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for AD

(...) We have to iclude the Google Tag Manager into the HeAD and Body of the generated Webcon site of a dashboard. Including into the body seems to be possible via a HTML field. But we seemingly have no option to put it into the page heAD er. Does anyone have any experience with Google Tag Manager and Webcon?

(...) In the browser, the portal WEBCON shows the following error: Cannot execute as the server principal because the principal "BPS_reAD only" does not exist, this type of principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission. the BPS_reAD only account exists in DB\Security\Logins and has access to the Content database. How to fix it?

(...) Hi everyone, I've recently upgrAD ed WebCon from 2020 to 2021 and everything went ok except quick search. The "search everything" in our main application results in no elements founded. However when switched to "All aplication" view I can see all results and everything works fine. I suspect that the WEBCON Search service and its index is not up to date. Is there a way to rebuild that index?

(...) Hi everyone, i locally installed the Outlook Plugin according to the manual. When AD ding an Email to a Workflow instance, i get an error "Insufficient attachment permissions" (see screenshot). I have to AD mit, that i used the Edge browser insteAD of Internet Explorer to install the AD d-in. What could i do to fix this? Thanks for considering my request, Christian

Hi, I want to create attribute where I can see company from Active Directory for a current user. In screenshot you can see which attribute do I need to see on the form for the current user.

(...) We have license for only 2 webcon processes and purchased now another license. How can I AD d that new license?

(...) We have license for only 2 webcon processes and purchased now another license. How can I AD d that new license?

(...) ersion . Last Year 2021 big release has few bugs and the later version released after sometime to fix them. So this year we are planning to wait till the next version is being released and then upgrAD e to that next release. Can we directly upgrAD e to that next release or is it must to upgrAD e to 2022.1.1.41 to go to next version?

(...) Hi everyone, it would be great if we would have an AD ditional option to the "wizard mode". The implementation of the wizard mode always displays the current workflow upon path transition. At least I have quite often the situation, that I need a "conditional wizard mode". This means, that the wizard mode depends on the new assigned person. If it's the same person as the current one, the workfl (...)

Hi there, I'm trying to work out a rule to color backround of a date cell. The condition would be "if the date in the current field is greater than today, then color backround, else dont change the color". Currently the not working JSON code is: { "content": "=CurrentField", "style": { "background-color": "=if(CurrentField > today, '#FF0000', '')" } } I've also tried differen

Hi, Has anyone encountered an issue like the one in the screenshot? In Edge on Windows 11 the functionality to open in IE mode is configured but it still doesn't work. Is it possible to configure correct settings via GPO? Most users are still on Windows 10. Best regards

(...) Hi, I downloAD ed the Teams AD d-in installer from our Webcon portal and uploAD ed the custom app as per instructions here https://howto.webcon.com/installation-of-webcon-bps-AD d-in-form-ms-teams/ However, when I attempt to open the app or AD d it as a tab to a channel, everything is blank (see screenshot). Any ideas? Best regards

(...) Hello community, I have a short question: Does anyone know the reason for the following error? >AD ding new row is not allowed in this step.< The error appears on all steps when I click on dropdowns, check-boxes, item lists, path buttons and delete/save/delegate menu buttons. The designer LOG by GUID is attachet as an image + trace of the error. Best regards!

(...) e great to be able to define a dynamic data range. Ideally we can configure start and end date some weeks before/after the dates of the leave request. In the configuration there is enough space to AD d an option to set start and end date for the absence chart. Alternatively we could also a kind of focused date, so that the range around this date is displayed rather than scrolling to this date.

(...) I have problem with configuration hotfolders. I would like AD d option to automaticly AD d attachments to existing workflow by barcode. Only worked solution is worked for me is start new workflow but is not what i need. I was based on https://howto.webcon.com/hotfolder-AD ding-scanned-files-to-process/ I don't now why onlu "standard barcodes" is enabled in designer studio if "attachments based o (...)

We have 2 processes: Accounts and Payables . I have created a report for those 2 processes with global form fields fields. Among them there 2 people picker fields. The report is pulling all the requests without any issues but when I tried to filter on the global people picker Column, it is not showing the data. Example: we have a Requestor people picker Technical form field. There are few reque

(...) ut a standard one at the time). There is another process called "Sales transactions". In this process there is an item list holding the items to be sold at the current transaction. These items can be AD ded through standard AD ding elements (+) button. There is a choice box that opens a list of available items with important columns. You choose one or more items and closing the modal populates the ite (...)

(...) Hi everyone, I have the following use case for a customer: A workflow should be started from Outlook using the (full) AD don. Based on the from AD dress some more information should be retrieved from a custom database and populate other fields. So far so easy, at least in the dev system where I can modify the data in the custom database. This is where my problem/the question starts: Does anyone (...)

(...) t of course then can't open the instances they dont have permission to. The predefined Filter is set to all. Is there anything I can do to make SOLR reports to only show what the user has at least reAD rights? Oh, our current version is 2021.1.4.36 Thanks! Chris

(...) Hi, I have problem with AD ding new row in item list after passed value to existing field in existing value. on text field I have selected "Invoke callback rules after value change" and in Item list callback rule I AD d condition , if text value is not empty just AD d new row. Wvery time I press button "AD d new row" I get exception "After callback form rule of items list: .. RowNumberCa (...)