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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Task assignment bugged?
05.10.2022 11:27

Hi Nick, it could also be that it was a system step where I noticed this. I only remember the described issue, that I created a support ticket or user voice and how the workaround was. Best regards, Daniel

Task assignment bugged?
05.10.2022 10:31

We used an "dummy step" which is not displayed in the status panel or diagram. From the sub workflow step a path led to this dummy step has a timeout which is set to "immediately". The real path was then moved to the dummy step. So it looked like Sub workflow step -> Close existing task path -

Task assignment bugged?
05.10.2022 10:16

Hi Nick, I remember this behavior from an old version that tasks assigned in a wait for sub workflow step wont be cancelled on path transition. This was confirmed and I think it was fixed. Unfortunately I don't remember in which version I noticed this maybe 2020. Best regards, Daniel

Custom Report Presentation
04.10.2022 23:11

Hi Marcin, I have no idea, whether I understood what you want to achieve. Adding a screenshot/mockup/picture would help most of the time. In case you want to display values from the item list you can actually do this, if you select the columns, in the "columns" tab of the report configuration.

Hi Andrea, there’s no one who can help you without knowing the raw content of the mail as it is stored inside the database. It may be that there are nested tables or that the table may only look like a table but doesn’t use the table element. @Martin Thanks, I wasn’t aware that you could use

Damn it, I didn't thought of this. I want one too. :)

Hi Marcin, you could start testing with this javascript wadded to "Form rule invoked after callback" document.getElementById("SaveToolbarButton").click() When I clicked "add new row" it was saved. And you could activate the described 'Invoke callback rules on value change' on the final fiel

Hi Marcin, I'm not aware of such an option. A little compromise is, that you you could replace the item list by a data table in the view mode and switch to item list in edit mode. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Marcin, instead of limiting the number of characters you could make use of a limited with and apply some css inside an HTML field(attribute). Using this the multi line cell will be limited to 100px and the remaining text will be cut off using the text-overflow attribute. On hover the text

Hi, I haven't realized before that the REST Api doesn't contain any information about the database column. I agree in most cases this is of no use and would only create unnecessary traffic. There's one use case though were one needs it. When you read the metadata information so that you can pr

Hi, from time to time we have the use case that an item list row may not be delete under specific circumstances by the user. Currently there's no easy way to prevent this. One option could be to display "virtual" columns for these actions in the item list, so that one could make use of the exist

Path colors automation
20.09.2022 12:49

I would also prefer such an option but with two changes: The path buttons would have a class with the name of the color or so This class could than be set in the themes so that we could change the color slightly to match the theme. In addition it would be great to have an option to define

Hi Jakub, unfortunately I'm at a loss here too. I'm copying here the most relevant information from the event log: Error while running SOLR query: q=*&start=0&rows=0&fq=(Type_ID%3a((100)))&fq=TS_Insert%3a%5bNOW%2fMONTH-6MONTH+TO+*%5d&fq=...

Hi Martin, I think there's one thing to clarify. Whenever you use SQL command or something similar you are creating a business rule. If they are reusable you will save same as a "Process Business rule" and can select them from the navigation. The majority of rules will be inside actions and the l

Hi Jakub, since this is a new installation, I would take a look at the event log. There will probably be on or more errors/warnings with more detailed information. There’s a special Event Log for the WEBCON workflow. You won’t find any under the application event log. Alternatively you could

How to empty an item list?
14.09.2022 14:54

Hi Ingo, I just tested it and it works as I remembered. This will create an empty row select 1 as Id where 1 = 1 This will create no row at all in replace mode. select 1 as Id where 1 = 0 Best regards, Daniel

Hi, for me the location looks wrong, as it should be URL of the BPS Portal as far as I understand from the readme Installation of Add-in only (certificate should be installed separately, e.g. via Group Policy) msiexec /i WebCon.WorkFlow.Outlook.Installer.msi /qn WORKFLOWURL="https://your_porta

How to empty an item list?
14.09.2022 11:56

Hi Ingo, I hope my memories don't mislead me, but in this case no row should be returned. select 1 as Something where 1=0

Hi, in this case take a look at the folder of the installation files: \MS Office AddIns\Autodistribution\Outlook AddIn There's a readme how it can be done. I haven't used it myself, but this is the official way how to install the AddIn automatically. Best regards, Daniel

Hi, do you mean something like this in the attached image? When I added the attachment using the + icon on the item list row, everything was fine. When I didn't add one I got the error, that there should be an attachment. I'm using 2022.1.3.65 Best regards, Daniel