(...) Is there any method of removing unwanted application? Normally you can't do that from Designer Studio. When an application has any processes or other elements it reqUI res to remove them first - the Studio prevents from having orphaned elements. It is ok unless you want to remove the whole application. The application I want to remove is qUI te complicated and removing all sub-elements would be very (...)
(...) I know this might be a controversial one when it comes to performance, but sometimes it could be qUI te useful to be able to bring that value in reports. Some of that sometimes could also be done with calculated columns in reports, but it could be easier I suppose.
(...) the data does not go where it´s supposed to go because it is not transparent where the data is written or how the absence-process figures out at what data to look. if someone has replicated / self bUI lt a new absence-process with more vac types AND a absence-chart (calendar view) of colleagues, I would gladly know how. thank you so much in advance
(...) - sometimes an error pops up when scrolled to the bottom of the list The temporary solution to this is to change the behaviour of the choice field to Pop-up search window, but this kind of window reqUI res more clicks and in my case is a worse choice. Anyone experiencing this too?
(...) Data table attribute gives opportunity to export containing data to Excel using its default configuration, the sole problem is it can only export top 1000 rows, when its qUI te common to display bigger chunks of data in that form field. Documentation that redirects to below website doesn't mention anything about such limit: https://howto.webcon.com/exporting-a-data-table-form-field-to-an-excel-fil (...)
(...) nerate MS Word attachments. This gives me consistency when transferring processes between DEV / TEST / PROD. I don't have to think about replacing the name /DOCTEMP/f8e86bc...e967af9b62 with another gUI d in appropriate action. The same I wanted to do for generating MS Excel attachments. Unfortunately I get the error: WebCon.WorkFlow.Common.Exceptions.WorkFlowException: An (name) action execution er (...)
(...) Hi all, I'm implementing an application for user management taking the gUI de done by Webcon: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/checking-user-and-group-privileges/258/3 So far, I'm able to check Applications and Processes privileges but when it comes to the Business Rules, I get an error for the column they use as Users (users . BRD_Users) : select users . BRD_ID , isnull ( DEF_Name (...)
(...) The structure of the form fields does not sUI t one specific step in a workflow. How could I rearrange the form fields for this one step?
(...) Hi there, I have a data source of MSSQL type, that populates a data table. The SQL query is qUI te complicated but it works. However it currently takes about 33 seconds to complete. Thus when executed in SQL Studio, I get the output table. When I try to execute it in a bps process, it fails. When testing in Designer Studio, I get an error of execution timeout. Is there a way to tell Webcon to allow (...)
(...) Hi All we have a large report bUI ld in one of our processes (list of all invoices which contains >350k items) which is now not loading for users. we have rebUI lt it in SOLR and it is fast like TGV train but we had some calculated columns based on item lists which we need to rebUI ld. Is there any manual, KB article that describes this or anyone having expierience?
(...) HI, I propose to add possibility to do photos from bUI lded cameras in laps/computer/no mobile devices like mobile. So to not do photo, save it on device and now addind to element. But to add exact after to the photo by camera, and run camera from element. It's could by by custom action or use bUI ld funcionality. That problems show on Windows Surfface oraz normal windows where we can't use such fun (...)
(...) Hi, I have created a report, in which i am only interested in showing the Year-portion of a datetime-field. This works good until i try to group for the shown values in there. The groups are not bUI lt by the years in this case, but still on the entire value. It would make more sense to group according to the display option the grouped column is set to. Especially because i dont know how to do ca (...)
(...) harepoint/Full Trust installation - WEBCON BPS Portal + WEBCON BPS Classic package (We first installed the .NET Hosting Bundle 1.9, then the System compontents check displayed that Version 2.1 is reqUI red.) When clicking on the "Warning-Sign" next to "not installed", it shows the the alert (see below in the screenshot). AFTER installing the .NET Hosting Bundle 2.1, the Warning Sign is still there (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I had the reqUI rement to provide a drop down which can be used to select a form type. Since I'm a fan of doing things the right way I've chosen to provide a multilingual label. Example: TMeasure$$de$$Maßnahme$$en$$Measure I'm not sure whether I'm missed something because of the late hour, but I didn't found a better option than creating this on my own. If someone else has a similar ne (...)
(...) Hi everyone, i installed WEBCON WITHOUT integrated authentication. Unfortunately, i skipped the step, where you have the option to setup a Windows User (see pic 1) - the manual said, it is not reqUI red (even though recommended). Now i cannot log into the Webcon BPS Designer Studio. Do you have an idea, how to setup the Windows authentication Connection to the Database afterwards - without integr (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I had the reqUI rement to calculate a reminder date based on a due date. This should be x days before while respecting the working day calendar. SQL Command for calculating a date _after_ the base date, attachment (1): select Top 1 [CAL_WorkingDate] from ( -- Top: number of working days before the base date SELECT TOP {BRP:13} [CAL_WorkingDate],[CAL_IsWorkingDay] FRO (...)
(...) Hi everyone, I've recently upgraded WebCon from 2020 to 2021 and everything went ok except qUI ck search. The "search everything" in our main application results in no elements founded. However when switched to "All aplication" view I can see all results and everything works fine. I suspect that the WEBCON Search service and its index is not up to date. Is there a way to rebUI ld that index?
(...) from 2021.1.3.205 to ver. 2021.1.4.84, I can see a very big performance drop for reports that have more than 250k items. Very often they don't even load at all. All indexes and sql statistics are rebUI lt. After verification, I found the reason, it is the column 'assigned to'. After removing this column from the report, all large reports are loaded almost immediately (even those with many calculated (...)
(...) Hi, Is it possible to copy an entire item list to a subworkflow? In the official gUI de, there is just an example of copying form fields to subworkflows: https://howto.webcon.com/action-start-a-sub-workflow/ Has anybody accomplished anything like this? Thanks
(...) " .validation-error-panel").removeClass("has-error") $("#" + columnName + " .attributeErrorsPanel li").remove() } My javascript doesn’t work with item list. It would be nice if we could have a bUI lt-in form rule function / JS function like SET ERROR(Field, errorText) - for every form diyplay mode . It would also be desirable to have something like this for item lists: SET ERROR ITEM LIST (Ite (...)