I try to add attachments from other flow using standard Action add attachment ... in theory is working: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-add-attachment-action/156/18 or https://docs.webcon.com/docs/2023R3/Studio/Action/Attachments/Action_AddAttachment but not in my case :/ and I don't know why ... "Wystąpił błąd wykonania akcji Dodaj załącznik na przycisk w menu. Błąd wyko
(...) before it is published. My idea was to move the entire life-cycle into Webcon and after approval it should be outputted into the docusaurus system (that I'm sure will not be an issue via some REST api ). The question is now: Can I somehow implement the content creation into a Webcon form, i.e. is there a possibility to have a "markdown" form field or a mechanisms to translate the HTML into markd (...)
(...) ssociated application permission as follows: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/integrating-ms-teams-with-ms-graph/53/4 Microsoft Learn Documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api /chatmessage-get?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http Unfortunately, I have no idea how to implement the delegated permissions in WEBCON. Does WEBCON authentication have to be implemented via Azure AD (En (...)
(...) rocess. For example, we could define for a process that a "notification" is no longer a mail: - We could send a Teams message - Send an additional SMS - Write to a custom database - Call a REST api to store the "notification" in an external system. I'm aware that this is not at least supported at the moment and you can achieve this already with the current options, but it requires a dedic (...)
(...) W designer studio chcę włączyć 'Obsługę modyfikowania obiektów w Active Directory'. Czy serwer, na którym jest zainstalowany designer studio musi być w mojej domenie? Przy próbie zapi su otrzymuje błąd dotyczący loginu i hasła, pomimo tego że są one poprawne.
I have a problem probably with permiossion for autoresponder. I used a action autoresponder with MS Graph. Wystąpił błąd wykonania akcji autoresponder na ścieżce. (Krok: Start, ścieżka: Autoodpowiedź) One or more errors occurred. (Code: InvalidScheduledOofDuration Message: The scheduled duration for sending automatic replies isn't valid. ClientRequestId: 9e12806a-64bf-4882-87f4-c831a7710
(...) Body configurationOfBody) at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.Helpers.V2Helper.ModyfiDocumentAsync(Body requestBody, String docGuid) at WebCon.BpsExt.Signing.Autenti.CustomActions.api v2.SendingDocumentAction.RunAsync(RunCustomActionParams args) Culture: pl-PL Duration: 988,6418ms No idea what id:280 is... So question again: Dear Webcon, is there ANY documentation rega (...)
(...) p) then he need to fill and set proper values in each row in "item list". if user is one of User Group then he don't need to do anything or is filling first part of "item list" Paths: if Path Zapi sz (save) >> resets [cancel all and assign again] all done tasks and all need to do task (step) again if path "ocena raportu" (next step) then all need to finish step .. [when was 1 of all - then (...)
(...) Hi, I am still learning Webcon and currently exploring the Webcon api . I would like to understand more about authorization, invoking REST methods, and specifying the path for importing data into the correct dictionary. I’ve attached an image of my sample script, which successfully retrieves SharePoint data, but it encounters an error with Webcon authorization. I would appreciate guidance on wha (...)
External content by Daniel Krüger; July 20, 2024; The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de Should we import applications via an application instead of the Designer Studio? In my opinion yes. But this is mainly influenced from a partner perspective who has to deploy the same process to multiple customers who require that these kind of things are documented. Wh
(...) savings through better process management. With WEBCON BPS, companies digitalize processes by building comprehensive, scalable, governable, secure and future-proof applications. It enables rapi d results and continuous improvement by applying agile DevOps principles to low-code solution delivery. Your success is our mission Behind the success of WEBCON BPS are passionate professionals (...)