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for time

(...) Hi, We have been getting more and more time outs in our processes lately. For example, we are getting Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagertime outException: The server request time d out. What could be possible reasons? Where can I start researching? Thank you!

(...) Dear Community, I just discovered that when I select SearchIndex as a source for calendar type report, elements are in different time zone than server time . When I change source to SQL source everything is fine. Does anyone experience same issue? Best.

(...) Hello, I have a workflow and a final step where i execute "On a time out" automation. But sometime s, it is not executing because it says it is checked out by the user. WEBCON BPS time out ID (TIM_ID): 2 Message: The element has been checked out by user: Is there a way to prevent this thing? So you cannot edit the form on the final step?

(...) le user has this issue, everyone else can use the process with no problems. When the user attempts to submit the form, under the form, the following message appears: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagertime outException. The server request time d out. I also attached a screenshot of the console, showing strange behavior, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

(...) There are two date fields in our workflow. To pass the process to the next workflow step, we use an action "on time out". Checking for a date field works. However, we need a condition for the time out that takes both date fields into account: If date field 2 is non-empty take this date for the time out, otherwise take date 1 for the time out. Can this be implemented with an "on time out" action and (...)

(...) Hello, Right now when selecting the date for date&time picker system by default setup the time for 00:00. If we want to change the time e.g. to 7:00 and double click the "00", enter "7" system says that format date is inpropper. We have to add 0 prefix to hour "7", so it is "07". It is one more click + one more typing. Allowing format h:mm or even h:m would be ergonomy enhancement for faster e (...)

(...) hi I have datetime type fields i.e From and To , i want to check in current db table (WFElements), if datetime exist or not between two dates validating on form submit path using sql query. Issue: all the time showing validation error message , My validation Sample below: select case when ( SELECT count(*) FROM [BPS_Content_Prod].[dbo].[WFElements] where wfd_attchoose1='{1189}' (...)

Dear Community, In one of my clients, I have an issue with registered companies. There are few companies set. If I import a process from test environments companies are added again (with new id). I have already tried to "sync" ids of companies in test and prod environment (set names assigned to id in test env from prod), but the result is the same. To get things more weird not all companies ar

(...) Hello community. I wrote SQL query for On time out – Insert condition (SQL). My query is returning true value, but action is not working. See figure for details. Any idea what could be the problem? Thank you.

Hello, I'm trying to find a solution to my problem. Let's say I have a workflow with a START step, INTERMEDIATE and a FINAL step. Intermediate step is assigned to Group B by default, but I need that after 5 days, if no person from this group took any action, to automatically assign the task to Group C. Is there such a way to do this? Thank you.

Hi how to create attribute only as hours ?

(...) I have a question: How to create a field/attribute with only the time selection (without the date)? Thank you in advance for your help

(...) Hi, It would be nice if we also had fields of the time type. Some clients need to record, for example, the time of arrival and the time of departure, and this is not possible through standard fields. Thanks, Raluca

(...) Dear Community, does anyone experience such error in Solr? SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: The operation has time d out ---> SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: The operation has time d out ---> System.Net.WebException: The operation has time d out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at HttpWebAdapters.Adapters.HttpWebRequestAdapter.GetResponse() at SolrNet.Impl.S (...)

(...) Dear Community, does anyone experience such error in Solr? SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: The operation has time d out ---> SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: The operation has time d out ---> System.Net.WebException: The operation has time d out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at HttpWebAdapters.Adapters.HttpWebRequestAdapter.GetResponse() at SolrNet.Impl.S (...)

(...) I would like to suggest building two actions: 1. Converting the value (integer) to the equivalent number of hours and minutes. 2. Adding and subtracting two time attributes (types of action). Example: Ad. 1. 90 = 1 h 30 min Ad. 2. 1h 30 min + 0 h 40 min = 2 h 10 min

(...) Hi, it would be great to have the UTC time in a hover effect of a time . In the attached screenshot you see the same element but with different time s. One browser is running on a server with a different time zone. Even so it's explain it can cause confusion. Therefore some way of displaying the UTC+0 time would be great. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hello, The workflow I am designing requires an email to be sent after a certain time spent in a step. Is this possible using the Date Diff function?

(...) Hello Community, We have problems with the different runtime environments of the WBCON Workflow Service (under .NET Framework) and the WEBCON BPS Portal (under .NET Core) and System.Data.ODBC. I have developed an SDK plugin that integrates the NuGet package System.Data.ODBC to access ODBC data sources. The target runtime environment of the plugin package is .NET Standard 2.0, so that the plug (...)