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for validation

(...) n permissions" How to add requires admin permissions?. Below are excerpts from the RestAPI documentation mode -Enum: "standard" "ignoreReadonly" "admin" Optional mode parameter that specifies validation behavior. When empty or standard, all fields will be validated. When set ignoreReadonly, readonly fields won't be set but no error will be returned. Admin value allows to edit readonly fields, but re (...)

(...) 9913 (3) to 508477 (5) Best regards, Daniel "indicator": false, "percent": false "autocompleteMoreResultsCount": 100, "hasRequirednessDependencies": false, "isDisabled": false, "regexvalidation ": null, "isTechnical": false, "controlStyle": "", "labelStyle": "", "plugin": null, "htmlInputAttributes": null, "htmlInputPlaceholder": "", "showQrButton": false "description": {"original": (...)

(...) fields i.e From and To , i want to check in current db table (WFElements), if datetime exist or not between two dates validating on form submit path using sql query. Issue: all the time showing validation error message , My validation Sample below: select case when ( SELECT count(*) FROM [BPS_Content_Prod].[dbo].[WFElements] where wfd_attchoose1='{1189}' and (('{L:1191}' between WFD_ (...)

(...) "accept" or "decline" a step. The "accept" path works fine with mailapproval. The "decline" path actually has the comment set to required and therefore the path transition operation failed with an "validation error". What can i do to set the comment not required in case of mailapproval or even better to add a comment in the mail which is then used for the decline-Path. Hope it is understandable what (...)

(...) ot a SQL database this can take some time. Setting the first field takes about 1 second, (1) in the attachment. Getting picker search results 540ms Validate picker control 460ms The setting and validation of the target field (2) takes again 1700ms and another 390 ms for executing a form rule. Setting target form field first choose field 1160ms Validate picker control 611ms Setting own target fields (...)

(...) In the System Settings, I've configured a HotMailbox using Microsoft Graph, specifying a user mailbox, and the connection is OK. The issue I'm encountering is that 90% of emails are returning a validation error and the workflow is not starting and e-mails are not moved to the ERROR folder either. For other emails, it has moved them to the Error folder and i dont understand why. And just for 10% it w (...)