(...) Dzień dobry Mam problem z wykonywaniem akcji globalnej, która ma za zAD anie startowanie obiegu sql. W zapytaniu zastosowane jest open query do serwera oracle. Przy teście zapytania lub puszczeniu akcji globalnej dostaje błąd z załącznika. W management studio zapytanie jest wykonywane normalnie Proszę o sugestię Wersja Webcona 2022.1.4
(...) nvalid column name 'SEL_SQLRow'." version: 2023.1.3.169, but I don't think the version matters. I hope we get the option, at some point, to manually remove such column from your report if it was AD ded before when it was not a data row :) Have a great day! p.s just realized that a report tile will keep showing the value from the report, even if the report is broken :)
(...) ups with attributes "on top" that collected data and on step 2 they are in tab in step 2 I collect data and in step 3 I put to tab 2 .. ect ... I have 70-80 attributes on form and probably I will AD d another 30-50 ... I would like to order them in proper groups and because some groups are in each step then ... I need one by one move to tab ... and they are (can) mix ... I cant march few attri (...)
(...) we are able to create Process Business Rule from rule typed in a field (visibility, required, and many others). Similarly with form rules. I have a case, where i need to use same mail that is alreAD y being used, but to different people. (exactly 12 contents). Right now it requires manual creation of templates by copy-pasting them from action into e-mail template. Could we have 'Create e-mail (...)
(...) and want to receive only a summary on a scheduled interval. While we can and have implement a configuration for an application on process level this is still limited and makes the automations less reAD able while the option to send a mail with a task can not bused at all. My suggestion would be to provide an plugin/extension for the existing "send mail actions". Provided options of the plugin: (...)
(...) Hello, Has anyone else hAD problems with the designer? I'm talking about crashes while making changes or situations where you save your work and later realize that around 10% of the changes didn't actually get saved. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Version: 2023.1.2.68 Thanks.
(...) Cześć, czy istnieje możliwość numerowania elementów w danym procesie tzn. startuje nowy element w procesie, wówczas automatycznie nAD aje mu się odpowiednia sygnatura ale oprócz tego chciałbym mieć swój dodatkowy atrybut, który będzie po kolei numerował każdy kolejny element w tym procesie. Dla przykłAD u: główna sygnatura to FV/00001/2024 a mój dodatkowy atrybut przyjmie wartość 000001 następnie 0 (...)
(...) Similar to that threAD : https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /969/15 on initial step on path action to count attachment did not work ... doesn't matter if element is saved or not. The attachment was AD ded by item list.
(...) Dear Community, After upgrAD ing WEBCON BPS to latest standalone version 2023.1.3.202 (from 2023.1.3.169) I noticed that there are errors in mail sending report. E-mails are delivered but log is filling up with error. Error: "Failed to save information in the workflow instance history about the successful email sending execution" Error details: "Unrecognized Guid format." Attached screensh (...)
(...) r IDs are stored as UPN (user@domain) but on the production server the format corresponds to samAcoutName (domain\name). How can i change my production configuration to match UPN format? Thanks in AD vance
(...) WFElementDetails e JOIN WFDataAttachmets a ON CAST(a.ATT_ID AS VARCHAR(1000)) = e.DET_Att2 JOIN WFElementDetails p ON p.DET_WFDID = e.DET_WFDID AND p.DET_WFCONID = e.DET_WFCONID -- AD just this join based on your specific parent-child relationship JOIN WFDataAttachmets pa ON CAST(pa.ATT_ID AS VARCHAR(1000)) = p.DET_Att2 WHERE e.DET_WFDID = '{WFD_WFDID}' [/code] (...)
(...) mark each result. Each time this view is opened, it would present the results for that phrase. Currently, results need to be marked manually, or such a report with an SQL filter has to be created AD ministratively.
W designer studio chcę włączyć 'Obsługę modyfikowania obiektów w Active Directory'. Czy serwer, na którym jest zainstalowany designer studio musi być w mojej domenie? Przy próbie zapisu otrzymuje błąd dotyczący loginu i hasła, pomimo tego że są one poprawne.
(...) Hi, With reference to Krystian's submission https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /5118/15 Perhaps it would be possible to AD d that the applied parameters in the search panel could also be saved when creating a private view for a report. Regards.
I have a problem probably with permiossion for autoresponder. I used a action autoresponder with MS Graph. Wystąpił błąd wykonania akcji autoresponder na ścieżce. (Krok: Start, ścieżka: Autoodpowiedź) One or more errors occurred. (Code: InvalidScheduledOofDuration Message: The scheduled duration for sending automatic replies isn't valid. ClientRequestId: 9e12806a-64bf-4882-87f4-c831a7710
(...) Please vote for this user voice, as it alreAD y have more votes, and is exactly the same ;) https://community.webcon.com/forum/threAD /4134?messageid=4134 Hello, when working with custom columns in reports I'm always trying to avoid using regular ID when comparing forms, workflows, processes etc. I'm almost always joining with specific tables to get GUID, so reports won't break between environme (...)
(...) must be numeric, and: 0 means Autenti signature 1 means qualified electronic signature SMS authentication and Unlock document by SMS are impossible for me to configure, what ever I do (even just AD ding form fields to configuration), I get: WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Exceptions.SDKKeyNotFoundException: Specified id:280 does not exist at WebCon.WorkFlow.SDK.Documents.Model.Base.ReAD OnlyItemsColle (...)
(...) y using the Database-Name, it's giving errors. I believe it's because the option has space on it : 'Non Ok'. But the system should overcome this right? Even using the DBO function, it doesn't work. AD ding quotes is not allowed. I'm running out of ideas. Did this happened to any of you?
(...) /Process/Attribute/DataPres/Sql_grid/#7-allow-excel-export). I would like to propose a review of the current server performance to determine if it is now feasible to increase this limit to 2001 (heAD er + 2000 rows) or, ideally, to 2501. This AD justment would significantly ease our workloAD . Thank you in AD vance, Bjoern Poller P.S.: I will also submit a similar request for the import of Ex (...)
(...) Hello everyone, in our main application, we need to import AD dress lists from clients. For some time now, we have been hitting the limit of 1000 rows. I would like to suggest reviewing the current server performance to determine if it is now feasible to increase this limit to 2001 (heAD er + 2000 rows) or, ideally, to 2501. This AD justment would significantly ease our workloAD , as we curren (...)