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Hi, I've inserted a line chart to my form. It gets data from database (4 columns). 2 columns are presented on a chart as data series. Sometimes there are nulls in one of the columns. Then Webcon interpreters it as 0. Do you know any countermeasures to it? If there is a null value from the databas

Is there any way to avoid refreshing a form after invoking a menu action? The problem is that it moves the form to the top and the form flashes.

Hi, Is there any way to freeze data in 'data table' field type? My case is following: The 'data field' form field downloads data from Oracle database. The data in Oracle database changes every hour. An user completes a form on T day, so the data in the 'data table' form field is refreshed.

Hi, I've resolved this issue myself. You can do it with the following Oracle code: "where table1.date = to_date(to_char(, 'FM0000') || to_char(, 'FM00') || to_char(, 'FM00'), 'YYYYMMDD')

Hi, I have a following problem. I've created a data table form field that downloads data from SQL query. In that SQL query I have a following where clause, which compares a date from Oracle table to a date from a form field that is completed by an user (it is "user's date"): "where table1.date

Thank you Markus. I have to get familiar with Webcon webparts and I'll see whether it can take a place of Sharepoint lists in our case. If not, I will use the below solution.

Hi, We have a following scenario: 1) An user has a form field where he can choose mulitple values in one form field (lets say different persons) 2) Then the user submits the form and it goes to a SharePoint list. We'd like to add the same number of records to Sharepoint list as the number of va

Hi, Do you know how to remove a pen icon from autocomplete field? And what for is that icon? It changes to "list" icon when you click on it. I've attached a screen. Regards, Lukasz