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Kamil Górski


By the way. I am also wondering if it is fixed somehow in the new version of Webcon since in the changelog there is something related to deleting files mentioned. Anyway I am still dealing with previous version and minor fixes so I didnt wanna rush that much, but if thats the case then I think I am

Hi Daniel, thank you for your answer. In fact it happens even if I try to delete workflow without any single subworkflow, which is really weird. I like the advice with SQL Profiler, I am gonna try it out. Best Regars Kamil

Bjoern, I dont think this is the place where I can set this type of timeout, since in my configuration i have 120 seconds there, and in this situation i am getting timeout after 30 seconds always. Anyway thanks for idea. Best Regards Kamil

Adding picture of button that i am using.

Hello everyone! I have a trouble during deleting instances - i always get timeout after 30 seconds. Is there any way to make the system button faster or to increase timeout time? I didnt find anything in webcon configurations unfortunately. I dont think it is a version problem since deleting on

Everything is clear now. Thank you. Cheers Kamil

Daniel, thank you for fast checking. The good thing is I am sure my configuration isn't made bad, and the bad thing is, it looks like there is no simple solution. What are the procedures now? Are you able to inform developer team or what is the way to get a fix? Cheers Kamil

Thank you for your answer Daniel. We are working on 2021.1.3.188 so its not the newest one. I guess i will wait for information from you, if that bug still occurs in new version. In the meantime i will check if our environment is ready to update to new version. Cheers Kamil

Adding screenshot before and after picking 'subtype' to give you a better image of what is happening. It only happens after deleting some rows and adding some more.

Hello everyone! :) It's great to work on Webcon, really useful staff. Unfortunately I think i found a bug, since I can't find any issue in my configuration. I have an Item List field type with some fields in it: type, subtype, value, start-date, finish-date. My configuration is set to automaticly