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for business entity

(...) Hello everyone! We use WEBCON BPS in a multi-company configuration. We are the government institution, Our organizational structure consists of branches, not companies. So using the "business entity " label can be misleading. I wonder if there is any way to change the "Busines entity" label to, for example: "Branch" label? Thanks in advance for your help.

(...) Hi, in BPS 2023 you added possibility to mark business entity as active, which is great. What about to go further and add option to assign application to business entity ? Adding an application to business entity configuration would result that it will be visible on business entity system field in particular application. There are cases that for some reason in some applications some business entities should sta (...)

(...) Hi, we have the option to create "child sources", by defining a superior source and a business entity . This way we can use different connections. https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/ConnectionsAndDataSource/DataSources/DataSource_RestWebService#3-superior-source This way we can use different connection for the "same" data source. This works fine for reading data. When we want to write data s (...)

(...) Can I delete business entity ? Even if not active, it's being used like everywhere, where the "business entity " field exist or any start with list is used.