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You have 2 options: 1. as You do now - checking for answer. (if answer came in finite time, and you don't have many elements checking) it's good idea. (for exaple we can use it, because it cause some elements to have 80 000 versions in history, because every check is new version.) 2. Outer sourc

10.11.2023 11:00

Turn on diagnostic (Option in your user menu on top right side of screen). Open raport, and then you can find SQL.

Both answers was not what i had hope for. I just wanted to force recalculation of form. I se it's not posible. Creating action that did the same thing as validation on form is a wrokaround and i know about it, but had hope that it can be done difrently.

I added few fields, which take data from other and recalculate them. I want to refesh old elements, so data will update in them. I've tried adding technical field and changing it's value so other values shoud recalculeate, but it doesn't work. This has to be done once. Any ideas?

I'm also curious how to optimised proceses. Our database is 10 times larger than Yours (and we did it in one year). For our purposes every ms does matter. There is little to none info about efficiency of certain actions.

I found this before, but there are only options from where grab attachment, not where to put it. I can't (or don't know how) to specific workflow in which attachment should be inserted.

I have smal workflow which moves big one between steps. I'm uploading attachment in "small workflow", and want this attachment to be transfered to "big workflow". Big workflow can't be modified. Is there a way to "insert" attachment to other workfolw?

Only way to do it is to get data into specific filed in form. Only then you can use it in report. Alternatively build raport in for example PowerBi and imbude it in dashboard.

arrange fields in the form
11.10.2023 09:49

Alternatively you could use group of fields arranged horizontly. Remove names by adding: display: none in atributes style In first column you inster data, in second just plain text.

Dashboard HTML
10.10.2023 15:14

You can always use som browser extention. We do it this way in some places.

Firs of all usualy You can check the error by copying its ID and pasting in Studio: On top bar: Actions/Administrative tools/Search Logs (GUID). You past it here and it will give you more info about error. There You will finde what element is problematic.

Same Action, many Paths
09.10.2023 10:53

This is firs step, so this action will be trigered every time you start new element. If that's OK, then this solution is valid. If not, intermediary step might be better for you.

First add your data as datasource. You might have to configure it with credentials, After that you can ust it as ordinary datasource inside system.

Same Action, many Paths
09.10.2023 10:31

You can also make a automatic step between, where all paths merge and then automaticly move to final stpe with action in it. This way you won't triger this action when you enter first step. You can us conditions, or just operation on timeout.

I can't reply on the forum
09.10.2023 08:33

It look's like the thread is closed - solved.

150 k entries raport will not open in SQL mode. If you don't have any calculated columns, change it's type to SOLR This will dramaticly speed loading of raports. But you can't use calculated columns

You can't do it by default data/hour field. Propably it's doable using text field with proper filter, or by crating dictionary and using it as dataset for field.

Export data to CSV file.
03.10.2023 12:17

W need to send this file to web page. It has to be csv on with specific formating.

Export data to CSV file.
03.10.2023 08:30

Hello Is there a way to export data to specific csv file? I want to create one either as attachment, or saved directly on comuter/server. This should be button on form.

This could be a solution. If person is inactive chechk his group and assign to group. Except few, most group consist of more than one employee. I wolud like to avoid SQL if necesary, because our system is overloaded as it is, and adding additional validation is not healthy :)