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for ssl connection

Applies to version 2019.1.3; Author: Łukasz Chechelski     Introduction System requirements Registering the AAD application Registration of AAD application which handles BPS user list synchronization Installing WEBCON BPS Summary   Introduction WEBCON BPS 2019 introduces the ability to integrate with cloud services provided by Microsoft Azure. The

(...) Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Tomasz Słuszniak   SSL Offloading (SSL Termination) is the process that allows you to transfer the encryption and decryption of the ssl connection through Reverse Proxy Server that is located “in front of” the application server. It is mainly used to relieve Web Server from performing these costly operations for the processor.   &nbs (...)

Applies to version 2020.1.3; author: Mateusz Syrek   PDF version Disclaimer Every installation of WEBCON BPS is unique, and may face certain challenges not covered here. Therefore, this document should be treated a general set of guidelines and not universal dogma. The scenario presented here was tested and used to deSharePointize our Support Portal http://support. webco

  Applies to version: 2023 R3 and above; author: Łukasz Maciaszkiewicz   Introduction With the release of the 14th cumulative update (CU14) for Microsoft Exchange Server 2019, there has been a revision in the approach to the Extended Protection feature. As a result, the feature, previously optional in earlier update packages, is now automatically enabled by default during in

External content by Daniel Krüger; July 06, 2024 ;  The original post has appeared on daniels-notes.de   It should be obvious, that you should secure any website with an SSL certificate. There's neither an excuse nor a valid reason for it. Ok, there's one theoretical exception I would accept. You are run a single server environment. Use only local accounts.