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Dominik Cholewinski


Fully agreed, the first time I was looking for it it took me some time and I was asking where to find it :)

Hi Michał, Great to hear. Meanwhile one of my Colleagues succeded to dedicate Global CSS (within BPS Studio) per template - using CSS selectors based on Template GUID from database. Summing up - we got Global CSS part for all templates (shared) and dedicated section for CSS per template - base

Hi Markus, Thank you for quick answer. Microsoft Graph is great tool, like you said. We are investigating the possibilities of such usage within one of our processes. We will have a look if such flag (isOnlineMeeting) will appear in WebCon BPS exchange integration standard action type :) It w

Hi, Is there a possibility to configure exchange integration actions - create/update calendar event so it creates Teams meeting? Or only option is Microsoft Graph? Or some powershell? Do you have any examples of that? Best Regards, Dominik

Hello, I would like to make a suggestion or find solution for branding case. We got customized White Template (as a copy) + we customized coloring of navigation sections by global CSS (setup in System settings in BPS Studio). Result is visible in the attached screenshots. Such coloring works fi

Hi Michał, Thank you for good news before Easter :) Fruitful, Calm, Happy Easter to you and WHOLE WebCon Family :) Best Regards, Dominik

Hello Daniel, Thank you for quick reply and perfect article - checking it out! :) BR, Dominik

Hi, In DEV-TEST-PROD Architecture environment also containing multiple BPS Content Database it would be helpful to runas BPS Studio to the exact environment and exact content database. Then it would be possible to create .bat script to run exact environment, e.g. TEST to the specific database e.

Hello, Introduction: 1. right now WebCon BPS allows to configure actions which triggers on path, on exit, on entry (and of course on a few more) 2. sometimes process is configured to assign the task to multiple users, e.g. multi-approval (without subprocesses), e.g. assign tasks to 3 users 3.

Hello, It would be great if WebCon BPS could allow to configure application available only "via Browser", not visibible in WebCon BPS Application (for Android/IPhone) at all. Configuration could be on Application level via e.g. 2 checkboxes: "Visible in Anroid App" / "Visible in IPhone App". T

Hello, Introducting roles for managing BPS Groups: Global Permission Admin and per Group Admins it would be helpful to have feature to view the group members for every/configured users. It would be indicated per group - alike in SharePoint if group members can be shown to everyone or only group

Hello, Right now when selecting the date for date&time picker system by default setup the time for 00:00. If we want to change the time e.g. to 7:00 and double click the "00", enter "7" system says that format date is inpropper. We have to add 0 prefix to hour "7", so it is "07". It is one mor

Every WebCon BPS Applications needs permissions to work properly. Of course best practices is to use groups: WebCon BPS, Active Directory, SharePoint ones. It is worth to some have naming convention for them. It is also crucial to know which are used within the specific Application. We can dig i

Introduction I have heared that basically planning is always about three questions (three columns in Excel, three attributes on the form) - WHAT? WHO? WHEN? :) Sometimes we need an extra information/column - we can call it "Remarks", "Others" or .... COMMENT... WebCon BPS has extraordinary featur

Thank you for answer! :) Good idea for Custom Dashboard (e.g. setup as home dashboard). However adding this section to custom dashboard or "out-of-the" box element would be helpful as well :) I mean the quick manual from process configuration (screenshot - ling.png). In that case something like qu

Adding possibility to add SQL row as a column could be also a workaround to achieve that. Right now (BPS 2020...434) is is only possible to add instance number from system fields to mass notifications.

Quick Manual should be entry point, to see quick manual right now user must enter form to start process first. The order shall be the other way: first read manual, later start process.

1. Technical Application Supervisor could be shown on system dashboard (if not empty) + could be added as element on custom dashboard 2. Technical Process Supervisor could be shown on info panel (if not empty)