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for report

(...) ly need is the ability to filter views with OData and REST API. Is that one already implemented and if so, where can I find a documentation of that? /api/data/v4.0/db/{dbid}/applications/{appid}/report s/{report id}?$select=...&$filter=... Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Massactions in report s are quite usefull, but they only support path transitions. There are cases, where you would like to apply changes to workflow elements which are in different steps. For those cases i would be great having the option to just update the element rather than moving to another step. Background of this idea is a potentially new customer where we have to replace their current ma (...)

(...) Hi, I've created quick paths on report s but it is not always showing in the report . When I logged in as a one particular user on my laptop, it's working. When the same user is logged in on her laptop to Webcon, quick path is not not showing at all. Also if I add "Mass actions" buttons, on my laptops are shown, on the same user are always inactive.

(...) Hi, Sometimes in portal our users report a bug "Minified React Error #185". This is happening when they expand the selection list. When we want to reproduce the error on our devices, everything works fine :) We tried clearing cookies - doesn't help, changing browsers - which sometimes helps but not all. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Maybe it is a version error? Our version is: 20 (...)

(...) I have a problem with the search in the report in the case of a workflow with a list of items. The "search everywhere" option does not find information about a column (in the list of items). This search results are empty. Example attached.

(...) We have a report ed vulnerability in commons-text-1.6.jar Is there a way to replace the file or upgrade? It is a year old vulnerability and there are newer versions just never replaced by webcon. Vulnerability name CVE-2022-42889 Severity Critical

(...) Dear Community, I just discovered that when I select SearchIndex as a source for calendar type report , elements are in different timezone than server time. When I change source to SQL source everything is fine. Does anyone experience same issue? Best.

(...) Hello, is it possible to color every other (even) row in the report s so that the rows are more visible. In addition, is it possible to add edges in the rows to make the report s more readable. Example attached.

(...) Hi, Is it possible to add an annual view to the calendar report ? The max currently is the month view but an annual view would be beneficial. kind regards, Dean

(...) I've got strange behaviour of email notification. On path I create an action to send a custom email. For last couple of days all emails have status pending in report module. 1. What might be the reason email are not reaching the recipient? 2. Is it possible to push pending emails? Mass notification emails are working correctly

(...) Hi We recently changed the version of Webcon from 2020 to 2022 and I came across this problem. In the report we used a calculated column to show comments: (SELECT ISNULL (dbo.f_clear_description(wfelems.WFD_SIGNATURE), 'None')) However, from what I can see in database, the comment format has changed and now when using this function I get an error: "Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or (...)

(...) an define path to add permissions to every document via actions and quick path - but this is not a scenario you can use in every circumstance. Is reindexing whole process an option here (from Solr report in BPS Studio)? Will it work? Very often users receives permissions to all elements but can't use search everywhere because it is not returning all records. Thanks for your feedback here.

(...) Hi, We installed a new webcon production environment. The configuration was done identically to the running test environment. Unfortunately, on the new production environment, when accessing a report with a list of existing elements or into one of the element, an error message is displayed: "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.\r\n You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the cre (...)

(...) (Process process, List`1 allProcesses, String path, List`1 plugins, List`1 allRules, List`1 dataSourcesList, List`1 dataConnectionsList, Func`5 bmpGenAction) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.Modulereport s.Documentation.ProcessDocumentationGenerator.Generate(String path, String templatePath, CultureInfo dataLanguage) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Forms.Modulereport s.Documentation.LanguagePicker.c__Dis (...)

(...) e groups which are cross Applications, cross company alike Board Members, HR Department. Sometimes we need to use Active Directory groups (not WebCon BPS ones) to give some permissions to Microsoft report ing Services report or some fileshare. For us it was important to document all permissions connected with each Application. Above SQLing is a good basis for input as basis for something we called (...)

(...) up OData user and API key as described here https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/odata-format-in-webcon-bps/346. I do not have a problem to connect using Power Bi desktopapp but after uploading report to Power Bi service there is a problem with refreshing although I set up on-premise gateway on Webcon vm - invalid credentials. Has anyone tried to connect from Power Bi service to Webcon on premise (...)

(...) There may be between 300 and 500 active claim workflow instances. The costs for these claims are tracked in the ERP system. The total of the costs needs to be in the claim, so that it can be used in report s. Challenges: 1. I can only use REST for retrieving the costs 2. The ERP system supports webhooks, which doesn't help us. 3. The total changes only rarely, I don't want to create a new version f (...)

(...) Hello, Does anyone has a rest api configured to access Sales Force? I have a connection and I use it in a process but I'm getting the data from Opportunities. I would like to bring in a specific report . I've checked how to do this and I came up with this query using the GET /services/data/v52.0/analytics/report Types/Opportunity But when I use the field as a Data table in order to check the inform (...)

(...) Hi everyone, we had some racing conditions, when the users switched fast between instances in the task view or previews in report s. This was caused by form rules which used G_ variables which were no longer available, the view/desktop endpoint hadn't send a response yet but a JavaScript form rule from the previous instance was still executing. While coping with this I noticed that the response a (...)

(...) Hi, I don't know if this is the right place, but I put in HTML element in dashboard. I want to get data from forms or report s and display them modified with CSS, JS. Is there any tips to do it? Is it possible? Regards Adam