(...) "text" after P.S. Could be nice to add (mention) in help or any other doc. that you can use HTML tags ... I'm using 2022.1.4.404, but probably in 2024 R1 is the same ... In attachments - validation vs "Brake with error "
(...) Hi, I would like to create validation for the input in a column of an item list. I have an item list with two columns (Input, Source). If the Source is "External," I don't want to validate for special characters. I have been using regex on the column, but now I have this condition. One solution I thought of is to create a "for each" loop on the item list and add a validation form... But I would pre (...)
(...) er company. 5. In the data tab, I indicate the collection columns on the basis of which I complete some form fields. 6. The technical paths that I indicate in the subworkflow activation action have validation disabled. 7. On each path that I use in the subworkflow action, I have an automation pattern responsible for copying data from item lists, i.e. I take data from the current report and copy it to the (...)
(...) s not enough. Sometime because of some specific requirements or where we wanted to provide additional options to guide the users through a large form. I also tried and failed creating an "advanced validation dialog". I wanted to display a dialog in which the user had to set some fields. I mainly failed because I couldn't replicate the logic attached to the choose fields and similar. Therefore I would (...)
(...) Hi, I'm just configuring my xx validation action in which I check whether a field value is unique for the given form type. Sometimes I include the business entity and sometimes I ignore it. It would be great, if this could be standard feature. :) Related user voice: Unique value of the item list column https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/6212/15 Best regards, Daniel *Edit* While (...)