That's basically it. You mentioned all three that I had in mind. However, I just came across this thread: and now I wonder if it'd be possible to fetch subworkflows' data in a calculated column. Something to play with if
Lack of item lists is one of the known limitations of SearchIndex reports. I've tried to fetch it using a calculated column (the Solr field name is "SUBS__{id}_SubElems"), but I failed because of the way it is stored in a collection. I'm not sure whether this is possible at all in the current sta
Hi Raluca, Calculated columns are added to SearchIndex reports the same way they're added to SQL-based reports, but the difference is that you have to use Solr syntax. First, you have to know what are the names of fields in Solr collections. You can check it by querying BPS_Elements collection i
Hi Mihai, Adding permissions on a wider scope (global/process/form type level) does not automatically enforce Solr indexation of elements belonging to that scope. So Solr index does not have information that you granted access permissions to a range of elements for new users. Global search is ba
Hi, Generally speaking, License Service role is handled by a thread of a WEBCON Workflow Service. This means that you can get license service error in two cases: - a thread responsible for License Service dies, - WEBCON Workflow Service is not responding at all (or is turned off). The second
Hi Martin, I don't think this is an update issue, as I tested this behavior on 2023.1.2.124 and the attachment metadata is displayed correctly. Looking at your screenshot, I think .attachment-last-modification CSS selector must've been overwritten, as it is not present in default configuration.
Hi Andreia, If your goal is to allow users to work on documents simultaneously, then you should refer to the third article: This article explains how to configure OneDrive connection in Designer Studio using AAD client c
Hi ViorelXY, The Admin access authentication provider (admin@system.bps) is not allowed to make changes to applications and data sources, as this is a technical account used to finalize installation (configure user authentication and synchronization methods and grant global admin privileges to se
Hi Raluca, This is an expected behavior to ensure uniqueness of a signature within a WEBCON BPS environment. The only way to make signatures reassignable is to delete all workflow instances from a process, using Designer Studio's Administration tools. See attached screenshot. Kind regards
Hi Jakub, No one is probably going to give you a proper answer to that question, since manual modifications to BPS tables are forbidden by license agreement. However, if you provide detailed information about the scenario (why you want to delete them, what is the configuration of cyclical action
Hi Matthias, There is a dropdown called "Edit mode" in Main form template (see attached screenshot). Change it to "Default view" and see if it fulfills your requirement.
Hi Joanna, Timeout insert conditions are checked when an instance enters the step. If condition is not met when entering the step, the timeout will never be executed, even if the condition is eventually met while the instance stays in that step. If that's not the case, you should share screensho
It's impossible to answer that question without knowing the use case/business scenario. For example, if you're making an integration with external system and want to update a workflow element when corresponding document in external system is updated, a common mistake is to cyclically check status
Hi AndreeLl, I would strongly advice against using cyclical action every minute, even if executed actions won't affect workflow elements directly (ie. creating historical versions). On each recurrent action execution, new entries would be added to WFActionExecutions table (action logs) and Autom
Hi AndreeLl, The application templates work only with latest WEBCON BPS release and are not backward compatible. Currently they work with 2023.1.3.29 and if you upgrade your environment to that build, you will be able to import them. Once the newer build is published in Platform Center section,
Hi Andreia, Yes, dictionary processes do not support item lists. This is working as intended. You can read about differences between standard and dictionary processes in this article:
Changelogs have been merged, so all changes of .41 and .56 builds are available in 2023.1.1.89 changelog.
Hi Razvan, Both 2023.1.1.41 and 2023.1.1.56 builds were taken down due to issues related to new Solr collection, that could occur on new installations. You can safely upgrade your installation to any of currently available 2023 builds. Import on 2023.1.1.89 will also work. Kind regards
Hi Wawrzyniec, The "ServiceLocationProvider must be set" error means that Solr connection was not properly initialized. The connection is initialized when BPS Portal is started. Usually, restarting IIS, thus WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal.exe process, solves the issue. If restarting IIS/process does
Hi Roman, The automations that you can see in middle pane on your screenshot (On exit/On path/On entry) is a preview of automations that will be executed on selected path transition ("Reject"). The "On entry" automation you're asking about is in fact configured in a destined step, to which the p