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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Upgrade to big release 2022
23.02.2022 19:45

Hi Kaluser, did you close this thread because you solved your issue? https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1460 At least I can't reply there, so I'm guessing that you closed the thread. Best regards, Daniel

Hi, I don't have a formula, but the infrastructure guide contains a detailed example: Chapter 4.2. Estimation of WEBCON BPS database size https://community.webcon.com/community/public/posts/post/webcon-bps-2021-infrastructure-guide/246 On the other hand, you have the demo application

Import demo applications
17.02.2022 23:04

Unfortunately I don't have one which could really work. Only one idea which may work, but only with simple workflows. Even if I had one which could work, I would not disclose this. This would be similar to assisting in a robbery in my point of view. The feature has been explicitly implemented to pr

Import demo applications
17.02.2022 21:31

I used an answer with a short citation, but I'm referring to the previous post. "but how to update production having a version of the target application for the external client" Ok, so you have clients which are using express and you do the development for them on your environment. Luckily I h

Hi Raluca, as you noticed, the question is, why was the parameter not replaced. I had this case once, but this was when I used the PowerShell action. The {} of the script block caused the problem, but I doubt you have similar problem here. Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce it. I used on

Import demo applications
17.02.2022 17:23

I agree with you, getting down to the root cause would be the best option. But since I didn't have the issue, I can't tell you anything about this. Somehow I got the impression that you just installed the system so I mentioned the uninstall option. Of course, you could keep your content database, a

Import demo applications
17.02.2022 16:09

Hi, I have no idea for this problem, but I just noticed that the application templates are exported using version 2022.1.1.41. I'm not sure that you will be able to import them in your installed version 2022.1.1.53 in the first place. It may work or not, depending on any underlying changes which

Hi Nik, 1) The DET_ID of each item list row is unique for the whole database. Can't you use this one? If it could be text, you could store a GUID in a technical field and use this one. 2) The action on the trigger "Upon instance saving" will not be triggered during path transition. Can you upd

Hi Raluca, in these kind of cases I always use the SQL Profiler to start a trace so that I can get the executed SQL statement with the resolved parameters. The results of the parameters will be directly inserted in the text, they are not variables, so a ' character or -- may break your stateme

Hi everyone, with the advent of BPS 2022 during the save/path transition of an workflow instance it will be checked, whether the latest version of a process matches the version whit which the instance has been retrieved. If you save the process in Designer Studio it will get a new version and you

Hi everyone, did anyone came across the use case where an iPad should be shared among multiple users? Each user has his own (Azure AD) account which he should use for logging in. The problem is that it seems to be impossible to really sign out from the app (website). The same users will be logge

Hi Martin, sorry it took a while until I had a similar use case. You can use this code in a Form Rule of type JavaScript mode. The only thing you need to change is the parameters in the last line: #{WFCON:2800}# < The id of the item list field form the Objects tab. true/false < will either col

Hi Markus, did you ever found a solution for this? I have currently the same problem. I'm generating a word document, converting it to PDF and wanted to display the PDF document in the modal dialog afterwards. Best regards, Daniel

I found another way. Create an .eml file with the script below, open it in outlook (1), navigate to the File options (2) and select 'Move to Folder' this will store the mail in the selected folder. Afterwards you can drag & drop the mail on a tile to start a workflow and you have a custom from addre

Hi everyone, I have the following use case for a customer: A workflow should be started from Outlook using the (full) Addon. Based on the from address some more information should be retrieved from a custom database and populate other fields. So far so easy, at least in the dev system where I ca

Hi Marcin, whenever I get these kind of errors I use the SQL profiler to see with which values the query has been executed. Maybe you could also add a select 1 statement after the insert, so that the business rule returns something expected. Best regards, Daniel

Remove Item from collection
07.02.2022 23:07

Hi everyone, I'm joining the conversation, also I'm not sure whether there's really something left to do here and the biggest question is, how to determine which element is unwanted. Nevertheless I will leave another approach: In my case changing the "Without id" value will execute the form ru

Hi Marcin, as I mentioned, I don't use this functionality. I had the time to look at the system this time and as far as I understand the field "Custom barcodes template" would be available once you create a SDK plugin. Unfortunately I haven't found any documentation and based on the example I

Looking for ideas
06.02.2022 21:20

Hi Martin, you are welcome. :) For any future readers I will rephrase the comment to make it more clear why the two "timeouts" are something completely different and may cause problems: There might be a problem when the loop is executed multiple times. The more items there are the longer it

Looking for ideas
06.02.2022 20:50

Hi Martin, since we don't have a loop over item list yet, you could implement a loop in another way. Scroll down to the second post from the bottom. I'm looping over all attachments but this would also work for item lists. https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/699?messageid=699 There mig