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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Hi Marcin, there's a reason for me that I have kept silent. I haven't used this feature since my training three or four years ago. :) In addition I'm not sure what you mean with custom barcode. Maybe the following can help you anyway. The hotfolder mechanism can create new workflows from fil

Hi Michał, I'm not aware of any such option and if it's neither available in the UI nor in SDK / REST API it's not supported. Btw. I've activated notifications for threads where I have participated. :) Best regards, Daniel

Attachments in dictionaries
04.02.2022 13:05

Hi Michał, I had a quick look and you could try the following but I'm quite sure, that this is not supported, I haven't tested it and won't do so. :) There's the field DEF_TemplateID in [WFDefinitions] Templates have the Id 8 and dictionaries 7. In addition there are the columns DEF_Templa

Item list possible columns
04.02.2022 12:51

Hi Marek, I think it hasn't been changed. You still need to select "Choice field (picker)" and tick the "Use people field data source" parameter. But maybe I'm confused because I don't know which version you are using / have been using, :) Best regards, Daniel

Hi Marcin, sorry, I probably got it wrong. So you just need to check if the value in a field is unique. I've a similar use case and wanted to display in the browser an alert to the user, whether the value is already used. I created this business rule: select {WFCONCOL:59} from WFElements

Hi Dan, based on your other threads I would guess, that you added a click event handler which want's to create an item list row. Unfortunately it's not attached to the correct element so it fires wherever you click. Maybe you could remove all form rules which are executed during page load, hid

Hi Marcin, which barcode are you referring to? If you add a barcode using this action https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-add-a-barcode-action/62 The instance id will be part of it. This will be unique across all applications in the same database. Best regards, Daniel

Teams add-in issue
01.02.2022 16:42

Hi Marek, I did hope for a "better" answer, that nothing worked. :) So we are back to square one. I have two ideas, but these go down a technical road. Option a) Open teams in the browser and check whether it's loaded there. If it doesn't load you could fire up the developer tools, check th

Hi Marcin, you can use the "Start a subworkflow (SQL)" for this. This allows you to create any number of subworkflows based on the results of an sql statement. It's explained here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/starting-workflows-in-webcon-bps-actions/76 Best regards, Daniel

Teams add-in issue
31.01.2022 21:39

Hi Mark, I just had a similar (temporary) case. Everything was blank until the underlying website was loaded. The app is using a page which isn't regularly used in my case. Can you click on the world icon in the right area to open the referenced web site in a browser? Maybe this URL doesn't wo

Hi Marek, that's a little strange but I have seen this ones before. If you active "Allow adding values not in data source", a GUID will be generated as an ID for this value. Maybe you can check the field configuration. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Marcin, we are granting permissions to application and processes via groups. These could be either Active Directory groups or BPS groups. If you are using this approach you can create an application in which you can assign users to these groups. Here's an example of how to do it with BPS

Hi Marek, I don't see anything strange. In you screenshot I see GUID#blacked text, so this would match the ID#Name pattern. Id doesn't refer to an integer, it can be an integer or a text, for example the GUID of a workflow instance. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Michał, I would also use the same solution if it works. I don't remember whether I could overwrite the original event and add my own before calling the original one. One alternative would be to duplicate the button HTML, add your event which 'clicks' the button afterwards and hide the origina

Hi Michał, I'm not sure that I understand everything, but the current question is: How to execute Javascript once the modal dialog for editing an item is closed. My currently best bet is to use a mutation observer I used this once to modify the behavior of an item list which is inside a tab

Remove studio users licence
26.01.2022 22:35

Hi Aleš, it’s no normal user CAL it’s a Designer Studio CAL. When I wanted to reassign my CAL from a normal primary (normal) user account to my second(admin) account in summer 2020 I got the above answer. I think this is still true today, at least if you are running WEBCON BPS OnPrem and ar

Hi Florian, Sebastians approach could be an option. This seems not to be the correct SQL statement because of the different error message. At least I'm assuming that there was some copy&paste issue There should be no space between N' wrong: exec sp_executesql N 'SELECT TOP 1... correct: ex

Hi kaluser, I should have added an image of my suggestion earlier and sorry for repeating myself The cyclical action only starts the "monitoring" workflow (1). On each step there's a timeout which executes triggers a path transition (2). I prefer to do more steps, so that each step does on

Remove studio users licence
25.01.2022 11:40

Hi Gab, you need to open a support ticket for this. This can only be done by someone from WEBCON. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Marek, I didn't found much about this error. You probably also found this answer/suggestion. https://stackoverflow.com/a/70338095 If you don't have multiple servers it probably won't apply to you. Best regards, Daniel