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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Operator 'ForEach'
02.06.2022 09:23

Hi Nik, it seems, that only the first column is available in the for each query. One alternative would be to create a data source. Of course this could lead to a lot data sources which are only used ones. But I don't see an alternative right now. Maybe it will be improved in a later versi

Hi Fabian, I'm not aware of an official statement, but I noticed some time ago this config entry: SELECT [PRM_Name],[PRM_Value] FROM [BPS_Config].[dbo].[GlobalParameters] where PRM_Name = 'CloudComponents' There disabled components are listed. I'm not copying the value since I can only gu

Hi Stanisław, there's a function "Add Date" where you can choose to add a month and provide a negative value. If you need a text instead of the "date" you can use the "format date" function. Best regards, Daniel

The log entry is in table: [BPS_Config].[dbo].[AdminWFEventLogs] It seems that this attribute can note be used with version 2022.1.2.31. I've created a support ticket. I will update this thread, ones I have an answer to my question. Best regards, Daniel

Hi everyone, did someone use this attribute and has an sample how to set this up? I've probably used a wrong type for the property. Like it happens when one copy & pastes and changes the attribute name to Bool but the property is still string. :) Meanwhile I will search for the log table in

Hi Fabian, thanks for the update. So the reason was due to the character limitation. It's kind of obvious, after you found the reason. :) Best regards, Daniel

Hi Fabian, I wasn't aware of this limitation. Even so you are already live, I would opt for changing this to an item list, especially if this isn't the only case with so many selected items, which aren't even sorted alphabetically. My, untested, idea would be: 1. Add item list 2. Migrate th

Hi Michał, I hope some others will join in, who have experience with this. You have probably read the knowledge base post going SharePointless https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/going-sharepointless-how-to-transform-your-environment-into-standalone/168 So you are aware of the no long

Good morning Michał, I'm not sure, but I have in mind that the location, the URL/domain, from which you are installing the AddIn needs to be assigned to either "Local intranet" or "Trusted sites". The attached screenshot shows this from the internet explorer settings. I have no idea, how to set

Hi Lukasz, if you don't have the option to retrieve the data again using some modified query you have two options: 1.: Let the employee make a screenshot which he can easily add as an attachment using ctrl+v. 2.: Use the query to initialize an item list which can not be edited. You could also

Hi, I'm going to need this in the future, so I created an example action: https://daniels-notes.de/posts/2022/remove-item-list-rows Best regards, Daniel

Hi everyone, when an item list column is deleted, it will be checked whether it is used and the usages can be displayed. It would be nice, if we could have this option without clicking delete. :) I attached the screenshot which displays the usage of the item list column and that the usages are

Hi everyone, I'm currently trying to solve a situation where I have a questionnaire with answers from which the users has to choose one. The answer will set other fields in the item list. The questions and answers come from a dictionary. Since it's a questionnaire I would have liked to have a

Hi Stanisław, does she have access to the workflow instances? If this is not the case, you could check the "Access to data in the context of system account" option on the BPS Internal view. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Błażej I have no idea why you get this error, but as far as I can tell, you have a dictionary which causes the problem. You could try to export all items to excel using the report. If this doesn't cause the same problem, you could delete entries from the dictionary and test the export agai

Hi Fabian, I agree with you that the variables are a really great addition. :) Regarding your question, I'm in a similar situation that I need to send information to the server and would like to not store it in a field. Also you can delete the value before it is written to the database, I would

Hi Krzystof, you could try to add it manually. If you click on a field it's added to the document using properties. You can check these by right clicking the added field or toggling the field codes. You can see that the Company name uses the property BPS_COM_NAME_Company. I'm guessing that all

Actually I would prefer a simple bread over a cake in this case. The one thing theming is good for is creating problems, especially if you don't have full control over the website. :) But this is beside the topic and only a personal opinion. :)

Hi Fabian, I'm not aware of such an option. Depending on your use case an alternative could be to use the "Generate an html printout" action. You could than use a data row which returns the table Useful information: - https://howto.webcon.com/html-and-pdf-printouts-in-bps-examples/ -Workflow