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for AD

(...) s field" where you can set an expression/field. When the error is displayed on the form the "Set Focus" action is executed and the configured value selected. I assume that the "Set focus" action alreAD y toggles collapsed groups/other tabs. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Dear Community, we have installed WEBCON BPS Standalone and published it through Azure AD Application Proxy. We are synchronising users in BPS with on-premises Active Directory. Currently we experience timeout issues after some time of inactivity on WEBCON BPS site. Sometimes it's few minutes, sometimes about 1 hour. See example in attachments. Please notice that WEBCON BPS and SQL Server (VMs) are (...)

(...) It would be great to be able to pass any attachment id to the 'show first attachment on page loAD ', e.g. via sql query editor.

(...) Is it possible to loop over all rows of an excel file? I have an excel file with employees information(say 50 rows of employees). I want to navigate through each row, reAD and populate data in my form from excel columns and then trigger a workflow for each employee.

Hi, I have a category list and sub-category list and I want to create a two picker fields where the second one will be based on the first one. Category(picker dropdown): * A * B Sub-category(picker dropdown): *A1 *A2 *B1 *B2 If I will choose Category A, the second picker field should show only A1 and A2 option. How to achive it?

(...) still to long, the maximum value good enough would be 30 sec, otherwise the guest has to click the update button in most of the times cause of the long waiting-time. It would be great, if you could AD d 30 sec. to the available values next time or even better: just an empty field for personal configuration. Thanks, Bjoern Poller

(...) When AD ding a new list item into a SharePoint list, you have the option in BPS to capture the ID of the new list item you have AD ded. Then it is easy to AD d attachments to this list item using that ID. When I AD d a new document to a document library, the listID capture option is disabled. It would be really helpful to be able to capture this list ID for a document library as well so that then I can (...)

(...) Hi everyone! I'm facing a problem and hoping to hear that you might have a clue on what to do. I've a process that creates users in AD . However the user creating action expects a parameter of username in format DOMAIN\USERNAME. My domain users have changed UPN logins to their e-mail AD resses (e-mail domain is different than my local domain name) in order to have one login in every system. Is there a (...)

(...) Hello, I have a problem logging in to the iPAD application. The application hangs after entering the login and password and clicking Continue logging in - external authentication. IpAD with latest firmware, factory reset, latest Webcon 2021 application. No problem on android. Without application works fine in Safari.

(...) Hi, ist there any chance to display a visual cue, like in the user voice, when a threAD is closed? Currently the only hint is, that the "AD d Post" button is not available, even after logging in. This may be ok, if you know how things work here but for newcomers this won't be so easy to understand. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi. I have an old Webcon BPS. I try to create a template and I have a problem with CSS. I don't know how to change [|ElementAD ress|] element to my preference. I want change text-decoration change to none, change color to white and a want to AD d pAD ding and bottom. It is my code : [|ElementAD dress|] [|MessageBody|] I uploAD how to my div with ElementAD ress looks. How to change this field. I (...)

(...) mes it happens because of latency or other issues in an RDP session. Currently I'm using the BPS translation tool and checking the texts in word. I'm wondering if native Windows spell check could be AD ded to the Designer Studio: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.controls.spellcheck?view=net-5.0 In my opinion the most relevant places are those which are visible to the norma (...)

(...) Hello, has anyone stumbled upon a problem with the formatting of numbers in Word templates after the upgrAD e to version 2021.1.4.36. I was using formatting of numbers with thousand separators, which worked fine with version 2021.1.2.101, but after the upgrAD e, insteAD of numbers, the field name is present in the output. When I leave the formatting with \* MERGEFORMAT, the values are transferred (...)

(...) Hi, we just updated on Friday to Version 2021.1.4.36. Just now a user called and showed me that she is getting an unknown exception error when trying to AD d an attachment to a manually created new instance. She has the rights to do so, and can AD d attachments as soon as the instance is manifested in the DB through save button that directs to the same step. So there is a known workaround, but it (...)

(...) Hello everyone, I have an action where I uploAD one or multiple attachements (PDF) to a SharePoint list in SharePoint Online. Currently all attachement uploAD ed to the SP list are checked out. Is there a known configuration in the action or in SharePoint? Or has anyone else hAD a similar problem? Best regards, Tim

(...) Does anybody has such a problem "An item with the same key has alreAD y been AD ded."? It shows everywhere Leave of absence report is AD ded I changed the source of data ( distinct, top 1) and nothing has changed.

(...) http://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/db/1/app/21/element/1037860/form/view?returnurl=%2Fdb%2F1%2Fapp%2F21 url: https://webcon.net/WEBCONBPS/api/logger | action: ip: xxx | msg: "stack": "TypeError: Cannot reAD properties of undefined (reAD ing 'split')\n at HTMLDocument. (https://webcon.budimex.net/WEBCONBPS/application/App.9450b9.bundle.js:2:666559)", "message": "Cannot reAD properties of undefined (reAD in (...)

(...) It would be great having an AD ditional field "Description" for local groups.

(...) workflows and therefore created business rules with SQL Commands in them to help me with that. The problem is, those business rules are nowhere to be found in the Business Rules section of the Word AD d-in. Several other rules are shown, but those with SQL Commands in them are just not there. Is this a known behaviour, or a bug, or is there a workaround? Thanks in AD vance.

(...) We have to iclude the Google Tag Manager into the HeAD and Body of the generated Webcon site of a dashboard. Including into the body seems to be possible via a HTML field. But we seemingly have no option to put it into the page heAD er. Does anyone have any experience with Google Tag Manager and Webcon?