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for report

(...) e it is required to audit the views and not only changes on an element. Ideally we would be able to configure the audit level: - View element - View attachment - Download attachment - View in report (elements retrieved and displayed on report s) - Edit element - Delete element As additional auditing is likely to have performance impacts and also increase the database quite fast, it would be (...)

(...) Hello, WebCon BPS user can specify substitutions on the portal. Does anybody know, where the data is stored in the SQL database? I'd like to create a weekly report with the data. We are on BPS Version 2021.1.4.55. Thank you! Cheers, Balint

(...) Can I create a separate tab for dictionaries in the view (apart from report s)? Can I hide the suggested tab and the archive?

(...) Whenever I try to change the language of column "instance number", my report throws up this error "An item with the same key has already been added". How to fix this issue? Please suggest.

(...) Hi, Is it possible to configure Webcon to send a single "summary" report about open tasks on a workflow in a single mail? Thank you!

(...) Hello, is there any chance of presenting a picture in an item list? After getting images to be shown in my report , this would be the next component I need. Thanks for your hints in advance. Best, Ingo

(...) Hello folks, We have used constants which contain SQL queries for calculated report collumns a couple of times already, so this does work. But i now have a query which works perfectly when added into the calculated collumn directly, but no longer works when stored in a constant. (img attached) Through logs we found that he has a problem seemingly with strings, but we found no way to baypass that (...)

(...) Hello, we have switched webconBPS to standalone in the last day, everything works so far but the Word add-in report s a "401" when logging into the portal. Does anyone have an idea why the user has permissions for everything but when logging in via the add-in supposedly has no permissions? thanks in advance

(...) The substitutions could be a system field so that in the report s it would be possible to see if the instance has a substitute assignee or not instead of manually open each instance to check.

(...) Automatic tool to check compatibility after upgrade to new version and report ing potential issue on new version. Steps how it could work: 1. Upgrade DEV to new version (small or big version) 2. Pick list of IDs from PROD (global admin or app admin). 3. Tool is reading all attributes and follow on production processes to recreate all steps as user did (including changing user and their privileges) (...)

(...) (Process process, List`1 allProcesses, String path, List`1 plugins, List`1 allRules, List`1 dataSourcesList, List`1 dataConnectionsList, Func`5 bmpGenAction) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.Modulereport s.Documentation.ProcessDocumentationGenerator.Generate(String path, String templatePath, CultureInfo dataLanguage) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.Modulereport s.Documentation.LanguagePicker.c__Dis (...)

(...) dset, e.g. customer number, valid from, valid to and so on All these fields have been added to these different processes without using global fields, but atually have the same meaning, which makes report ing and SQL queries over these different processes somehow difficult. Is it possible to convert these fields to global fields, regarding the aspect that we already have several thousand instances i (...)

(...) ly need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST API. Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I find a documentation of that? /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/applications/{appid}/report s/{report id}?$select=...&$filter=... Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Massactions in report s are quite usefull, but they only support path transitions. There are cases, where you would like to apply changes to workflow elements which are in different steps. For those cases i would be great having the option to just update the element rather than moving to another step. Background of this idea is a potentially new customer where we have to replace their current ma (...)

(...) Hi, I've created quick paths on report s but it is not always showing in the report . When I logged in as a one particular user on my laptop, it's working. When the same user is logged in on her laptop to Webcon, quick path is not not showing at all. Also if I add "Mass actions" buttons, on my laptops are shown, on the same user are always inactive.

(...) Hi, Sometimes in portal our users report a bug "Minified React Error #185". This is happening when they expand the selection list. When we want to reproduce the error on our devices, everything works fine :) We tried clearing cookies - doesn't help, changing browsers - which sometimes helps but not all. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Maybe it is a version error? Our version is: 20 (...)

(...) I have a problem with the search in the report in the case of a workflow with a list of items. The "search everywhere" option does not find information about a column (in the list of items). This search results are empty. Example attached.

(...) We have a report ed vulnerability in commons-text-1.6.jar Is there a way to replace the file or upgrade? It is a year old vulnerability and there are newer versions just never replaced by webcon. Vulnerability name CVE-2022-42889 Severity Critical

(...) Dear Community, I just discovered that when I select SearchIndex as a source for calendar type report , elements are in different timezone than server time. When I change source to SQL source everything is fine. Does anyone experience same issue? Best.

(...) Hello, is it possible to color every other (even) row in the report s so that the rows are more visible. In addition, is it possible to add edges in the rows to make the report s more readable. Example attached.