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for field

(...) We are facing an error related to form field item list, when we add a required attachment column then try to submit the form, it shows an error message that the attachment does not exist when it’s attached. Note: version 2022.1.2.59

(...) The instance number of our process contains a field that is settup by the user in the form at the first step. What do we do when the instance is automaticaly started by hotmailbox activity in the fisrt step. In that moment we don't have that field filled in yet. A user will take that instance and move it forward after filling in that field . How can we update the instance number in that instance and a (...)

(...) s export error like below: Invalid reference tag occurences: Business rule (13551) - "Column "BasicDesignerXml" in table "WFBusinessRuleDefinitions" contains a variable referencing object "Form field " with an ID of 11805. Referenced object does not exist" The thing is I don't have any form field with ID 11805 and I don't use any business roles in that process. How to get rid of this error?

(...) 'm currently working on an workflow and the task assignment is not reseting it self after clicking on a path. Meaning that all previously assigned people still have the task and even when I let all field s of the task assignment empty the task will still be given to all previously assigned Users. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I've attached an image of my task creation and I'm using t (...)

(...) d use those as buttons to get to next steps ? idea is to have two distinct pictures (pictograms) for either step A or step B. no other options available. the path would then auto-fill several field s according to chosen path so.. would this be possible ? thanks in advance

(...) positions from BPS 'Fixed values list'. So there is a short list of values for example Car Types: 1. Sedan 2. Hatchback 3. Pickup Let's say you have a single form, where you want to display field s conditionally - depending on the selected Car Type. To make it well documented instead of putting Car Type (ID) = 1 - you have to create 'Constant' CarType Sedan with value 1 and so on. Struct (...)

(...) in the flow. The issue is that, for my company users the department is the joining of two parts, the team name and the department like Accountable • Finance. I need to have a rule looking at this field to check if in the second part of the department, I have a specific work, however, Contains function is not working properly, sending all the instances for manager approval. I've tried to do a Spl (...)

(...) e start new element API has the mode parameter with the following description: mode String($int32) (query) Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all field s will be validated. When set ignoreReadonly, readonly field s won't be set but no error will be returned. Admin value allows to edit readonly field s, but requires admin permissions. Available value (...)

(...) Hi, In the logs, we are seeing the following error: "Dynamic operations can only be performed in homogenous AppDomain" Since the error started appearing, some form field s that get data from SQL query stopped working. What could be the issue and solution? Thanks in advance Mark

(...) I need to add custom header to the soap message, e.g. i need to pass formfield value to the header section. How can it be done? Thanks in advance. W

(...) enerateDefaultSettingsTable(Attribute attribute) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.AttributeDetailSectionGenerator.GenerateAttributeDetailsSection(List`1 formfield sToShow) at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGeneration.WorkflowsDocxGenerator.GenerateWorkFlowsDocx() at WebCon.WorkFlow.Studio.Logic.Managers.ProcessDocumentationGen (...)

(...) Hi, I'm creating the workflow for registering agreements with some typical field s: counterparty, agreement no., value, signature date - let's call it Agreement Register (AR). To avoid manually register all necessary data I've also created another workflow (Import Agreements Data) with item list, which is populated using excel file and on entry of default path a subworkflow AR should start using action (...)

(...) have the Overdue tasks defined? I see that it has to do with the time in step defined in the tab Analysis but is there any possibility that instead of giving a timeframe it's possible to use a date field for that? Like: task should be overdue after the date X Thank you!

(...) ialize the list with 100 x 10 minutes line. Hence, the user shall not be able to delete or duplicate records / lines from the item list. How can I achieve that? Until now I found editability in field matrix, but how can I prevent users from deleting and duplicating lines? Best regards Lutz

(...) he body is editable now. I came across couple of services (e.g. National Statistics Office in Poland) requiring secret string to be passed in the header element. So it would be good to be able to map field values to soap header element. Currently there is no way to use standard invoke soap action with this service. Thanks. W

(...) I've got a contract database workflow. One of the field s on the form is Project/Department field which is the same as user department in AD users list. Two users: Adam and his boss John. Is it possible to: 1. show in the report only these records, where current user login (account) department is equal to Project/Department felds. 2. on the app home show instances not only created by the current user (...)

(...) via SDK plugin. I have add REST connection and try to invoike APIv2 SendingDocumentAction. Unfortunately all I got was the following error message. I have noticed however, that the 'Signature type' field is missing from the action configuration screen. Did any of you come across similar issue? How can it be resolved? Any tips much appreciated :) W System.AggregateException: One or more errors o (...)

(...) Hi, I don't know when the character limit for the field multiple lines of text in item lists was added, but is it possible to change this limit? Or adding the ability to change it? The DET_LongTextX column in the database is ntext type, so is there any reason to limit the number of characters to 1000? This thread may be related - https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/2366/30, and users are co (...)

(...) Hi, Because an employee left our company, I need to remove his information from Created By field s. How can I do this? Can I transfer workflows he created to another employee or generic account? Can I anonymize his data some other way? I tried with GDPR actions but "Author" is a system field and I didn't find a way to do it. Is there a built in action that could do this? Do I need to resort to (...)

(...) wo lists: 1 List is "ContactPersons" > here is List of persons with column like: Name(R), FirstName(R), email(R), mobile(R), etc. 2 List "Actions" > here is list of actions with reference(choosen field ) in one column to ContactPersons (Name column) How to do If I am in Popup adding new Action to "Actions List" and I need to add new item to ContactPerson: There is smth like "add new item which i (...)