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Sebastian Gębuś


Hi Klemen, you can use the "Change items list values" action on the registration path of the generated subworkflow - https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/the-change-items-list-values-action/263/18

Hi Fabian, Link constructed in this way: /api/nav/db/1/attachments/

Hi Christian, System Administrators tool should be located in the Designer Studio installation folder, by default it is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\WEBCON\WEBCON BPS Designer Studio"

How to end all sub-worflows
29.10.2021 13:05

Hi Marco, You may also find this article helpful - https://alterpaths.com/wait-for-sub-workflows-step-advanced-configuration/ advanced configuration of wait for sub-workflows step will allow you to automatically move an element when only 3 out of 10 sub-elements are completed. and second one - h

SQL Execution timeout
14.10.2021 01:20

Hi Michał, I can't answer your question, but if the query is taking so long and there is no way to optimize it, you may want to consider creating a table in the database which will be periodically fed with data from your query, and then use it to populate a data table. However, I don't know your c

Hello George, First, I would suggest you to check if SOLR is working properly, assuming that you have installed and enabled SOLR indexer service. In Designer studio you can: 1) Check logs under System settings -> Services configuration -> Local service status there might be some errors related to

Hi Fabian, You need to write some custom javascript to do that. Based on Daniel's function from the linked post, something like this should work: setTimeout(function(){ var attachmentsDiv = $('[data-type="SystemAttachments"]'); attachmentsDiv.hide(); },250); but I noticed that the function does n

Hello Bo, as far as I know there is no such option, but you can calculate this date in technical field and set it as 'start date' in the timeout configuration ;) This should give you the same result.

Hello everyone, After updating to 2021.1.3.205, I noticed that setting values from available columns to target fields, stopped working when the field is initialized with a default value. Setting the value only works when I manually change the value in the field. I have not noticed such change in cha

Collection type - Attribute
25.08.2021 19:30

Hi, collections can be handled with items lists. If nested collections are returned, you may want to check this - https://alterpaths.com/json-nested-collection-handling-in-webcon-bps/

Hi Martin, Data row column will work this way if you use the Open Element function

Hi Daniel, +1 Also, it would be really nice, if this option could work for sql datasources as well, based on given WFD_ID :)

Hi Michał, I'm not using the latest version yet, but just to be sure, can you confirm that your condition returns 'true'? Does the simple IF(TRUE) also not working?

Can i see deleted instances?
05.08.2021 22:43

Hi, after deleting an instance, data remain in WFHistoryElements table, deleted entries are marked with WFH_IsVersionOfDeletedElement flag.

See e-mails sent by Webcon
05.08.2021 20:25

Hello, You can check actual email queue in studio under Reports -> Basic reports -> Email sending report. EDIT: Note that emails are sending via SMTP, so they may not be visible in Outlook. If you are using O365, if I`m not mistaken they are visible in online web client. There is no option to do cu

Hi Daniel, It`s just a guess, but based on on the fact that there is a 'wnvhtmlconvert' library in installation files, I assume it can be used for conversion, maybe someone from webcon can confirm that. I found this online converter - https://www.winnovative-software.com/demo/default.aspx maybe give

Item List - Row locking
04.08.2021 04:25

Hi, I don`t think so. But a quick idea, maybe create attributes corresponding to the columns you want to edit, or a second table that will be editable, and update the row you want in that 4 row table on path transition :)

Hi Daniel, thanks for the clarification, got it :) I wanted to add a few words about option with changing the type of step, but i see that you know excatly how to do it, so nevermind :) I noticed that the task is not completed in this case, but I cannot help you with that. I also didnt find a simpl

Hi Daniel, I don`t know how to finish these tasks, but about option a ;) If you are using 'wait for sub-workflows' step, then you have to set element as completed positive/negative with action, or element goes to finall step, right? So even if you have multiple workflows/finall steps, I found out r

Hi, As Daniel said, it could get tricky, depends on what you want to achieve. But if the question is only about simply pointing "app1/" directly to your webcon application at "url/db/app/x", then maybe rewrite/redirection url rule will work for you. In my case, I am using rewrite rule temporary for