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for variable

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone have an idea whether it's possible to retrieve the users to whom a task will be assigned in the next step? What I've tested so far: - Verified that the variable 'System fields\Assigned persons' contains the current persons during path transition, exit and entry. - Created an SQL statement which returned the latest row from WFElementTasks, and executed this in an action during pa (...)

(...) hould verify that the correct ids are used after importing the application in a new environment. Otherwise you may be in for a surprise. The attached image shows that the translated text uses the old variable ids and only the ids in the original text have been updated to match the new environment. I've noticed this in 2021.3.205 for email notification templates and task descriptions. Razvan from Encorsa (...)

(...) ospaced font. When you edit some more complex SQL Queries, or when you deal with some custom HTML element - it would make life just easier. There is some question, how to deal with with those Webcon variable blocks - how they should be aligned, but even forgetting about them, it's a nice to have. There is also a thread which might be connected: https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/74?messageid=74 I (...)

(...) e (this fact is stored in one of parameters of apartments). When I select an apartment that has dedicated parking place I manage to check and store the ID of the assigned parking place in a technical variable on the fly (as form rule invoked on callback of the items list). However, I can not add it automatically to the list, as there is no function that allows me to do this (or I can not find it). The on (...)

(...) year", as soon as we rolled into 2022 it reset from 42 to 0. I need to find an option that just continues to increment for our FY, or at the very least can I define what the # is for a given instance variable so we can pick up where we left off in 2021? Thanks!

(...) here are rules triggered on change value of each of them to create hyperlinks in attributes of the same name (without "(BPS)" suffix). All of it in detail in the attached sketch. Sorry for the polish variable names, but you will have no trouble identifying them in the picture. This way you can create as many hyperlinks to different choice field items as you like. IMPORTANT: This works even if the p (...)

(...) ependancy is held in one of the items list fields of the idem being added). However if edition is canceled nothing should happen. So, what approach would you advise? I've tried using an external variable to hold the ID of the item that needs to be added, but it didn;t work well. I've tried to use callback, but no luck here either (as callback is triggered while still in the edit mode and what if I ca (...)

(...) e the solution inelegant. First of all the form rule can not return a value (in opposition to business rules, but those however can not contain Javascript), which requires to use an outside technical variable to hold the output of the rule. Again... it works, but could be more elegant.

(...) and so on). This scenario works fine on one farm. Is it possible to find out within a businessrule (or maybe SDK rule), which BaseUrl current system has? I do not find anything in context variable s, so that's why I'm asking... Thanks a lot in advance & best regards, Nik

(...) Based on Daniel post https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2021/retrieve-ps-variable -value I figure, it is posible to retrive output value from SQL Procedure? How force "Run sql procedure" action to log ouptut to [dbo].[WFLogs] table? Write-Output in PowerShell is logged to LOG_Description column. How log ouput from sql procedure?

(...) During an export I get a process export error like below: Invalid reference tag occurences: Business rule (13551) - "Column "BasicDesignerXml" in table "WFBusinessRuleDefinitions" contains a variable referencing object "Form field" with an ID of 11805. Referenced object does not exist" The thing is I don't have any form field with ID 11805 and I don't use any business roles in that process. Ho (...)

(...) I have a scenario where i need to get a variable amount of CSV files as attachments into a running process instance. The problem is that these CSV files are created by an outside system and can only be identified by the path in which they are stored and the creation date of the file. I can find these files with a PowerShell action but i have no clue how to add them as attachments to my workflow. At the p (...)

(...) Con.WorkFlow.Base StackTrace= at: Evaluation requested at: Evaluation node: AttachmentContentAsBase64 at: Evaluation node: GetAttachments [...] An error occurred while attempting to replace a variable . When selecting the transition path manually, the problem does not occur. What is the problem? My BPS version: 2022.1.4.155

(...) ule that contains columns of an item list. Would only be displayed for the test button of the expression editor. Currently it's also displayed for the "Show" buttons which forces me to replace the variable in the SQL management studio myself. Best regards, Daniel

(...) Hi everyone, we had some racing conditions, when the users switched fast between instances in the task view or previews in reports. This was caused by form rules which used G_ variable s which were no longer available, the view/desktop endpoint hadn't send a response yet but a JavaScript form rule from the previous instance was still executing. While coping with this I noticed that the response are (...)

(...) If I omit the From part, when I test my query it does not recognise the column names and says "Invalid column name Company ID, Invalid Column name GroupID" I have tried using the Objects tab in the variable s editor to select the "ConnectWise Companies" data source but Webcon just resolves that as a number so the SQL staement fails again. How can I write as SQL statement here to get data from a SQL da (...)

(...) WFD_Tab field in the target environment (3). Which caused the problem . By changing the columns of the report in the source database, for example clicking the "default view" checkbox twice, (4), the variable definitions had been restored (5). You can execute this SQL statement to verify if there's something for you to do. It should not return any rows. SELECT TOP (1000) [ARP_ID],[ARP_APPID] ,[ARP_Nam (...)

(...) led custom values - make fields on form disabled. Is there any value which i could use to check state of dropdown control? In this case i'm using autocomplete dropdown. I'm using js and global variable s right now, but this doesn't work after saving the form with custom values - I'm lacking some control state info. (I've tried to achieve it with document.querySelector, but without luck).

(...) Can we have a new feature to add context variable s to the HTML dashboard widget? For example application ID, ID of a report etc. When copying application from Production to Test, the report IDs are different and HTML links are therefore broken.

(...) I have got 3 different flows but on each flow I have got the same data in one variable (key). in flow 1 is Signature in flow 2 is WFD_AttChoose5 {72} in flow 3 is WFD_AttChoose6 {692} how to do SQL request or more interesting is how to do report where I can: filter Signature = WFD_AttChoose5 {72} = WFD_AttChoose6 {692} In Webcon reports I don't see process fields if I add 2 or more processes (...)