare it to another field. It took sometime for the formrule to procress this, while my javascrip

Is there a way to change the style of a choice field when it couldnt find a mach?

Change style of Datatable
14.10.2024 10:51

How can i cange the style of the Datatable? As example i want to change the row height to a certain number, and the column width to fit the content, however i did not manage to achieve this simple goal. i would appreciate any tipp on how to do it.

I do have access to the sql server. One of these fields is just to filter certain results(the name of this column is pretty similiar in all other tables). What i want is a way to show different tables with different columns(count and name). Ideally a button which could reset the table and the confi

Hi there, Is it possible to use one datatable to show different tables from a sql server? Right its possible to filter the sql results based on a value in a certain column. I also want to make it possible to show the content of a different table, however account to the infobox to the right side of