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Daniel Krüger (Cosmo Consult)


Hi Ralf, you have a point there. I was focused on the fact that less experienced users will read this and may do something which cause undesired side effects. On the other hand, non experienced users won't be able to use the procedures. I'm wondering whether this would be possible with R3

Support for Azure SQL
15.08.2022 13:27

It's there: WEBCON BPS 2022 R3 Introduced the ability to use Azure SQL Managed Instance as a database engine. Users can now select Azure SQL Managed Instance as a database server in the WEBCON BPS installer when configuring database connection parameters.

Hi Ralf, while I'm glad that an experienced partner joined the community I'm baffled by this suggestion. I'm currently on vacation so I can't check it but those procedures I had a look at, did exactly what the name implied. Insert/Update/Delete of an entry in the table. I assume it's the same

Hi Nik, I also would like to have a "Add new row with values" function but I haven't had the time yet to look for a solution. Regarding the initialize option. I'm using this in a similar situation. The source of an item list may be changed over time and the item list has to reflect these chan

Hi Denckert, there's not any difference in populating a drop down via a REST data source or any other. Once the REST data source is defined you are good to go. This is explained here: https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/rest-data-sources/173/27 Regarding logs, where does it fail? Does

Error action mail
28.07.2022 08:19

Hi Raluca, sorry, I didn't read this correctly. We are running 2022.1.2.31 and we don't have any problems. So it's may be the best to create an official support ticket. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Andreia, did you use a statement similar to this? select null as Empty I'm not sure whether you can map the same column multiple times. If this is not possible, you can just number the columns. Best regards, Daniel

Hi Nik, this looks totally legit to me. I've used the same setup in multiple situations. The only problems I had were: - I had the workflow instance checked out while testing it. The timeout couldn't execute in this case - There was an issue with the actions on the path I could solve everyt

Hi, just one comment: This would hide the icon across all workflows. If you want to hide it on a single workflow you can use an html field/attribute with button#HistoryToolbarButton {display: none;} and display it in each step. I hope there's no typo in the above. :) Best regards

Hi Martin, we may be able to hide the download button at the bottom, but the other action bar comes from the installed tool which displays the content. Excel and probably Word documents are converted to pdf and your PDF reader renders it. Take a look at my screenshot, I have a completely differ

Hi Denckert, since this forum doesn't display the number of views of a thread, one doesn't know, if the thread was "ignored" or viewed but without somehow who could help. I for my part wasn't in the situation where I needed to connect to a BC SaaS environment. I had either the opportunity to u

Hi, if I understand it correctly the field should spend on the step the workflow moved to. I would accomplish this by using the OnEntry trigger of the step to change the filed value. This would be achieved by setting up the choce field to use an sql statement for providing the values us

Error action mail
22.07.2022 21:29

Hi, based on the message I somehow doubt, that it is actually a problem with WEBCON BPS. Maybe it's a coincidence or it wasn't noticed, that there were issues before? Regardless, I would try to send a mail with the same settings using PowerShell from the server: https://docs.microsoft.com/e

Delete comments
21.07.2022 23:17

Hi, while I would wise against using any kind of insert/update/delete statement against a BPS database, I also didn't find an alternative. In the SDK you only have the option to add read all existing comment and add a new one. There's no option to remove old ones, so there's no supported way.

Hi, I hope it's not to late. You can achieve this by storing the already selected ids in a (technical) field and adding a where condition, that these are not part of the data source. You can see in my attached screenshot, that 2,3 and 6 have been selected and when I wanted to select 2 again

Hi, this one is interesting. I played a around a lot and even so I created a long entry: @AdditionalMessage=N'Single value: The value of field "Picture" was set to "". The image wasn't deleted. But I was able to set other images with the 'Change single field value' action. So only the nul

Hi Markus, my best idea was to use reference a data row, which returns the rich text with html tags, which in turn I hoped to feed to some field functions. That wasn't successful. If you would be fine with a pdf, my best bet would be to generate a HTML which could be converted to PDF. At

Hi Christian, we have never used the mail approval before so I was curious and played a bit with it. We are using version 2022. at the moment and it behaves the same. The approval is added at the bottom/before the end of the body of the mail. But we can make use of it. You can see

SQL query with JSON array
15.07.2022 12:18

Hi Nik, I had the same Problem with {} here https://community.webcon.com/forum/thread/1478?messageid=1478 I've used the ASCII Character code: Curly right bracket= Char 125 Curly left bracket = Char 123 -- ,'"'+Char(125)+','+Char(123)) Best regards, Daniel

Hi Pawel, thanks for the confirmation. I hope to do so as you suggested in the near future. We have setup the environment for a customer who uses a single tenant application for AAD authentication. I don't have a guest account in their Azure AD yet. So I'm currently stuck testing the basic fun