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Przemysław Wrzesiński


At the end of the approval process I'm sending email with some details and all atachments to specific mailboxes. But from time to time I'm getting error "ErrorAccessDenied Message: Access is denied. Check credentials and try again". Credentials are ok - it is sending 100 emails and giving this erro

I tried your approach according to your blog post, but I have a problem to find attachment ID. Will it be correct approach that before using new global automation I create local parameter using Get Attachment function and pass it as an input parameter as AttachmentID?

I'm trying to connect to Webcon with Power Bi. Service I set up OData user and API key as described here https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format-in-webcon-bps/346. I do not have a problem to connect using Power Bi desktopapp but after uploading report to Power Bi service there is a p

I must have been blind. Thanks.

I have request from business to create report that will be showing all instances , which current logged user had task to do in the past. Some user can have more than one task in workflow. Is it possible to prepare such report and in SQL filter make a join statement similiar to this: SELECT * FRO

Thanks. For now I used first approach mentioned by Karol but I look into ito using API as more elegant solution I suppose.

Hi, If I am reading documentation correctly action Add attachment allows copy/move attachment from another workflow to current instance. My case is opposite: 1. I have an invoice approval workflow which in the end requires (business requirement) adding payment confirmation (PDF) from banking

I've managed succesfully to configure Webcon for Exchange calendar (exchange online - ms graph). But I have a problem with configuration for Exchange tasks acctions. Even if I granted in AZ Tasks.ReadWrite permission, When I'm trying to configure action Designer is not showing the connection to Exch

Pending email notification
27.04.2023 13:16

I've got strange behaviour of email notification. On path I create an action to send a custom email. For last couple of days all emails have status pending in Report module. 1. What might be the reason email are not reaching the recipient? 2. Is it possible to push pending emails? Mass notifica

I'm trying to change attachment file name by adding signature at the beginning of the file name. Unfortunately Instance number is giving me only the number from autonumbering and when I'm trying to get signature from WFElementSignatures table I'm receiving "The SELECT permission was denied" error.

I've got following fields: 1. Choice field with connection to MS SQL table - name of the supplier. 2. Text fields like address, postal code filled based on the value chosen in choice field from point 1. 3. Another choice field with bank account numbers - another MS SQL table filter by ID value fr

Row blocking in item list
20.02.2023 12:03

Thank you. The problem was, that the query was as you said against BPS Users data source not against default data source. Now it's working.

Row blocking in item list
20.02.2023 10:56

I'm following this article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/approval-process-on-the-item-list-with-row-blocking/138 in order to block rows. I've managed to give access to items list only users mentioned in one of the columns of item list using SQL against BPS Users list (see picture attached)

I've managed to work around the issue. I filter AD users list using directReports, Manager and Department attribute.

Hi, thank you very much for a clue. I think i've even managed to simplify the solution to: SELECT usr.COS_BpsID, usr.COS_DisplayName FROM CacheOrganizationStructure gr join CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations rel ON gr.COS_ID = rel.COSGR_GroupID join CacheOrganizationStructure usr ON rel.

I've got following problems - we are using AD as an authentication tool, but because of quite complex, matrix organizational scheme I cannot use a supervisor data from AD, because (depending on the project) the same user can have two different managers). So I figured out, that I will be using BPS Gr

Hi, Due to requirements of another system: 1. I need to change the authentication method of MS SQL Server from Windows to mixed. Any risks connected with such operation? Or Webcon should be working just fine? 2. A need to change the collation of the SQL Server. Are there any risks connected f

Hi, It's the same OS (Windows 11), same browser (Chrome, but also is the problem using Edge), same Webcon. When I inspect the Webcon page, the div responsible for this certain quick path is not even generated.

Hi, I've created quick paths on reports but it is not always showing in the report. When I logged in as a one particular user on my laptop, it's working. When the same user is logged in on her laptop to Webcon, quick path is not not showing at all. Also if I add "Mass actions" buttons, on my lap

Hi, I've got workflow with contract database. Since 2 days strange things are happening. From time to time, the report showing all conctracts is doubling some rows. In BPS Content database there is only one instance with this ID number, but on the report some instances appears twice. I delete repor