We have a use-case, where people need to export data from an SQL-Grid to Excel for data-verification. Unfortunately the export to excel only allows exporting the header + 999 rows of data - At least i couldn't find a way to raise the limit. It would be very helpful to get a parameter for a variable maximum row count for the Export in the SQL-grid configuration. Thanks!
Hi everyone, is someone here how understands power query? I got a task to retrieve data from a BPS report in excel to use it for additional analysis. I was able to retrieve the data but transforming the json response to a table is beyond me. Just in case there's someone who would be able to do it but doesn't know how to retrieve the data I add the logic below which can be put into the advanced
Hello, I am trying to clear the contents of a technical itemlist which I use to put data into a word document. This itemlist works as a buffer and takes the rows of another itemslist which have with a YES/NO field selected as YES. The source itemlist always has different values so i need to refresh the buffer. I need an easy way to clear the contents of the buffer itemlist. Also, the buffer iteml
Data table attribute gives opportunity to export containing data to Excel using its default configuration, the sole problem is it can only export top 1000 rows, when its quite common to display bigger chunks of data in that form field. Documentation that redirects to below website doesn't mention anything about such limit: https://howto.webcon.com/exporting-a-data-table-form-field-to-an-excel-f
Hello, I have item list with anormous amout of rows from time to time. Few columns with action on it (for example set another column,select data etc.). When item list comes to 100 rows system will send many requireness (once requireness = one log on IIS). This causes slow loading of the form. No once form is unavalible ,error from web browser (Not enough ram memory). I have few ideas, but i
Working on a project whereby there is a process to track delinquent loans and create collection activities based on ageing. We receive loan data as a daily dump in excel and new or modified rows should either fire new instances of our workflows or trigger certain paths in existing workflows.Unsure of how to go about this
Hi, I want to use the action - Send a custom email and get email addresses from a Dictionary. I checked "Selecting addresses by SQL/CAML query" and as Data source: i chose my Dictionary When i write a SQL query it doesn't filter. It shows all columns and rows. In my workflow i have a choice field Vendor name (from a Dictionary - it contains Vendor Name, Vendor Email). When i pick that ven
(...) tables. You can find more inspirations here: https://docs.aspose.com/words/net/template-syntax/ Feature requests for this new / updated action would be: - Accessing all fields, item lists and data rows /column from the template - Joining multiple documents - Adding watermark - Generation of table of content Best regards, Daniel
Hi guys, got case here where in Webcon's report there is a row from item list. This row is added as a column to the [Columns available in report] as on the screenshot, but remains unticked, therefore not visible in the default view on the report. Nonetheless, report still shows multiple lines with same data/instance ID, if there is > 1 item list row with data on the form. This should be the case i
I have built a Word template and placed all fields I need in there. But when a process is using this template, I have noticed that some of the information are not taken correctly and I don't understand why. Maybe is helpful to say that some of the info here should be taken from a Data Row field type, but still, I can't exactly see the problem here as some of the returned rows are working fine, som
(...) reat, 6x faster form loading. And that all worked in Webcon BPS 2022. In BPS 2023 it is not working. I beleave there was a change in the order of Data Row column of Item List execution. I think data rows queries are now executed at last, after it checks if columns should be blocked. How can I achieve this in BPS2023?
Hi all, Yesterday i upgrade Webcon to version 2023.1.3.118 and one things change. In workflow "Faktury" (Invoice) a had an action that download using Rest Api information about working time of employee. Using this data, system fill table with invoice items (eg. cost allocation ). But in this version i get error that: "No exact match was found for:..." ("Nie znaleziono dokładnego dopasowania:...
I have got: 1. proces with Item list where: a) I set person (from AD) b) in item list in that proces I add competitions final I have got step finish - Person - Item list what he/she can do. From that I created data sorce with columns, so i have multi rows: Person 1 = can do 1 Person 1 = can do 2 Person 2 = can do 1 Person 3 = can do 2 2. In other proces I have got attribute: a) I
Hi everyone, maybe you have read the change log of the latest version and come across the new action and it's description: This action adds all rows from the specified Data source to the indicated Item list, without checking for duplicates, but taking into account the values specified in the Columns mapping section. Executing this action may result in duplicate rows of the Item list.
Hello everyone, we frequently encounter situations where it is convenient for us to perform an Excel export of the current state via the DATA TABLE. Recently, we have been hitting the limit of 1000 rows more often (https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Process/Attribute/DataPres/Sql_grid/#7-allow-excel-export). I would like to propose a review of the current server performance to determ
(...) query step' started. (21.01.2025 14:13:30) 'Build elements attachments query step' completed in 0ms (21.01.2025 14:13:30) 'Get attachment metadata' started. (21.01.2025 14:13:30) Downloaded 1 metadata rows from SQL in 0ms. (21.01.2025 14:13:30) 'Get attachment metadata' completed in 0ms Exception at ID: 93238 Error occurred: WebCon.WorkFlow.Service.SolrIndexer.Steps.AttachmentNotFoundException: Atta (...)