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Interesting... I have no error in the third/next step (even if I have nothing to choose and the previous choice is remembered). Maybe it's a version issue (I checked on 2023.1.2.99)

Hi Mark, I'm afraid that the 2d code contains the element ID but not the hyperlink. but I may be wrong...

Hi Daniel, I just tested it - it looks ok :-) 1. choice at the first step 2. step two - after entering (no change or error) 3. step two - when trying to change 4. configuration

hi, yes, it's possible :-) step IDs marked on the screen

I Attached steps how I did it, and query: WITH DateRange(DateData) AS ( SELECT CAST('2015-01-01' as date) as Date UNION ALL SELECT DATEADD(d,1,DateData) FROM DateRange WHERE DateData < CAST('2015-01-12' as date) ) SELECT DateData FROM DateRange What version

yes - function may be a better solution but sometimes it is not possible to modify/add anything to the database :/

I'm sorry, I forgot. Here's a little workaround ;) you have to first add a query, e.g. "SELECT NULL as datedata", next configure column mapping and save configuration. Then you can replace the query and it works (you just have to cancel the warning)

I have something like this and it works :-)

thanks Daniel - nice trick :-) Unfortunately, I need to copy it to SSMS more often (I know, I can use notepad++, but it would be easier if these empty lines simply did not exist ;))

Environment type
01.07.2024 10:13

Hi, I know it's a workaround but you can make a global constant :-)

ad 1. thanks - so there is hope :-) ad 2. I always have this problem when copying from the expression preview (1). When I copy from the editor it's OK (2)

Hi, I would have two ideas/requests (probably simple) regarding the SQL editor 1. The SQL query editor should have a monospace font 2. The SQL query after copying to SMSS/notepad has unnecessary newlines. Is it possible not to add newlines? regards

Is it possible that the window in Designer Studio for adding/edit user group has a flexible [Users] field and a locked [Group owners] field size. The opposite of now. There are usually more users than owners ;) Additionally it would be good if the users were also sorted alphabetically. Regard

To w takim razie możesz albo: - użyć akcji start podobiegu (i wskazać tam, że startowany obieg ma być niepowiązany z bieżącym obiegiem). - stworzyć URL, w którym w jednym z parametrów przekażesz WFD_ID obiegu źródłowego (do jakiegoś technicznego pola), i tam dodać akcję zmiany wartości wielu pól

Hi Pawel, I don't think I fully understood what you want to achieve, but for starters: 1. if you want to display attachments from another workflow, check what type of column you have selected (screen) 2. you should add the condition DET_WFCONID = {id of your item list} to the query

Cześć, pytanie czy: 1. chcesz od razu wystartować ten element (po kliknięciu ma być sygnatura)? 2. chcesz przekierować do formularza (nie zapisanego) ale z już uzupełnionym informacjami ? Jeśli 1 to wystarczy przekazać do nowego elementu WFD_ID elementu źródłowego i ustawić w URL od razu przej

Hi Paweł, It looks like a bug :/ I checked the 2023 version and it works OK You can do a workaround and check it with SQL e.g. SELECT COUNT(ATT_ID) FROM WFDataAttachmets WHERE ATT_WFDID = {WFD_ID} AND ATT_IsDeleted = 0

Hi Andreia, maybe this will help you: https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Signatures/

to wg mnie najłatwiej zrobić to za pomocą akcji zmień wartość pola i za pomocą SQL wyznaczać np. SELECT MAX(ISNULL(WFD_AttInt1,0)) + 1 FROM WFElements WHERE WFD_DTYPEID = [typ dokumentu]