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for parameters

(...) roduction WEBCON BPS Designer Studio allows users to configure global business and form rules. As global rules, they are available for all applications created in a given environment and thanks to parameters they are universal and may be used in multiple processes.   Global business and form rules can be configured by choosing “Business rules” or “Form rules” items from (...)

(...) On reports we have the great possibility to execute mass actions by passing in some parameters . It would be a great having a similar kind of dialog menu action, where we can configure some informational text (e.g. as header/footer) and of course one or more fields as parameter. The configured parameters we then can use to execute an action. The dialog could contain a cancel and a okay

(...) ts'. In my case it's the following: When I click on the sign in button (1) the server will read the configured endpoint (2) and redirect the popup to the page (3). Unfortunately, the provided query parameters are stripped from the URL and only the path and hash remains. My request is to change the logic that the query parameters are kept. Sample PowerShells script: $uri = new-object System.UriBuilder('h (...)

(...) is for the few how develop processes OnPrem and import them to an WEBCON Apps instance. All others can ignore this post. I just encountered a little problem. If you have business rules with multiple parameters you need to verify that the parameters have been imported in the correct order. It may happen that this is not the case, (1) in the screenshot. Otherwise the values may be assigned to the wrong param (...)

(...) Hi there, I have observed the problem. During the transfer between DEV-TEST-PROD environments there is an uncontrolled change in the order of formal parameters in the form rules. This results wrong assigning the actual parameters when the rule was called after import.

Hi everyone, it would be nice if the description of a rule parameter would be displayed in addition to its type, when hovering above a parameter. Best regards, Daniel

Hi, I'm sure the „additional navigation link“ is used in different ways. In our case, we reference an information portal. But if the user want to use this sites, he/she/it will lost the webcon form... Suggestion: 1. Add a checkbox for html-attribute „target“ to set target="_blank | _self" 2. Add a textbox to set the html-attribute „title“ -> the title-Attribute is important for screenre

(...) Hi all! Is there any official (or unofficial) documentation on Webcon designer studio parameters , like --sql or --iedebug? Is there an other way to logout from designer studio, without havin designer studio started? The problem is, studio does not start anymore and I want to try a different Url or browser login, but I am not able to change this. Best regards, Nik

Hello, I've spend today over an hour copy/pasting data between notepad and webcon into run subworkflo action configs. In my use case - i have to start 1-10 subworkflows (each having different start condition), with different workflows, and forms, but with partially shared attributes (marked blue). I'm configuring actions in new process, so i've copied them from existing process, to avoid refi

Hi, In DEV-TEST-PROD Architecture environment also containing multiple BPS Content Database it would be helpful to runas BPS Studio to the exact environment and exact content database. Then it would be possible to create .bat script to run exact environment, e.g. TEST to the specific database e.g. BPS_Content_1 The script "BPS Studio PROD Database 1.bat" could then alike below runas /user:Do

(...) Hi, OpenID connect is missing custom additional url parameters management functionality. This is required for some auth providers processing definition (e.g. Auth0 - flow automatization, login customization). More information https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#Requestparameters .

Can we have a new feature to add context variables to the HTML dashboard widget? For example application ID, ID of a report etc. When copying application from Production to Test, the report IDs are different and HTML links are therefore broken.

(...) Hi, With reference to Krystian's submission https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/5118/15 Perhaps it would be possible to add that the applied parameters in the search panel could also be saved when creating a private view for a report. Regards.

(...) lue path or to the purple path in WF (2). The issue is that the business rule in the 'Start a Sub Workflow (SQL)' actions, which checks if someone has an AD user or not, isn't working when I pass parameters like ##Vorname## [engl. Firstname] and ##Zuname## [engl. Surname] (which turns into {Vorname} & {Zuname}). The filter works with hardcoded names but fails with passed parameters . Any ideas on wh (...)

(...) The last action is “Move a workflow (SQL)” that moves the “Account” workflow to update the amount in the “Balance” field. In the configuration window in the “parameters ” tab enter the “_Update” technical path which moves the workflow.   Fig. 11. The configuration of the "Moe a workflow (SQL)" action   In the &ldq (...)

(...) Then, in each of the sub-sections, you will put a table which, after correct configuration, will display your data (both tables look identical). At the start, create a table and set their basic style parameters :   Fig. 10. HTML style parameters   Border-(top, bottom, left, right)-color: the color of the border of our table Margin-(top, bottom): the size of the margins in pixels B (...)

(...) h time.   Where can action templates be used? There is a scenario where we have a project that contains multiple stages that are supported by separate processes. During each stage, some parameters of the process can change which may cause inconsistencies in the subsequent stages of work. To avoid them, you can create a process that contains the history of changes of the important project param (...)

(...) environment.   Fig. 5. The import of the process – Deployment mode   Enabling the global deployment mode The global deployment mode can be set in the global system parameters (Fig. 6).   Fig. 6. Enabling the global deployment mode   To enable the global deployment mode: Click in the System setting -> Global parameters -> E-mail notifi (...)

(...) attachment status verification and move the instance to the appropriate step.   Fig. 6. The cyclical action configuration   In addition to the AdobeSign key, there are more parameters that you should configure: Step ID – the ID system step in which the documents are waiting to be signed Success Path ID – the path leading out from the “Waiting for signatur (...)

(...) ion of this action may look like this:   Fig. 5. The API setting in the action configuration   In the “DocuSign API settings” section, enter the DocuSign account parameters that allow the use of APIs. This data is necessary for all SDK actions so you can enter them as constants in the process. In the “Attachment section”, define  the method of attach (...)