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for comment

(...) xternal content by Daniel Krüger; March 11, 2024; WEBCON BPS 2023.1.3.76 The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de This post provides a solution to extracting the latest comment s in the standard "comment " field on the form. The issue with this Last comment text variable is, that’s always the latest added comment , regardless of how old it may be. Here's (...)

(...) Hi Guys, Has Webcon any function or script to extract the [comment s] field in the "human eadible" way? Lets say DATE | AUTHOR | comment TEXT. Selecting from WFD_Description for particular ID gives me output like below. It is becoming more complicated if I have two or more comment s, divided by ','. SELECT WFD_ID ,WFD_Description FROM [BPS_Content].[dbo].[WFElements] where wfd_id=xxxxx output (...)

(...) Hi folks, My goal is to send an email when a comment has been entered in a instance. Sadly I have found no way to find out if there has been a new comment to trigger an email action on path traversal. I hope someone can help out. Best regards Fabia

(...) Hi, Is there any way to remove saved comment s from an element? I would like to use the native comment field, but I need to delete the old comment s in a certain step. Is this possible, or should I use the AttLong attribute instead of the native comment field? Best regards, Bartek

(...) In the last 2 weeks several customers have asked me if it would be possible, that if a comment is required for a path and the error windows pops up, the comment can be entered directly in the popup window and the path transition can be done from there? When trying to set the comment using JS the path transition validation won't recognize it and still trigger the error. Has anyone of you an idea of (...)

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone has an idea /have a hack to move the attachments / comment s option to a tab? I'm currently trying to create a form, which should: - look good or at least ok - be usable with a big multi line text box - while using the task "view" and displayed info panel - has to compete with a paper based process with an arbitrary number of steps and options to write any information (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to include the comment s field into a pdf generated based on a template? So like you can include various form fields by creating a tag e.g. {WFD_AttText1}, is there such a code for the comment s field? And will it work if we include it in a template to generate pdfs? Thanks!

(...) Some of our Webcon users are complaining about lacking of comment editing/deleting feature. It should be possible only for comment 's author only of course. Such comment should be marked with "comment changed" "comment deleted" text. Wouldn't that be a great feature?

(...) Can a user edit comment s? For example, for a simple error like a typo.

(...) Hi We recently changed the version of Webcon from 2020 to 2022 and I came across this problem. In the report we used a calculated column to show comment s: (SELECT ISNULL (dbo.f_clear_description(wfelems.WFD_SIGNATURE), 'None')) However, from what I can see in database, the comment format has changed and now when using this function I get an error: "Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or (...)

(...) I believe it would be useful to allow "tagging" people (example - @jaroslaw) in comment s section. After such a mention, the person would get a notification with a link to the workflow. What do you think?

(...) Hello, Is it possible to make the comment save button also available for the form in edit mode? Regards D.

(...) Hi guys, i use the mailapproval function to "accept" or "decline" a step. The "accept" path works fine with mailapproval. The "decline" path actually has the comment set to required and therefore the path transition operation failed with an "validation error". What can i do to set the comment not required in case of mailapproval or even better to add a comment in the mail which is then used for th (...)

(...) Hi It would be useful in the form rule to have the ability to make a comment mandatory. We have cases where, depending on certain selected values, we need a mandatory comment . Thanks, Raluca

(...) Hello, I'm having a case, where I need to display last comment , author of the comment , and date on a Data Table attribute. I don't want to move the comment s, to parent flow, as this will create a lot of mess due to lots of child flows. I thought this could be a built in feature, same as we can select last comment in buisness rules context, we could access it from reports, and webcon data sources, s (...)

(...) pe (right now around 5). It sums up around possible 25 subworkflows, and none of those are technical. To avoid missing information, and digging through all of those elements we've decided, that comment ing should be only possible on parent workflow, and this solves almost all problems. We'd like to present those comment s from parent workflow, on child flows as read only - any tips how to achieve it (...)

(...) Is it possible to get an email notification when somebody is posting a comment without pressing any "move to next path buttons"? In the screenshot the yellow area.

(...) following colors: Red – system fields e.g. instance ID, instance number, process, workflow, current step, form type, modification date, created date, author, modified by, current version, comment field. Blue – the fields defined in the process (configured) e.g. text fields, numerical fields, choice fields. Keys in the WFElements table: WFD_ID – main key (instance ID) (...)

(...) type   Below, in the “Standard” tab there is the “Append mode” which allows you to add a message below the text field with the date of saving and author’s comment . The entries added in this way cannot be edited later. The last option to select is the position of the text field name, where the user can select whether the name is next to (default setting) or a (...)

(...) form at the Registration step.   Fig. 4. The main form   On the left, there is information about the contractor and invoice details. On the right – the attachments and comment s section. Below them, there is a chart displaying the values of the unpaid invoices. At the bottom of the form on the item list, all invoices registered for this contractor are listed. By default, (...)