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Sebastian Gębuś


Hi, You can link in a table like this - 'link:/db/1/app/89/element/' + CAST(WFD_ID as varchar(12)) + ';displayname:' +WFD_Signature as Link' It should open in the same window, unless you add a ';target:_blank' parameter :)

Hi Daniel, Nice, thanks for that tip! :)

Hi, yes it is possible, but studio has problems with this type of queries. Check this article by Kamil - https://alterpaths.com/how-configure-form-field-with-advenced-sql-query/ You need to prepare a simple select which will return the same columns names as in the query with CTE, configure the field

Cześć, Zastępstwa powinny działać w taki sposób, tj. dla już aktywnych zadań, nie mam aktualnie dostępu do środowiska, ale to co warto sprawdzić: - Globalny przełącznik dla zastępstw w danym procesie, gdzieś w ustawieniach - Przełącznik zastępstwa dla konkretnego zadania Jeżeli nowe zadania są przyp

Reports that don't link
08.05.2021 02:38

Cześć, Nie ma takiej możliwości, jak sam zauważyłeś raporty biorą pod uwagę uprawnienia użytkownika do samego elementu obiegu. Rozwiązaniem mogłoby być ograniczenie widoczności pól na formularzu, ale nadal wymagane są uprawnienia odczytu do takiego elementu dla wszystkich, co nie wydaje się być dobr

Oh okey, the Site configuration is available only for Sharepoint based installation :) So my idea is to reinstall only the 'WEBCON BPS Portal' component using 'Update or expand an existing WEBCON BPS installation'

Hello, 1) Any certificate that will work with IIS :) I assume, that BPS will be accessible only locally, otherwise buy a certificate for a domain from provider. It could be self-signed, but I don`t recommend it. Maybe your client have a local Certificate Authority? If not, you can use tool such

Hello, Make sure that 'Workflow instance archiving' service is working. Go to System settings -> Services conf. -> - and under 'Service roles' section a 'Workflow instance archiving' schould be checked.

Hello, For more information about coloring rows check this KB article https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/coloring-the-background-of-the-item-list/195/22 In shortcut, for coloring specific cell you need to return column name, and color value in sql statement, something like: SELECT 'DET_Att2',

Hi, Yes, it should work if your statement is correct. You can preview expression by using 'Show' button in editor to check what value is behind form field placeholder.

Hello, it would be nice if there`s a possibility to customize columns in build-in Archive report (Searching structures), independently for each application for example :)

Add Chart to Word template
17.03.2021 14:34

Hi, try code below - dont forget to change fields ID: function saveChart() { html2canvas(document.getElementById("SEL_Chart_2689")).then(function(canvas) { var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/JPEG", 1.0); SetValue('#{FLD:2691}#', img); }); } Save chart It looks like the cdn version is o

Add Chart to Word template
16.03.2021 21:53

I just copy-pasted source of "html2canvas.js" to HTML field - you can get it from website (attachment). I see that there is also cdn - https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/0.4.1/html2canvas.min.js So it is up to you how to include it. If you ask how to include it in HTML field - treat

You can change database type using BPS.ResourceKit - it is in BPS installation package -> Migration Tools. I am quite sure that I saw KB article or something from Webcon about that. Picture in attachment

Add Chart to Word template
16.03.2021 17:08

Hi, Something came to my mind about putting a chart in Picture field, so I will share. Using html2canvas - https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/ we can take screenshot of chart, and then pass it to picture field. Some sample: function copyChart() { html2canvas(document.getElementById("SEL_Chart_2689

As far as I know, you need to enroll additional license per flow or per user to use those actions. There were some changes in licensing plans, and that one included in standard O365 plans, allows to use actions within O365 context only.

Hi Andreia, I tested your code, and probably there is a missing comma in if statement. Here is example code which is working for me: { "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/v2/column-formatting.schema.json", "elmType": "a", "txtContent":"=if ([$Status] == '', 'Start WEB

Hello, You saying that everything works fine for Sharepoint Lists, well Calendar it`s just a view for list, so I would check if your data appears in that list view first. I think there`s nothing wrong with action if it works for other lists, might be something on Sharepoint side. I experienced simil

Hi, I dont know if I am not missing anything, but I think you can use 'Move workflow' action in that subworkflows, which will execute some hidden technical path in parent element. Now, on that technical path in parent element, you can use 'Change items list values' action, and fill the list with val

Some context - while we bind existing processes in another application, My Task section sums number of tasks from all connected processes. I know that as user i can filter them, but my proposal is to add some option for connected processes to not appering in active tasks section at all :)