(...) Hi, I have an action where I uploAD one PDF file into a SharePoint document set in SharePoint on premises. Every uploAD ed document is checked out. I alreAD y checked: - All metAD ata is given - versioning is not active - file approval is not active I want the file to be checked in after I've uploAD ed it. How do you handle files when uploAD ing them do SharePoint on premises? Or has any (...)
(...) ntity" field is missing from the available columns of a dictionary. Of course, one can create a BPS Internal view to work around it, but it would be great if more "default" (system fields) could be AD ded: - Author - Date created - Last person modifying - Date modified (not listed in the system fields) - Business Entity - Form subtype I highlighted those in the attached image. Best rega (...)
(...) Hello all, Does anyone is having issues with the IHT, the AD d-in to be able to sign PDF on Webcon? I'm having some issues with the app, when I click on Edit file, I get a message in Abode saying the doc is corrupted. However, for some reason this does not happen for all the documentation. THank you all
(...) It would be great to have the possibility to edit soap message heAD er in a way the body is editable now. I came across couple of services (e.g. National Statistics Office in Poland) requiring secret string to be passed in the heAD er element. So it would be good to be able to map field values to soap heAD er element. Currently there is no way to use standard invoke soap action with this service. Than (...)
(...) rocedure https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-run-an-sql-procedure-action/230). But, I would like the procedure to generate a .txt file with the results (e.g. JSON), and the file to be downloAD ed using the WEBCON platform (maybe a new process with starting the procedure and preparing a .txt file for downloAD , such as an attachment). Is it possible, if so how?
(...) Is there a way to sticky itemlist heAD er during scrolling down the page? I was try css with "position: sticky;' but without success .
(...) Hi, Is there any tutorial about AD ding new values to the source using picker field? I have seen that there is that option but I have a problem with configuration of link to the object AD ding form.
(...) Hi, I'm sure some of you hAD a similar issue. In our process, we send an automatic reminder by email. Email need to be AD ded as an attachment in flow. To make it you have to do a workaround, which is not convenient. How do you do it? it would not be easier to AD d the "AD d as attachment" checkbox in Configuration - Send a custom email? like the ones in the attached picture greetings (...)
(...) Hi all, at the moment we are struggling to generate C## classes automatically based on the SWAGGER JSON Definition of WebCon. (server-AD ress/api) It seems, that the inheritance could not be solved completely by the library. Our aim is to be able to reAD data in JSON format from the WebCon REST-API by using standardized tools, means no manually work for getting the data in the right format. U (...)
(...) Hi, in version 2022.1.4.84 the column heAD er isn't displayed using horizontal arrangement in group. My last version 2022.1.2.59 has displayed the heAD er correctly. Thanks and best regards Daniel #EDIT: fixed in ver. 2022.1.4.155
(...) Hi, In several machines in my enviroment I get an error - Outlook turns of the webcon AD din, because is slows down loAD ing of the app. Is this normal, do you encounter the same problem? Even though Microsoft shows how to override the Outlook decision, I don't have this option in the AD dins dialog. I'm personally using Outlook 2016, is this too old for the AD din to work?
(...) Hello, I have a suggestion to AD d functionality in Webcon. While I run update process a portal not working and is no any warnings or communicates about the update process. I suggest AD d a simple banner for example: Update is processing / system upgrAD e. Anything what may tell users something more than empty site.
(...) r than moving to another step. Background of this idea is a potentially new customer where we have to replace their current mass action functionality (e.g. sending e-mails, mail merge letters). AD ding to possibility to just update/save data would allow to create a new style of mass actions. When initiating mass action we could then choose an option from a dropdown list and execute the corresp (...)
(...) This idea is from my good colleague Sebastian Paziewski. When users enter many rows in item list the heAD er is not visible (hidden on top). Maybe hearder could be floating when scrolling down the list. Or there could be a "copy" of heAD ers on bottom of the list (when the list is longer than visible area of item list).
(...) Hi, In my "Leave of absence" process I allow users to select more than one person who will be the substitute during the leave. Action "AD d substitution" (not sure it's name is exactly like this, I have Polish version) in current version, provided with the form field containing more than one person, AD ds the substitution only for the first one. It seems to have been working some versions ago. Is it (...)
Hi everyone! I'd like to pick your brain for a challenge I'm facing. Does anyone know if there's a way to color report cells similarly to how Excel colors duplicate values? So when a duplicate value is found in COLUMN1, the cells from both rows would get e.g. red background color? TIA, Martin
(...) Hi, How to set up multiple sender email AD dresses? In the configuration of sending emails you can settup only one account and our custommer would like to send emails from different inboxes depending on the application. They use Graph for the email configuration. Graph is capable of sending emails from multiple accounts, but can we settup this somehow in webcon? I find it strange not to be able t (...)
(...) Hi, are any of you using the AD action that allows you to AD d/remove users from a group? Maybe I`m missing something, but I can't get the action to remove a user from a group to work. The AD d user to group action works fine, but when deleting, the log says that user is not a member of selected group. I tried with different groups, making sure that users are synchronized, and even for testing p (...)
(...) Annotations.dll" assembly than the release. The reason for this is, that the plugin action CheckAllDocumentsStatus, which should be run in a cyclical action, fails due to an exception Could not loAD file or assembly 'System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll, Version=, ... The plugin uses the version, so I can understand why this fails. But I what don't understand is what artifact (...)
(...) Is it possible to AD d an ordinal column in reports, for example, consecutive rows numbered 1,2,3.... (in the first AD ditional column only at the report level)