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for row

(...) Hello all, Does anyone know if it's possible to set up a behavior on an item list where in the picker field the user can select more than one option and it populates each option per row instead of adding multiple values inside the picker field. The user will be selecting options on the picker data source window and I would like that the system would allow choosing various options and populating t (...)

(...) Hello community, I am trying to color whole ITEM list row s with SQL query. I followed, the article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/coloring-the-background-of-the-item-list/195/3 but even the simplest SQL query (same than in article) generates the error (see figures enclosed). Any idea what I am doing wrong? Any example of your working SQL query for ITEM list coloring? Thank you.

(...) nk and "grab" the tracking individual string (see all screenshots) What I would like to have: the same functionality but add multiple lines (divided shipping ... :/ ) Item list, where I can add row s with shipping tracking link which opens I read this topic: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/891 but is not clear for me ... I did the html field with script >> is working ... but, h (...)

(...) Hi! I need your help regarding setting focus on the last row of the item list. Business wants to perform the following scenario. Batch of barcode lables from paper documents are to be scanned with hendheld scanner. Each scanned id is to be inserted into ID column of item list table. Based on the ID some additiona data are to displayed in other columns. What I have already done is the form rule that (...)

(...) Hi guys, got case here where in Webcon's report there is a row from item list. This row is added as a column to the [Columns available in report] as on the screenshot, but remains unticked, therefore not visible in the default view on the report. Nonetheless, report still shows multiple lines with same data/instance ID, if there is > 1 item list row with data on the form. This should be the case if t (...)

(...) Hi, if a data row / data table is based on a BPS internal view to configure, whether the names/translations of the columns should be used. The default value should be true. It's just a waste of time to not only provide the translations the first time but also to update these when the name/translation of the referenced column changes. Most of the time it's forgotten anyway. Best regards, (...)

(...) Hi, Is there a way to limit an item list number of row s depending on value? I need to limit row s to 10 for example: user is allowed to add 10 item list row s and if he try to add 11th row the system will block it. The other issue is to lock item list row s when a chckbox value is true: when I mark the checkbox to 1 then only one row can be filled in an itm list, if the checkbox is 0 the item list (...)

(...) Hi Guys, i perhaps have a simple question regarding the itemlist. We initalize the first row of an itemlist with default values in the coloums. I now would like to prevent the first row (init row ) from deleting by the user. How can i manage this? Thanks so far Gerd

(...) hello, I have a case to study ... :) I want the selected value in a given row to be assigned to all subsequent row s in this same column. If the value in any of these subsequent row s is changed, that changed value should be propagated to all row s below it, but without changing the values in previous row s. It is possible?

(...) nt to check if the a specific column from an item list already exists in an external database. The use case is the following: Webcon process 1. Item List with Column Invoice Number 2. Number of row s can be more than one 3. timeout that will move to the control field to check if the invoice number exists in the external database 4. Process can only be moved to Finish if all the row s have a mat (...)

(...) Cześć, czy istnieje możliwość numerow ania elementów w danym procesie tzn. startuje nowy element w procesie, wówczas automatycznie nadaje mu się odpowiednia sygnatura ale oprócz tego chciałbym mieć swój dodatkowy atrybut, który będzie po kolei numerow ał każdy kolejny element w tym procesie. Dla przykładu: główna sygnatura to FV/00001/2024 a mój dodatkowy atrybut przyjmie wartość 000001 następnie 00 (...)

(...) A good and useful option for system users would be the ability to create filters on a column using a narrow ing phrase. For example, by entering the phrase "BX2TD6" in the column filter with the function "contains phrase," users could create such a private view without having to mark each result. Each time this view is opened, it would present the results for that phrase. Currently, results need to (...)

(...) We use in one of our applications the option to generate HTML code (for example extra buttons performing some actions) in list item lines. For this purpose, data row field type was working well. For example such code: SELECT '➕➖' AS XX Generated two nice buttons with + and - that performed some actions. With the current version 2023.1.3.202 WEBCON adds extra " signs, so the en (...)

(...) Hi, if the brow ser window is small enough, the actions of the item list are collapsed to a context menu. It would be great if this popup would contain information in the DOM about the about the source. For example by adding a data-key attribute to the top element with the value item list and row .

(...) Hi, I've prepared a template using Word Classic and put there data row s and data tables fields. Unfortunately the data are not displayed. The same situation happens when I go to Admin Mode > Admin actions > Word Template Printout. No data from data row s/data tables fields are diplayed. I am using Webcon Express.

(...) Hi everyone, Jarosław created a threat in which he points out that elements are no longer rendered if they are used in an item list data row column.: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/5247 I tested the most common/likely elements and to verify which are supported by using this SQL query: select 'a tag' + ''+ 'button tag' + ''+ 'div tag' + ''+ '' + ''+ 'img tag' + ''+ 'input ta (...)

(...) Hi, I'm currently reducing the execution time of a long path transition in version 2023.1.2.44. In this context I noticed that saving the instance executes "recalculate row s". In our case this causes another execution of data row s which are only used for displaying information. They are not used in any other combination, even the usage tab is empty. It would be great, if we could have a checkb (...)

(...) s-centric and future-proof applications applying the agile DevOps model.  WEBCON has been a one-product-centered, self-financed company from day one. Over time, our product has steadily grow n to compete and win with the world’s leading process-centric workflow automation platforms. The engineer mindset that is embedded in our company’s DNA shields us from becoming sales/marke (...)

(...) In the Invoices process on the “Send for approval” path, the action of sending a custom e-mail has been added. Then, in the “Message content” tab in the “Title” row add the previously prepared “Notifications for the finance department” template.   Fig. 6. The configuration of the "Send a custom e-mail" action   Sim (...)

(...) Applies to version: 2020.3.x and above; author: Józef Cyran   Introduction The item list is frequently used to store any number of data row s as opposed to other form fields. This functionality makes the actions executed on the item list differ from the standard form field configuration.   Business case: Personnel planning for a project This article describes the op (...)