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for Portal

(...) Any known issue regarding license services. because we are getting an error message in the Portal saying "Failed to load license. Please check if the license server is running". From the application management tool the services is running successfully and when I try to refresh the licenses from the license manager tool I am getting an error message saying "Cannot connect license service. Please check (...)

(...) Dear Community, I have a question regarding serach option (Search everywhere on top in Portal version). When I add permissions to the process (via permissions tab in BPS Studio) for some user / group of users (i.e. permission to all elements with attachments) how can I trigger any action to index it in Solr? From user perspective, when he / she search for particular document in search everywhere (...)

(...) ceServiceLocation'. It won't get past the error attached in this thread. It's happening on the "Components" section Upgrade- WebCon BPS WorkFlow Service. Current Version is WorkFlow 23.11.41 Portal 22.12.31 Search Server Upgrade ver I'm attempting 2023_1_1_41

(...) After updating to version 2023.1.1.41, errors are occurring on the Portal . All processes are working correctly, did any of you have a similar problem? After analyzing the errors in GUID, I got a log as below. url: http://lowcode/api/nav/applications/mostused | action: GetMostUsed ip: | msg: An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. | agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows (...)

(...) ge to the process or the whole application). Secondly, I understand that after *any* change to the workflow, the flowchart must be saved in the workflow designer so that it can be displayed on the Portal . [Workflow Portal flowchart.png; File not found - flowchart.png] What I don't understand is why Webcon displays "file not found" instead of simply not providing the link to the obviously missing flo (...)

(...) * Of course behind the scenes there is a lot of technical fun :) E.g. Prefix to group links is taken taken from configuration (via WebCon BPS REST API) so every time we had to change the WEbCon BPS Portal address we just changed Portal address in one place. Please notice the screenshot attached - it gives an overview how it is done :) BPS 2023+ It would be perfect if such an overview could be ad (...)

(...) person, etc. Maybe it would be good to implement the option at the administrative level in the studio to be able to indicate specific logins, maybe ad/bps groups, for which access to the webcon bps Portal would be blocked. I think that such a solution would also be advisable for data security reasons, it would make it possible to cut off the user and give him time to make complete changes to the syst (...)

(...) he default feature, and wouldn't change it, but I've an idea that we could have an 'Selected Element Viewer' control in the Dashboard. I even prepared some PoC - you can check it out here: https://Portal .webconbps.com/db/1/app/479/dashboards/75 Selecting item from the report on left, will update the view on the right. Sometimes it requires double click, and side panel to loads so it doesn't look (...)

(...) .com/en-gb/office/new-office-theme-e7bbfe02-d1fb-4c4d-b3b7-6a47f0cefd3f If you already have this font on your device, give it a try in WEBCON BPS. In my opinion, it looks really good in WEBCON BPS Portal . If you want to test it, just set global CSS style in your configuration: body {font-family: Aptos} This may not be the best CSS solution, but it worked. As always, do it on your dev / test (...)

(...) Hello, I have a simple workflow that is translated from fields to steps and paths. When I change the language from the Portal the preview picture of the workflow does not change. Should the language of the workflow preview change based on the language of the logged user? Regards

(...) Dear All, Would you like the idea having global application home on Webcon Portal , which means you can include reports/dashboards for multiple applications even from different content databases? In our situation we separated content databases as per organization structure, which is usually useful, but it is a disadvantage if you want to show a consolidated high level view. I know that it is feasi (...)

(...) Hi all We're on 2022 and I believe it used to be possible to release a user license in Portal . But I can't find it any longer. I thought it used to be under https://[...]/adminPanel/users In Studio I do see the option in the reports section. However, it won't let me release a license saying "User has active state in Active Directory, license cannot be released". I would like to be able to free up (...)

(...) lementFormCreator.CreateWorkFlowObject(CreateWorkFlowObjectParams createWorkFlowObjectParams, Boolean saveOnlyComments) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Integration.Base.BusinessLogic.ElementManagement.Actions.Portal UserActionExecutor.ExecuteUserActionAsync(IElementForm form, MenuActionButton button, String formRowVersion) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.WfDynamic.Services.ActionService.InvokeMenuActionAsync(InvokeMe (...)

(...) Hi, I have just upgraded the environment from version 2023.1.2.68 to 2023.1.3.29. Unfortunately, AD authentication has stopped working. WebCon BPS Portal is not located at the specified address - this is the message I receive from Designer Studio, and from the BPS Portal level, after authentication, the login window pops up again. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I will add that I restarted th (...)

(...) isplayMode) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.Elements.ExistingElementsManager.GetDesktop(Boolean isCompact) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Core.Elements.ExistingElementsManager.GetDesktop() at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal .API.FormConfigChangedController.Get(IElementsManager elementsManager, String displayMode) at WebCon.BPSCloud.Portal .API.FormsController.Get(Int32 wfdId, String displayMode, String editMode, Nulla (...)

(...) głoszonego bugu ACCESSING ATTACHMENTS IN ARCHIVED INSTANCES Watek: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2613?page=1#m2619 Po zarchiwizowaniu elementu nikt nie może otworzyć załącznika w BPS Portal , choć jednocześnie można pobrać i podejrzeć załącznik w historii elementu - w mojej organizacji jest ten sam komunikat błędu jak w wątku opisanym powyżej.

(...) ses. Unfortunately, the Gantt chart shows only part of this data, even though the SQL query returns all of it (currently 3715 records for approximately 80 employees). I added a Gantt chart in the BPS Portal and limit it to the current month and one month back and one month forward. Why isn't Gannt showing all the data? Does Gantt have any limitations in this regard? My BPS version: 2023.1.3.76 Re (...)

(...) Hi, I upgraded to the latest version, but I can't see the preview diagram in the Portal . Have you encountered this problem? Thanks, Raluca

(...) ost I wanted to link to a header of an knowledge base post. Unfortunately, there's no option to create a link pointing to a header like this one: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2024/translations#bps-Portal Therefore I had to write: Search for the term "Using the application and Edit mode" in the linked post, to see how it is done. https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/from-prototype-to-productio (...)

(...) Hi all! Maybe I didn't read the manual carefully and maybe this question has been asked many times before, but I am asking it anyway ;-) Is there a way in Webcon BPS Portal to start a workflow with anonymous access (without authentication)? What we need here is some kind of public form for new registration of users. This form also should have path authorization, to verify a new registered user (...)