(...) Hi, The name of the virtual machine where the service was installed has been changed. Does anyone know the required step s to get WebCon working again? Thanks, Raluca
(...) equest. How to calculate the number of days entered in the calendar on the form, but excluding holidays - only working days Alternatively, the second way: How to validate the form: if in the final step date = holidays, a message will appear. Thank you in advance for your help.
(...) Hello, I have a workflow and after clicking on the path button I want to assign it to the another workflow as a sub-workflow. In start step I have an attribute where I can choose the instance of workflows and after clicking the path button, this workflow will be a sub-workflow of choosen workflow. I don't know if I write it clearly :) Regards Adam
(...) lly understand how Webcon works, but there are a few areas where I still fail, or have no idea how to go about it. Currently I have a process that has a field "Reminder Date" with a date in an end step of each instance. Now I would like to check the "Reminder Date" in all instances at regular intervals (e.g. daily) to see whether it is today or in the past and then send an email to the author of t (...)
(...) Hi Guys I'm wondering if there is a better way to find out which user has completed a task in a specific step than what i'm currently doing looking to the WFHistoryElements table. In need this information to ensure that the user that has finished the task in "Author confirmation" step , cannot finish the task in the current step (review) so i can force a 4-eye principle even with active substitut (...)
(...) e is the column field type: Yes/No choice. I would like to save instance on Yes/No choice field change. I put to the field style and behavior – Form rule to be executed on value change – MOVE TO NEXT step XYZ. The XYZ path is starting and ending in current step (i.e. it is in fact the SAVE path). When value is changed, it is showing error message. When clicking on the SAVE button (SAVE Path) it is (...)
(...) Hello, I have a simple workflow that is translated from fields to step s and paths. When I change the language from the portal the preview picture of the workflow does not change. Should the language of the workflow preview change based on the language of the logged user? Regards
(...) ive language as well as English. This way our clients will have a more professional experience. Even if we have everything translated, the preview that we see is in the language used for naming the step s/paths initially. It would be a nice touch if the language of the preview would be the same as the language selected in the users settings. Obviously, if a path/step has missing translations, the d (...)
(...) --NewChild2 It's easy to copy Parent attachments - I'm starting parent with `Start a subworkflow` action, which has `Copy attachments to subworkflow` option - this works great. This is the first step I have in my automation. Unfortunately Category of the attachment is missing. I've been thinking about creating another automation, which will use `Modify attachment` action, and another `For E (...)
(...) Hi everyone, Does anyone know if it is possible to move the whole folder "C:\Program Files\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Search Server" to a different disk? What are the step s needed to do that? Thanks, M.
(...) Hi guys, i use the mailapproval function to "accept" or "decline" a step . The "accept" path works fine with mailapproval. The "decline" path actually has the comment set to required and therefore the path transition operation failed with an "validation error". What can i do to set the comment not required in case of mailapproval or even better to add a comment in the mail which is then used for (...)
(...) It is possible to make descriptions required by default in Designer Studio for Applications, Workflows and step s?
(...) Hi Everyone! When I try to update BPS from version 2022.1.4.377 -> 2023.1.1.89, in the step : "Database verification" the following error message appears: "There is no update path between versions."and the installation process stops. Where could I check which update paths are valid? Best regards!
(...) We have implemented menu buttons for Help Desk and Printing. In 2022, every user who have acces to instance can push button and print form or start help desk (button in menu was accesable in every step or last step s etc). After the update buttons apear on the form but after clicking there is error... and users cant use it. Is it new feature or is it a bug. It looks like some save restrictions - (...)
(...) ailed: Operation on element: DEV/WAVE/2024/556 failed. Error: The following path was selected: Freigabe erteilt, weiterleiten an BL. {Name of the path in german} Status: Document not moved to next step . Details: Validation error ################# Does anyone have a spontaneous idea why this runs into an error via MailApproval and not in the application? Thanks in advance!
(...) Hi can you describe the whole process of integrating Webcon with OneDrive via Microsoft Graph? step by step what to do. I am talking about integrations with Sites.Selected permissions. The articles that are available on community etc don't help much
(...) Hello dear community! I have a question regarding OneDrive. I've set up a path that loops back to the same step . On this path, I have the action 'Start editing a file using OneDrive'. Additionally, I have established a data connection to my OneDrive in 'Data Sources', which works when tested. However, when I execute everything, it loads for a bit, and then I receive the error message: 'Error transfer (...)
(...) Hi, When editing a step , under Forms tab, in the Task form group, there is a "Form:" dropdown, to which list you can add another form - which I did. The second form shoul present the same information as the Default form, but visually groupped some other way. I found no documentation on how to use this feature, could you please show me where to look? The actual need is to have different visual ap (...)
(...) Hello. I have a process where, on a certain step , I've made 2 timeouts. First one, will happen when this condition will be true: SELECT CASE WHEN Count < '4' AND Urgent = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Result FROM wfelements WHERE wfd_id = {WFD_ID} Inside this timeout, there is an automation that will increase by 1 the value of the Count. And there i (...)
(...) ontrol tools - cherrypicking should ring a bell :) I have two possible solutions in my head right now, but maybe other members will have some more. 1. Possibility to select specific attribute / step / path / business rule / automation / basically any configurable object, and export it as .bpe file. I'm imagining it under right mouse button menu -> Export as Hotfix. 1a. As an extension, maybe a (...)