Hi Ingo, I just tested it and it works as I remembered. This will create an empty row select 1 as Id where 1 = 1 This will create no row at all in replace mode. select 1 as Id where 1 = 0 Best regards, Daniel
Hi, for me the location looks wrong, as it should be URL of the BPS Portal as far as I understand from the readme Installation of Add-in only (certificate should be installed separately, e.g. via Group Policy) msiexec /i WebCon.WorkFlow.Outlook.Installer.msi /qn WORKFLOWURL="https://your_porta
Hi Ingo, I hope my memories don't mislead me, but in this case no row should be returned. select 1 as Something where 1=0
Hi, in this case take a look at the folder of the installation files: \MS Office AddIns\Autodistribution\Outlook AddIn There's a readme how it can be done. I haven't used it myself, but this is the official way how to install the AddIn automatically. Best regards, Daniel
Hi, do you mean something like this in the attached image? When I added the attachment using the + icon on the item list row, everything was fine. When I didn't add one I got the error, that there should be an attachment. I'm using 2022.1.3.65 Best regards, Daniel
Hi, I don't think this is necessary what you are doing. You should be able to install the addin from the BPS Portal. When I click on the menu item, in chrome/edge I get asked to open it and the installation is executed directly. Or are you rolling it out to the whole company? Best regards,
Hi Ingo, that's and known issue which is fixed in BPS 2022.1.3.65. Depending on the environment OnPrem or public cloud, you can workaround this. It would be best to create a support ticket and ask for it. I myself wasn't involved in these issues, but I'm aware that they did exist. Best
Hi Razvan, I burned myself years ago, so I would advice against changing the instance number. Instead I would create a different workflow /form type. Which will be used to fill in the data and create the real workflow using this information and delete the intermediate workflow instance. Best
Hi Dean, this could be an interesting option to set by default. For the moment one can achieve the same with some css styling using an html field. This works with 2022.1.3.65. Best regards, Daniel #AttChoose5 .survey-choose__list--radio {display:block;} #AttChoose5 .survey-choose__list_
Hi Lutz, it's great to know that you found a solution. I will go down the same road in the near future and at least I do now know, that it will work out in some way. :) Best regards, Daniel
Hi everyone, I noticed on version 2022.1.2.31 that it can take a really long time to populate the target field of choice field, if the data source is a web service data source. In this case the data source is a REST data source and the picker field is of type popup search. Once I activated
Hi Matthias, I have no idea, why the client would retry with localhost upon receiving a 401. On the server you may receive the 401 due to LoopbackCheck. There are two options for this, so that you can connect to the portal on the server. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/s
Hi Phil, these are just wild guesses. :) 1. You did change the address in the word addin? 2. Do the users have at least Metadata access privileges on application level? https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/webcon-bps-designer-studio-privileges/44 Best regards, Daniel
Hi Andreia, I should have checked my reply on the PC. There's no need for the brackets and outer select anyway. select TypeId as {DCNCOL:554}, '{ISO:3888}' as {DCNCOL:557} FROM [dbo].[DicFieldDetailTypes] where TypeID between {3887} and 12 This should bring you the same result. Best
Hi Andreia, your union would do the following: 1 2 3 4 Date But you want 1, 2022-02-02 2, 2022-02-02 So it should look similar to: select MonthNumber as {DCNCOL:554}, '{ISO:3888}' as {DCNCOL:557} from ( select TypeId as MonthNumber, null as Dates FROM [dbo].[DicFieldDetailTy
Hi Ingo, can you check whether the WEBCON BPS event log contains any other information? There's an own event log for WEBCON BPS. Maybe there are multiple entries. Is the search service running? Off topic: As far as I can tell the customer isn't listed as a reference so you should probabl
Hi everyone, have you ever imported a process and thought, damn I forgot to tick this or untick the other field? In my case this has happened more than I want to admit. Most times everything works fine but know and then you get disturbed and you make a mistake in the selection. Of course one
Hi, export/import is only available for processes of type "Dictionary" and "Document template" . The later one may be an option for this situation. Just because it's named "Document template" doesn't mean, that it has to be a template used in combination with Word or so. There's one alternat
Hi, it's may be to late for this question but it may help others. I've come around to test and write a post about "debugging" such situations. My example uses also Business Central with a picker field.. But I am using a user with a web service access key is used. I know it's deprecated, but t
Hi, if you simply want the number of days you can take a look at this thread: SUBTRACTION TWO DATES ON A FORM https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/469 If you want to ignore weekends it will get a little trickier. Best regards, Daniel