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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


How to edit comments?
09.05.2023 22:50

HI Radek, this is simply not possible. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Damian, maybe I'm missing something at leas in my case it seems to work just fine: 1. Defined a column of type "related attachment" 2. Defined a simplified dynamic query which uses the attachment id of the parent workflow attachment. The document is referenced. Best regards, Daniel

Cloning an app or workflow
09.05.2023 08:21

Hi, Ok, let's ignore the fact that you would need to replicate any change in the cloned workflow. The cloning will generate new ids for every element. The most relevant would be - Workflow - Steps - Paths Are you using any of these information in any automation / view / data table fiel

That's an interesting idea Nik. It will probably be easier to handle any issue with the request using the PS script. I'm guessing that you pass the filename to the PS script so that you can retrieve the correct file for this workflow instance using the SDK action. Or you are passing the instance id

Cloning an app or workflow
08.05.2023 20:53

In this case I would do the following: 1) Add global constants for the Ids of the groups 2) Create a field for example "Responsible department" where those groups are used. 3) Use the field in the task 4) Add a start tile for those groups settings the id of the group as a default value. I'm

Cloning an app or workflow
08.05.2023 12:54

Hi AndreeLi, the best way would be to avoid the duplicated process, but that's obviously an answer from someone who doesn't know your use case. Maybe you could elaborate on these questions: 1. Do you only need to change the task assignment? 2. Are different privileges are assigned in the De

Hi Patryk, as far as I can tell it's somehow related to the automatic checkout of the current workflow instance to the user. I haven't seen this before so my only ideas right now are: 1) Does your account has values for display name and mail address? I'm asking this because if either is null t

Hi Klaus, the easiest option would be to use a calculated column. I have to variations for this: 1) Number of attachments (select Count(*) from WFDataAttachmets where ATT_WFDID = WFD_ID) 2) Traffic light/indicator whether an attachment exists (case when (select Count(*) from WFDataAttac

Item list in email
02.05.2023 21:23

Hi Andree Li, reading the text I don't really understand it either. Maybe the example in the help file F1 is more useful as you can copy it. Just search for SQLGRIDHEADERTEMPLATE The most important information is that you can reference a data table in a html template using {SQLGRIDROWTEM

Hi, the underlying reason was that the SQL statement compared the id of a picker field against an instance id. So far so usual. Somehow the customer was able to save a value in the field which did not contain the the id. This caused the problems. No, the field did not allow to save values w

Hi everyone, I was working on a process and out of the blue I receive the following errors: In BPS Portal / testing a data table: The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction In the event viewer there's the

Distinct values
28.04.2023 08:52

Hi Andree here's an example to filter a data source. I don't know whether your company is a business entity or a normal field. In your case you would have a field or a business entity in which you selected the Company. In the project field, you can use the value to filter the available ones.

Hi Andree, the view depends on the "location" from which you opened the Expression Editor. Not all functions would work in all areas, so those which won't work are hidden. Based on the displayed functions it looks like you are in picker/data source and have the option to filter the data. If

Hi, if there are not to many rows in the Excel file I would do the following in a "Processing" workflow. Since I'm not sure how many workflows would be created/updated I would do this in batches Step 1: Import the rows two an item list Paths "imported", verifies whether there is already a

Support of automated builds
26.04.2023 15:01

I'm quite sure there are at least two related posts. One from Encorsa and from me. The one from Encorsa was also about doing this automatically via / api. I would like to have this option yesterday when I published a application to 7 environments. :) My addition would be: - to define a confi

Hide form fields on load
25.04.2023 17:51

Hi Flo, I should have added a screenshot in the first post. :) The screenshot shows the Behavior "Form rule to be executed on page load". Multiply form rules are executed depending on the current step. The used form rules always checks the condition (field value) and either hides or shows t

Holiday request
24.04.2023 20:11

Hi Dariusz, we used also an Employee file. There was an "holiday leave limit" item list but consist of the column Year, Days from previous year, Days current year, Extra Days This was updated only when something happend to the limits or when the next year item list row was created. Of course

Hi Björn, I was actually able to do this. The following works in 2022.1.4.155. It could be that the ids/classes of the elements are different in your version. $(".fileinput-button")[0].children[0].click(); setTimeout(() => { let select = $(".addWithCategoryDropDown")[0] // https:

Hide form fields on load
24.04.2023 17:42

Hi Flo, I'm using a similar approach. 1. Using the form field matrix to define which fields should be visible in general. 2. Create a form rule. 3. Use this from rule in the "on value change" 4. Add this "Main form" Behavior" tab and add "if (step =1) then ExecuteFormRule". I don't like

Hi Bo, these are the chapters of our documentation to restore a production database as a formal test environment. I have to ask permission to provide any more information as I have done this during my "working time", whatever the actual term is for this time, when I'm doing something for which I