(...) Dear All we have a lot of pie charts at our dashboards and when someone has a lot of cases in different instances of pie chart dimenssion e.g. depo, country, acceptacne path it is diffiCU lt (esspecially since WEBCON2022) to select certain part of data. it would be nice to have option to select one lable from the graph legen or deselect all and then select one instead of deselecting several + recent (...)
(...) error pointing at the choice field (see picture provided with the thread). It has happened in different applications/processes before too. We're using version 2023.1.2.123, and the error does not ocCU r on different types of choice fields.
(...) item list's configuration or by actions like "Update item list values") Usually, when item list is first time displayed on a form, it's either initialized or default values for its columns are calCU lated. ___ I've been looking for the cause for two days now and I can't find a solution. Has anyone encountered anything similar? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
(...) Hello everyone, Many years ago I was using PerCU ssionPowerFlow for Lotus Notes. There were nice features in the workflow to "jump out/jump back" from/to CU rrent state to ah hoc state. This was very useful for prematurely terminating or suspending workflows. As far as I've dug into the Werbcon, I haven't found anything like that. Everything has to be done strictly according to the workflo (...)
(...) Is it new feature or is it a bug. It looks like some save restrictions - but it was not the case in 2022 ver. Do you have any idea how to change it? Thanks. msg: An unhandled exception has ocCU rred while exeCU ting the request. | ex: System.ServiceModel.SeCU rity.SeCU rityAccessDeniedException: Użytkownik nie ma prawa edytowania elementu WorkFlow at WebCon.WorkFlow.BusinessLogic.Busines (...)
(...) th transition operation failed: Operation on element: DEV/WAVE/2024/556 failed. Error: The following path was selected: Freigabe erteilt, weiterleiten an BL. {Name of the path in german} Status: DoCU ment not moved to next step. Details: Validation error ################# Does anyone have a spontaneous idea why this runs into an error via MailApproval and not in the application? Thanks in (...)
(...) 1 second, (1) in the attachment. Getting picker search results 540ms Validate picker control 460ms The setting and validation of the target field (2) takes again 1700ms and another 390 ms for exeCU ting a form rule. Setting target form field first choose field 1160ms Validate picker control 611ms Setting own target fields 0ms Form role on value change 390 Since the second field could be m (...)
(...) Hello, I am in the process of standardizing our plugin packages. I would like to put all plugins on a common basis in order to be able to reuse functions such as CU stom logging methods in each plugin package without copying source code. I have often used nested plugin and configuration classes within a plugin package project. This works without any problems. Example: *** shared project (...)
(...) Hi, OpenID connect is missing CU stom additional url parameters management functionality. This is required for some auth providers processing definition (e.g. Auth0 - flow automatization, login CU stomization). More information https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#RequestParameters.
(...) On this path, I have the action 'Start editing a file using OneDrive'. Additionally, I have established a data connection to my OneDrive in 'Data Sources', which works when tested. However, when I exeCU te everything, it loads for a bit, and then I receive the error message: 'Error transferring the file test.docx', even though the doCU ment is in my OneDrive folder as configured. Regarding permissions (...)
(...) Hello, I would like to create a Word doCU ment using a normal template, but in landscape. In my case I need to add an item list to my template, but it is too long so I thought that changing the layout to landscape would be a simple operation. Sadly when the action creates the file, it is in portrait mode. Does anyone know how is it possible to create a Word file in landscape ? Thank you!
(...) ike to import some templates in my environment but i have version 2023_1_2 and i get this error: Incorrect branch number of application's database. Application has been exported in version 2023_1_3, CU rrently installed version 2023_1_2. You can not import applications from older versions. Is there something i can do? Can i find these templates in other versions too? https://community.webcon.com (...)
(...) add groups as members of other groups, but when using and creating BPS Groups, this is not possible, and managing the rights with BPS Groups is not the nicest in certain situations, especially if the CU stomer has to do it. They have hundreds of users to add in multiple groups multiple times.
(...) e great if there would be some option to show the id of a choose field in the browser. Maybe in the history or history in admin mode? Use case: Two users with the same display name and there's CU rrently no option to identify which user was selected without relying on the database. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Dear WEBCON Team, CU rrently in reports, the total number of entries is always displayed even when selecting certain entries. Is it possible to add another counting function to see below "count all" and "count selected" entries? Another improvement would be to enable selection across mutiple report pages. Can this be enabled? Best Regards, Lena
(...) ly. When I provide a BPS source in the configuration and use a filter to select data, the filter does not work on the form. The filter in Designer Studio works during testing. This problem does not ocCU r in the "Update Item List Values" action, so I used a workaround: "Clear Item List" + "Update Item List Values" / Add new rows from the data source. Do you also have such a problem? However, using (...)
(...) a "Form:" dropdown, to which list you can add another form - which I did. The second form shoul present the same information as the Default form, but visually groupped some other way. I found no doCU mentation on how to use this feature, could you please show me where to look? The actual need is to have different visual appearence for the same data - if not task form, then how can this be achieve (...)
(...) Hey, I have a problem with calling a REST action via timeout or global action. When performing a global action moving a doCU ment a path with a rest message there is an error.... When a doCU ment is pushed via a path where a REST action has been configured,... a problem ocCU rs. When I manually press the button on the form, the message sends and there are no problems.... ver. 2023.1.3.76
(...) e to be exeuted on value change - I set "Invoke menu action - my button". If i send another e-mail and i mention that Instance ID, the value of BodyContent is modified, but the form rule is not exeCU ted. Do you have any tips on how i can achieve something like this? The idea is that i would like to run some actions when an user is replying. thank you.
(...) that should be marked as postponed - some tasks should be separated from the normal ones, as users intentionally know they will do some task in the future, but don't want to mix these tasks with the CU rrent ones. There could be an action that would mark a task as postponed and another one marking as normal. I know that this can be achieved with a variable and grouping, but users like the task circl (...)