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Sebastian Gębuś


Hello Ingo, Yes, you can use SQL to assign tasks, and your approach seems right. What I think might be useful, is a query that returns users from AD group: SELECT users.COS_BpsID FROM [dbo].[CacheOrganizationStructure] as users join [dbo].CacheOrganizationStructureGroupRelations as groupMe

Hi Jakub, check out the 'Count attachments' rule here - https://alterpaths.com/global-business-rules-ready-to-use-examples/ you can use it, in a form validation rule together with another condition and get the result you want :)

Hi Nikolaus, I think I would do this by passing the link/id of the current element via the hyperlink action to some technical field and then on the save path redirect back to the first element using the saved id in that field, or am I missing something? By passing the id through a link, I mean

Hi! I have no experience with farms and I don't know if this is what you are asking, but if you are referring to the portal address that you configure in the installer, you can find it in Config database in the GlobalParameters table :) SELECT PRM_Name, PRM_Value FROM GlobalParameters WHERE PRM_

Hi, In reports, you can use ##currentloginname## if I'm not mistaken, to get the current user login. It works for sure in SQL filter, and it should in standard filters too, but I cannot verify that right now

Client side plugins action
09.03.2022 07:42

Yes, I was referring to the hyperlink action that Daniel mentioned. You have to play around a bit to know these basics :) I would also recommend to have a look at the knowledge base, for example there is a detailed description of the hyperlink action https://howto.webcon.com/the-hyperlink-action/

Client side plugins action
08.03.2022 09:43

Hi, so I think you can use sdk to get the link, save it in an attribute and then use the built-in action to open it :)

Hi, Can you write more details about what the problem is? Have you marked the 'delegate' button on the attributes matrix, and can you see it?

You can still use this action, if by archive you mean final steps, just return in the query the wfd_id of all items whose permissions you want to update ;) As for the inactive button, make sure that the path you configured for the button is available in the current step of the selected element.

Hello, in the add privileges action you can use sql query which will return wfd_id of the documents to update :) This should work for you just fine, you can use this action in some technical workflow/button, or whatever. Another option could be to use a mass update via reports, more information

Looking for ideas
07.02.2022 07:33

Hi! What about a sub-workflow for each folder in the list? it's easy to store id's, and execute actions with api on paths. You can store the det_id in the corresponding element, so that you don't create it again when updating the list, using filter. It seems a bit easier to implement, and gives mor

Hi Dan, I encountered a similar error recently, it appeared when in the list configuration none of the options allowing to perform an action was selected (screenshot attached, sorry but in polish :)), if I remember correctly. In my case 'Show init button', or something like this, solved the proble

Hello, if you haven't seen check out this article - https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/going-sharepointless-how-to-transform-your-environment-into-standalone/168

Hi Michał, I also tried to do it this way once and did not find the working solution. Instead i use a calculated column that returns 1/0 depending on whether the date is smaller/greater than current :) But maybe someone knows how to do it using json syntax? so i join the question

Hi, if I understood correctly, you are using a business rule that returns data from source in the cyclic action 'update instance'? If so, and given that the action works if you set a constant value in it, it may be because the cyclic action is not executed in the context of a document, so the em

Hi, use a form rule on value change in the style and behaviour tab in attribute configuration. So in your case, you want to use that rule on attribute1/attribute2 and set the attribute3 with value returned by your buisness rule. You can also use a form rule here

Hi Stanisław, it really depends on your needs, you can do join on elements, filter the WFElementDetails table by DET_WFCONID column etc. there are many possibilities. Play around with SQL, database documentation will be helpful - https://developer.webcon.com/2021/resources/db/ For example, if you

Init button text
29.12.2021 09:30

Hi Michał, Not an answer to your question, but alternatively you can use the html attribute with the button that will call the rule that initializes the items list. Some example in attachment

When tasks are overdue?
28.12.2021 16:24

Hello, you need to set the expected time for the step in the analysis tab, if the time is exceeded, document will be counted as overdue. More details about the analysis here - https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/kpi-in-portal-how-to-analyze-instances-time-in-step-and-edit-time-to-improve-busines

Attachments permissions
21.12.2021 07:40

Hello, I'm just guessing, but maybe it's due to the attachment security level setting in the workflow - pic attached