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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Hi Adam, thanks for the update. I tend to forget to look at the installation guide, sometimes there are worthwhile information. :) I'm cross linking this thread in case someone stumbles about the "dynamic compression module" BPS 2022: Enable IIS feature "Dynamic Component" https://community.

Counting the attributes used
06.04.2022 16:02

Linking this thread which has the same topic with a slightly different query: Form field count report of an application https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1239?page=1#m1240

Hi Fabian, ROW_Number is not allowed, this has also been added to the info tooltip in BPS 2022: Quote Because of this mechanism, there are certain limitations to the query syntax, such as: 1. The query should return the data in the following format: SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_n

Update Form field Values
01.04.2022 18:58

Hi kaluser, default values are only set when they are empty. Since the default value is executed when the Form is opened it automatically assigns value 2. At least if the workflow population I'd hasn't been set in a previous step. You could change the business rule and some other properties to

Regular expression problem
01.04.2022 17:49

Hi Radek, that's the correct behavior as you have not specified that after the 11 digits nothing else should follow. Actually even a string like a12345678901asd would be a match. You can easily test the regex using the online tool which is linked in the designer studio. If you want that only 11

Hi Darek, the simplest way for your case could be the following: Add an html field where you define the css style. #SEL_SQLGrid_728 td[data-column="WFD_Signature"] { font-weight: bold; } #SEL_SQLGrid_728 tr:nth-child(odd) { background: yellow; } Replace the ID 728 with a reference o

There's always something new to learn. :) For example a documentation, the blue info icon, was added which sql functions can not be used in a sql query. :)

Hi Michał, I added the item lists definitions and a sample of the action which grants "Read-only" privilieges. If you are wondering, why I used three item lists. I struggled till I came up with a working version which I can also "debug". :) Best regards, Daniel

Hi Michał, I can confirm that it works with the Add Privilegs action. Also I haven't used it with thousands of workflow instances. My use case: There are three workflow instances which determine the current Privilegs of the first workflow. Under specific circumstances a 'privilege maintenanc

Hi, there's also an option without storing the value in a technical field: If you don't mind using undocumented features, you could try to use the {R:} variable to access an URL parameter https://alterpaths.com/usage-of-url-parameters-in-webcon-bps/ Alternatively you could use the previ

Hi kaluser, it seems that I can't help without seeing the data. This would be my approach in your case check... which data is returned by the inner select statement? Which data is returned without the AttChoose conditions? when does the statement fail Include the WFD_ID as well as the DT

Hi Bo, you can use the below script as a starting point. I ignored all privileges which are directly assigned on the workflow instance level and I didn't resolve group memberships. It also ignores the privileges on application level, but than these are not relevant for accessing workflows.

Hi kaluser, if I understand it correctly the workflow can only be saved if the combination of all three columns hasn't been used in another workflow. But in this case I don't understand why is a problem. Scenario7: Form2 Subform1(value exists) step1- not able to save - It is an issue Or sho

Substitute for substitute
25.03.2022 21:58

Hi Marcin, I'm aware this won't help you in your situation, but the new "Substitutions on behalf" feature of BPS 2022 would help you. An admin could simply setup a substitution for the primary person and it's applications and define the current substitute. https://community.webcon.com/posts/p

Hi kaluser, it think you would see the issue, if you would display the results of the inner select without the AttChoose conditions. These four values would be part of the selected columns. I just noticed another potential issue. What you want to do is: Check whether another workflow, usin

Hi kaluser, the choose value in the database contains the id as well as the name. Therefore the where condition will always be false if you compare only the name. The functions are below, but you can also select the correct one from the objects tab in the expression editor. dbo.ClearWFElemIDAd

Hi Nik, if for some reason this is not sufficient, you could create a SDK action. Here's an example for extracting different parts of the URL. Documentation: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2022/add-new-choice-field-value-without-leaving-the-page#geturlvalue-sdk-action Code: https://github

Hi Razvan, I don't remember the thread but it was answered, that full package contains all the necessary components to run WEBCON BPS in a SharePoint environment. These are missing in the standalone version. Of course the modern web parts are available in the standalone version. Best regards

Hi, depending on the number of times you are creating these workflows it could be an option to trigger a path transition of the dictionary workflows which in turn would start a single workflow using the non all action. Then you would be able to set the author. Am alternative could be to user

Hi Patryk, I just tested this as a SQL query of a database source and it worked. The problem are the {} which are used to identify variables so they needed to be replaced with CHAR. But I'm not sure that the performance will be any good. I don't remember if the filters on a data source are app