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for dashboard

(...) t or some fileshare. For us it was important to document all permissions connected with each Application. Above SQLing is a good basis for input as basis for something we called "Group Management dashboard " - the dashboard with the information (and links which worked in former BPS version - 2021). Please notice the screenshot attached - it gives an overview how it is done :) Such dashboard contains (...)

(...) Hi, I don't know if this is the right place, but I put in HTML element in dashboard . I want to get data from forms or reports and display them modified with CSS, JS. Is there any tips to do it? Is it possible? Regards Adam

(...) nd more often questions if i could change the way it works. I really like the default feature, and wouldn't change it, but I've an idea that we could have an 'Selected Element Viewer' control in the dashboard . I even prepared some PoC - you can check it out here: https://portal.webconbps.com/db/1/app/479/dashboard s/75 Selecting item from the report on left, will update the view on the right. Somet (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I have a questiion about dashboard s: 1. I have a custom dashboard , where I have only HTML element. In this element I'm using REST API to get report (made earlier) and thanks to that I can customize it with js, css. The question is, is it possible to have functionality of view the element like in report? Explaining, when I have a report and I click element I have a compact view or something (...)

(...) Hi. Usually, when a user completes his task he will be redirected to the applications dashboard . In a particular use case I have revoked access to the dashboard for certain users. Therefore, upon completion the system attempts to redirect but since there's no permission it will throw an error. Is this possible to prevent/circumvent? Thanks.

(...) Can we have a new feature to add context variables to the HTML dashboard widget? For example application ID, ID of a report etc. When copying application from Production to Test, the report IDs are different and HTML links are therefore broken.

(...) Hello all, I'm trying to copy the HTML code from the company's sharepoint for the News page. I've tried many ways but the layout changes when I try to add it in the dashboard and even trying to select the margins, it doesn't fit in the page, like I just want to check the first 5 news and get a scroll. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but do you have any ideas? Thank you

(...) Hi, it would really be great, to always see the menu bar, so that you don't have to scroll all the way up to save a dashboard . Ok, maybe it's just us who have long dashboard s, as we added some CSS/JS so that report tiles float left. This way, we can have more tiles in one row while they take up less space. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Just a reminder ;-) : https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1028?messageid=1028 Hello there, with working much more with compact start buttons, i am optimizing our older dashboard layouts. We have a few applications, which have many start buttons. So i was wondering, if, maybe, in further coming WEBCON versions there could be the possibility to add 2 more "section layouts" like i posted in t (...)

(...) return money paid into the account Payment – to pay for meals Repayment – to return money for unrealized orders   Application page The application page consists of two dashboard s: Lunchtime   Fig. 1. The main page of the application   Lunchtime administration   Fig. 2. Lunchtime administration   The first of th (...)

(...) a separate application which will contain relations to the processes created above. This will be the application for a user in which they will have all available presentation elements – starts, dashboard s and reports in one place.   Fig. 7. The new application for a user   To add a relation, click the right mouse button on the application name and select the “Create re (...)

(...) the parent and related processes and create and modify the presentation elements. From the WEBCON BPS Portal level, a user can enter the edit mode and add new or modify the existing elements (starts, dashboard s, reports). They also have the ability of downloading the embed code of any system elements. These privileges do not give access to the given processes. To define the data visibility you need to spec (...)

(...) to start workflows using clear start tiles. If you have many such buttons, just swipe horizontally to get access to more. The application’s description and a list of the suggested reports, and dashboard s appear on the application’s page.     To get access to the all report list and the start buttons, expand the side menu on the application’s page by using the &ldqu (...)

(...) ways:   a) Me -> only the current employee will be included in the schedule. The option can be used during creating the view, which will be presented on the employee’s dashboard . Fig. 6. The vacation schedule for the current employee   b) Me and my team -> the schedule will include the current employee and their team. The option can be used during c (...)

(...) names (Agreement), workflow names (Agreement), step names (Start, Finish (positive)), etc.   The following elements are also a part of the configuration: start buttons, reports and dashboard s. In this case, the translations can be provided in WEBCON Designer Studio, but also in WEBCON BPS Portal in the edit mode.   Translation of the presentation layer Translations of text (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Małgorzata Dębowska Introduction WEBCON BPS gives us the ability to create reports in the application and then embed them on dashboard s and external websites. However, there may be a situation when, for a particular application, many reports have been created, which will result in the long list of reports in the navigation menu (located on the left in t (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.1.x; author: Przemysław Sierant   Description of the functionality In WEBCON BPS 2020 we have the ability to embed Power BI reports on Portal dashboard s. It is used to present any data which we have already prepared in the Power BI service. We can embed both a view of the entire report, as well as individual components.     Configuration T (...)

(...) ta sources created based on the document template process   On WEBCON BPS Portal, you can create a Start button and a report for the document template process, and both can be added to any dashboard . Instead of creating a regular report, we recommend creating a new dedicated form of report – Document templates – dedicated for processes of this type. Most settings are identical to tho (...)

(...) ied against configuration in WEBCON BPS databases. BPS Portal Site – main interface of WEBCON BPS Portal, contains all interface elements that allow the user to access BPS features (reports, dashboard s, navigation etc.). Also contains the dynamic form (Modern form) through which users edit workflow instances in the system. Created via React JS technology as a Single Page Application. This componen (...)

(...) veral search methods have been included in Portal that allow you to search not only the content of the workflow instances but also the structure of all applications available on Portal (e.g. reports, dashboard s, start buttons). This article describes where and what you can search from the Portal level – information about the search mechanism can be found in the Searching structure in WEBCON BPS P (...)