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Is it possible to restrict the integer/float to 100 mln?

Hi all! We have a new customer who has a central IT service department. As for the database, we can just order a certain amount of databases, which we then have access to. The question is, is it even possible to install Webcon into existing databases (e.g. Config, Content, Att,...) or do we need a fresh SQL instance from the customer and an admin account with db_creator or sysadmin rights (as described in the installation manual)? Sorry for the somehow unclear question... Thanks in a (...)

Hi, In the logs, we are seeing the following error: "Dynamic operations can only be performed in homogenous AppDomain" Since the error started appearing, some form fields that get data from SQL query stopped working. What could be the issue and solution? Thanks in advance Mark

Hi all! I am getting a strange warning when deploying a second SDK plugin package to customer environment (see screenshot). The background information is: Both SDK plugins need System.Text.JSON namespace for serializing / deserializing JSON objects, which requires a bunch of satellite assemblies to be packaged also. These assemblies are added to each package with a custom Powershell script and have exactly the same version in both packages. Why is Webcon complaining here (since versi (...)

Hi, I want to integrate bps with szafir kir: https://www.kir.pl/firmy/szafir/ I found this article https://kb.webcon.pl/podpisy-cyfrowe-autenti-w-webcon-bps/ but i'm not sure if integration with szafir is even possible ? KIR is not on that list.

HI all, I have a process that will be opened for tax payment. By law, the payments need to be handled until each 20th day for each month. So, the idea is to create a reminder taking that date, so the user does not forget to make the payment. I have a Date of Request from where I pick up the month and year, and I want to set the reminder date as 20th/Month of Request Date/Year of Request Date. I would like to have this automatically calculated instead of relying on the user to select somet (...)

Hi all, I'm having an issue in webcon with the Contains function. I need to create a flow control based on the department of the person. If Department X should require approve if not, continues in the flow. The issue is that, for my company users the department is the joining of two parts, the team name and the department like Accountable • Finance. I need to have a rule looking at this field to check if in the second part of the department, I have a specific work, however, Contains fu (...)

Hello to everybody, right before the weekend I once more need your help: My client asks if there is any machanism to enable a person, who already has received tasks as a substitute, to assign his or her substitute to these tasks. The client wishes an automated feature for this. Example: 01-10-2022: Person A defines Person Z as substitute from October, 2nd to October 10th 02-10-2022: Person Z receives a task as a substitute for Person A 05-10-2022: Person Z defines Person P as a substit (...)

Hi tehre, quick question: Somewhere in my notes I saw this string but I can't recall what it points to: /api/nav/db/1/attachments/4/preview?hash=0 In other words, I seem to remember that at some point this link displayed a preview image that was uploaded somewhere. But I don't know by which means an attachment was uploaded to this path. Right now, calling this link throws: {"type":"https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.5.4","title":"Not Found","status":404,"traceId":"00- (...)

Hi everyone! I have a process that creates a timeout that will be triggered at the given date. Is there a way to remove this timeout for the specific instance manualy (somewhere in the Studio?)? As I think of it now, one thing comes to my mind, please correct me if I'm wrong. If I will take the instance and run it through a path pointing to the same step (final step actualy) with the timeout actions removed, the action will be also removed. Am I right?

After updating the application to version 2022.1.3.75 email attachments with large internal pdf/jpg attachments (over 1MB) stopped working. Previously, I could attach emails as attachments that had internal attachments above that size in them. I downloaded a previously (in the previous version ) attached attachment to disk and tried to attach in the new version and I get a message "The MailMessage is corrupted" but it is not true. do you also have such problems? do you know how to solve the (...)

Hello Community! I need to find solution form the problem with some case in my organization – maybe you will help me to find the most effective way to do that? Case: Users: A, B, C, X Forms type: type1, type2 Form fields: value1, value2 There are few forms (type1) which are filling by users (A, B, C) during the month (for example January). One of the form field (value1) on each forms (type1) should be automatically filled by system after user (X) filled it in form field (value2) in hi (...)

Hi there I want to make basic steps and decisions in workflows as easy and non-questionable as possible for our users. Is it possible to embed pictures and use those as buttons to get to next steps ? idea is to have two distinct pictures (pictograms) for either step A or step B. no other options available. the path would then auto-fill several fields according to chosen path so.. would this be possible ? thanks in advance

Hi! Has enyone encouontered errors with adding entries to Exchange callendars through action and e-mail sending? Recently Microsoft stopped support of basic auth... Oh, I forgot to mention: I have reactivated Basic Auth for all the protocols available in the article https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-deprecation-in-exchange-online-september/ba-p/3609437 . Still no luck... maybe some more time is needed for changes to take effect.

Hello webcon community! Could someone help me with problem with ordering list on report. To beggining: I create a technical form field which collect the date part of some date field at that form (see screen below). I do itthat by using 'change field value' action and rule 'date part (month)'. Next i use that technical field to group forms by year and month but when users create datas from october number 10 goes to the end of list. Is there any possibility to fix it or maybe you have som (...)

Hello everyone, Is there an easy way to save attachmnts from several objects in one click? I have a task to deliver all the invoice attachments from a process dating from date A to date B (it will be hundreds of files). Ale the attachments should have a name derived from signature. I guess designing a technical process would help.... Has anyone encountered such a situation?

Hi there, Our company uses a custom font. I'd like to know if it's possible to use it applicaiton wide. Don't see that in the theme editor. Any idea? Thanks!


We are using WEBCON BPS 2022.1.3.45 and should execute some soap actions to to SAP. System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed because the remote party sent a TLS alert: 'HandshakeFailure'. Submitting requests via Postman works fine. It seems to be a problem on transport level, related to .netCore/OS and is most likely a problem related to TLS version and Ciphersuites. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66904417/net-core-5-handshakefailure-when-makin (...)

Hi there, this is regarding Microsoft Graph. I'm trying to get a Bearer token but I always get an error message when loading stating: "error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'grant_type' I attached a couple of screenshots of the configuraiton. And here's the full error message: Request Start Request-Url: https://login.microsoftonline.com/[I SANITIZED IT]/oauth2/v2.0/token Request-Header: Scope: https:// (...)

Hi, I've got the following problem. I'm currently working on an workflow and the task assignment is not reseting it self after clicking on a path. Meaning that all previously assigned people still have the task and even when I let all fields of the task assignment empty the task will still be given to all previously assigned Users. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I've attached an image of my task creation and I'm using the wait for supworkflow step if that helps. Thanks in (...)