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for Configuration

(...) Hello all, Not sure if you might know the answer but it's possible that Dictionary processes do not allow to have attachments? In the form Configuration , the attachment's preview is there but the field attachments is not visible. I need to create a directory so a dictionary would be create but some of the lines might have attachments. Thank you!

(...) xt issue that I assumed to have fixed with the latest version of BPS, using 2022.1.3.65. I have a web service that has the structure as given in screenshot 1 (attached). The screenshot shows my Configuration within a little test app. When I start this action, the request body fully ignores all data regarding the item lists as given in the dump below. (Hint: The error has been forced by the web service (...)

(...) mn. I agree in most cases this is of no use and would only create unnecessary traffic. There's one use case though were one needs it. When you read the metadata information so that you can provide a Configuration option in another system to start a workflow using the URL parameters: ...?com_id=1&AttText1=Value1&AttText4=Value2 In this case we need to know the database column names of the fields. Otherwis (...)

(...) Hi, I want used the global business rule in a rest web services. I try use de business rule in Customer Headers, but when I run the action the value it's empty. I added an image with the Configuration . (config_restWebServices.png) Is it possible using the business rule in Data sources Rest Web Services? Thank you, Raluca

(...) connection and try to invoike APIv2 SendingDocumentAction. Unfortunately all I got was the following error message. I have noticed however, that the 'Signature type' field is missing from the action Configuration screen. Did any of you come across similar issue? How can it be resolved? Any tips much appreciated :) W System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (A connection attempt failed bec (...)

(...) Hi, Is there any tutorial about adding new values to the source using picker field? I have seen that there is that option but I have a problem with Configuration of link to the object adding form.

(...) mail need to be added as an attachment in flow. To make it you have to do a workaround, which is not convenient. How do you do it? it would not be easier to add the "add as attachment" checkbox in Configuration - Send a custom email? like the ones in the attached picture greetings Bartek 😀

(...) Hi, I have encountered a strange problem in version 2022.1.4.84 - previously in 2021 it worked fine, and the Configuration was not changed. I am using actions for Sharepoint Online - add/edit/delete list elements, and none of these actions work if triggered by timeout - error "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.". Going through the same path/action manually doesn't cause an error, and (...)

(...) Hi, How to set up multiple sender email addresses? In the Configuration of sending emails you can settup only one account and our custommer would like to send emails from different inboxes depending on the application. They use Graph for the email Configuration . Graph is capable of sending emails from multiple accounts, but can we settup this somehow in webcon? I find it strange not to be able to as it is (...)

(...) Hello, Since a specifc time KPI reports don't work on my webcon enviroment. I checked a Configuration according to https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/web-part-kpi-new-edition/141 and everything looks good. I've checked 'KPI elements' table in webcon database and there are some data but the data are not up to date. Old webcon apps have the kpi data but as I said the data are not up to date. New appli (...)

(...) g says that user is not a member of selected group. I tried with different groups, making sure that users are synchronized, and even for testing purposes used domain admin account in the AD actions Configuration , but without success. Does this action work for you?

(...) Hi, Is this a bug? I am trying to delete a field from a SET statement, but Webcon tells me it can't be deleted, because it is used. When I click Show Usages, the message is "This Configuration element is not used anywhere. What is going on? Thank you

(...) slated) "All unsaved data will be lost". The alarm refers to the previously entered filters. In the old version, these unsaved entries were ignored. Does anyone know, if there is a possible Configuration to disable this actually good function in special cases? Thanks in advance, Bjoern

(...) to change described in https://community.webcon.com/download/changelog/117?q=cf05b90, associated with using bps_user on SQL COMMANDS. Is there any way to deal with it at SQL server level by proper Configuration or should I change to configured connection to current database and this is the only way to get it works? I have almost 3k querries that use and at least 600 that have joins and should be correct (...)

(...) etCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddleware.g__Awaited|6_0(ExceptionHandlerMiddleware middleware, HttpContext context, Task task) What can be the problem here? I guess maybe something with the Configuration but checked everything and it seems to be ok. Any suggestions?

(...) Hi all. I have the requirement to create a report that aggregates process columns from multiple workflows. In the portal report Configuration menu from the source tab I can choose multiple processes->workflows. However, doing so wil only allow me to pick system columns and not process related ones. Is there a way to surface process columns from across multiple workflows to build the report? Thanks.ac

(...) I noticed that the system loses the preview of the graphical scheme that I generate from Designer Studio. Most often, the file is not available after re-saving the Configuration or the next day. Do you have that too? My BPS version: 2022.1.4.207.

(...) g to send JSON data to a REST web service. JSON string is generated by a business rule, which contains a JSON Query (FOR JSON). Testing this business rule works fine, also umlauts are shown. My Configuration in request body is body type: Binary, which is the only way to send dynamic JSON data. Somehow my encoding (which should be UTF-8) gets lost. I am sending Content-Type:application/json in binar (...)

(...) for solution 'webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp' Solution Deployment : Missing one or more of the following attributes from the root node in solution webcon.sharepoint.core.wsp: assembly '', type ''. The Configuration database was queried for a non-existent object with the id d0d745af-6efd-429c-8072-59d3d392bba2. Most commonly, this is caused by removing an SPFeatureDefinition without writing upgrade code to rem (...)

(...) I'm having trouble running the SQL subworkflow. The query entered during the Configuration works fine in testing. However, when I try to run the subworkflow in the application, I receive an error message that says, "An error occurred while executing the start subworkflow (SQL) action at the path. (Step: Verify application, Path: Submit for review) Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'from'." What could be the ca (...)