(...) tion When creating support for business processes in WEBCON BPS, it is important to remember that even the simplest workflow with a minimum number of steps and form fields will be reflected in the database – all of its instances and settings are represented in the content database – which is the main place of the system’s operation. There are also “virtual tables” automati (...)
(...) .xlsx, tiif, and zip. Their storage location is a particularly important aspect of the system configuration. When organizing your document management system, you can decide to create a separate database to store the attachments. What is the attachments database and why is it created? An attachments database is a dedicated database that stores the attachment files. After creation, the database (...)
(...) allows creating reports based on the SearchIndex (SORL) data source. This article below will show you how we can configure such a report and explain how it differs from existing reports based on SQL database s. What are and when to use reports based on the SearchIndex source? Reports based on SearchIndex data source provide acceleration of system response time and simultaneously won’ (...)
(...) .x and above; author: Jacek Język From WEBCON BPS 2022.1.1, the lowest supported SQL Server is 2014. In the case of WEBCON BPS installations using the higher versions of SQL Server, WEBCON BPS database s work with the compatibility level set to SQL Server 2014 by default. Changing the compatibility level from SQL Server 2014 to SQL Server 2019 is possible, but you need to disable the TSQL_SCALAR (...)
(...) Starting with WEBCON BPS 2022.1.1, the lowest supported MS SQL Server version is 2014. Due to this, when installing WEBCON BPS, the Compatibility Level for database s is set to 120 – which corresponds to SQL Server 2014. This setting is also used when installing WEBCON BPS with newer versions of SQL Server (2016, 2019…). However, please note that when updating the WEBCON BPS platform to a (...)
(...) Author: Paweł Drab Introduction Migration of database s to a different database environment or their recreation in such environment may require changing database name. If references to a database are present in several locations, external, logical change of database name is insufficient. The article describes the procedure of changing database name by modifying configuration. (...)
(...) Applies to version: 2022.1.3 and above; author: Maciej Kieblesz Introduction This article describes a method of maintaining database s to ensure the highest possible performance of the SQL engine, and thus the BPS application itself. In practice, this will mean a reduction in the number of 'timeout' errors, for example, when loading a report. This mechanism is tailored to BPS dat (...)
(...) is easy for the global parameters, there are other artifacts where the sheer number of elements makes this hard. Therefore I described my approach to create this checklist using the configuration database table. In the end I considered the following artifacts: BPS Groups: Need to be transferred. User profile and favorites: Can be ignored. Registered API applications: Need to be transferred. (...)
(...) post has appeared on daniels-notes.de With WEBCON BPS 2025 the maximum supported compatibility level is 160 (SQL Server 2022). Change log: Changed the default compatibility level for new SQL database s created during the installation of the WEBCON BPS platform. As a result, the previous compatibility level set to 120 (SQL Server 2014) has been replaced with the highest possible level, which, howev (...)
(...) : "'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character". The reason for the error is that the resulting OCR .xml file stored in the text column of the attachment database (ATF_FRData column in the WFAttachmentFiles table) contained Unicode characters. In turn, the attachment database was created in non-Unicode mode and the selected types of its text columns were varch (...)
Applies to version 2020.1.x, author: Marcin Pisarek Introduction When designing processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS, it is good to know how data is stored in the tables, what are the relations between them and how the particular information is displayed on the form. The article describes the table that stores header data – WFElements. Relatio
Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski Introduction When designing processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS is it good to know how data is stored in the table, what relationships are and how particular information is displayed on the form. The following article describes the WFHistoryElements and WFHistoryElementDetails tables. Table
Applies to version: 2020.1.x and above; author: Franciszek Sakławski Introduction When designing the processes and individual workflows in WEBCON BPS, it is good to know how the data is stored in the tables, what are the relations between them and how individual information is displayed on the form. This article describes the Calendars table. Table descr
(...) Hello everyone, did someone update the database compatibility level from the default 'SQL Server 2008 (100)' to a newer one and can share their experience? I really would like to make use of those "new" functions instead of using hard to read workarounds. Best regards, Daniel
(...) Hi all, i hope you are well. We have moved our PROD-Environments database s to a different SQL Server last night. Except from some annoying trouble with Sharepoint and the Webcon solutions we managed to get everything running smoothly again. We uninstalled everything except from SOLR, and installed it again. The old database s are offline. Currently there is still an alias configured, that routes traff (...)
(...) Hello everyone, before you install/upgrade BPS check the default schema of the database user under which the installation/upgrade will be executed. Make sure that the default schema is dbo. If this is a different schema new objects may be created using this schema. This may lead to unexpected errors later on which will be hard to debug. Here's a little script to change it. SELECT name AS [Name], (...)
(...) Currently selection attributes, such as picker, poll the database in such a way that LIKEs are always placed in the WHERE clause. The data that the database returns are then filtered according to the picker configuration (exact match, contains phrase, starts with). In my company, we collect customer data from several CRM systems. For one of them, we have the customer's data materialized in the dictiona (...)
(...) Hi, I have noticed that you can create multiple content database s on one Webcon installation. Why and how would you actually use that? It would be great if you could segregate the instances of different business entities in different database s, but I am not sure that is possible. What else do you know about this subject of multiple content database s on the same Webcon portal. Thanks, Razvan
(...) Is there a supported way to change the Acronym of the content database after the installation?
(...) Hi, I add new connection (MSSQL database ) - test it with success. Next I add new data source with some SQL query which returns some data when I test it. If I save that connection Webcon shows the error: "Failed to retrive column from data source XXX. No connection settings." If I want to test that data source in choice form field I've returned: Nieznany błąd: The ConnectionString property has n (...)