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(...) ges effective refresh the page.   Select any “Date and time” form field (here it is named “Date of submission”) and enter any date. (To make it easier to distingUI sh the sequence of date elements, it is recommended to enter 13th or later day of month.)   The date should be in the British format, i.e. day/month/year.   Configuration o (...)

(...) Online - Microsoft Graph which allows them to work (as the name implies) in the context of Exchange Online via Microsoft Graph.   Application creation in Microsoft Azure Each feature reqUI res an application registered in Microsoft Azure, that will be used to facilitate communication between WEBCON BPS and Exchange Online.   Register an application in Microsoft Azure and name (...)

(...) e received for the “Response” tab. By using this parameter you can edit data before they are sent or received. For example, when a system receives a value that prior to its saving reqUI res multiplying by 0.01, you need to create a rule that executes such calculation. What is more, you can define the format of the returned value, which is discussed in the following chapter. Bu (...)

(...) ns: “Text”, “Decimal”, “Boolean”, “Date”, and “User list”.) Remember to attribute a proper data type to a parameter. Setting up a reqUI red parameter type   The following chapters present examples of business and form rules with parameters.   Global business rules The “AddAttachment_AtThisStep" (...)

(...) will be possible to substitute the sender address with a different one.   Additionally, if Exchange Online - Microsoft Graph is used as the Server type, additional configuration will be reqUI red on Graph’s end, which will be covered later in the article.   Enabling the option Toggle the option in System settings -> E-mail notifications -> Configuration of sending (...)

(...) cessfully importing the application, the tool informs about adding a BPS group:   Fig. 6. Import report informing about adding a BPS group   Note: transferring BPS groups reqUI res an independent synchronization, which may take a few seconds, so groups on the target environment may appear with a slight delay. In the imported application, the "Management Board" g (...)

(...) S group administrator, Tom Green. To do so, go to the BPS groups node in Portal and click Add in the top menu. The New group window will be displayed, where the administrator should fill in the reqUI red information, such as Name and BPS ID of the group, and has the option to indicate its Members and Owner. A BPS group may include several members as well as owners. In the case of the "Financi (...)

(...) it to the Poznań University of Technology. The WIZ- BIZ-LOG DAY event held on January 16th at the Poznań University of Technology provided an opportunity for WEBCON BPS to be presented at the modern bUI lding of the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Engineering Management. It was also revealed that WEBCON BPS Designer Desk is an effective didactic tool for introducing students to the world of de (...)

(...) Cooperation between business and academia is key to educate workers well-sUI ted for dynamic digital transformation. Previous year was full of meetings, presentations, and conferences which brought us much closer to academia. We learned that sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences brings benefits for all – higher education workers, students, as well as for our clients and ourselves. In (...)

(...) rvice of Poland took part in a two-day training on the low-code solution based on the WEBCON BPS tool. The training will advance the State Fire Service's implementation of modern technology and eqUI p participants with the skills to create IT applications without coding.   More information (in Polish) is available on the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland’s (...)

(...) implements the user's concepts, i.e. prepares the application for production deployment. In other words, developers extend the project by configuring actions, rules, form field visibility and reqUI redness settings, as well as default values and data sources for it, so as to turn it into a fully working application.   Fig. 3. Configuration of "Check if there is an attachment& (...)

(...) duction In WEBCON BPS system applications, processing values entered by end users in forms is a fundamental function, alongside data gathering and analysis. The system offers several solutions to qUI ckly and easily define arithmetic operations on values entered in form fields. This article provides examples on how to configure form fields to execute operations and display their results.   (...)

(...) economically infeasible. To share instances and tasks safely and conveniently, the WEBCON BPS platform is provided with the public link functionality. It allows users to share instances or tasks qUI ckly and seamlessly with individuals holding no access to a particular application or process, or even people outside the company, thus supporting its business activity. This article describes the (...)

(...) “Assign tasks for groups directly to group members” option     Assigning tasks to a group of users Assigning tasks to a group is a new, default (does not reqUI re enabling in the Designer Studio configuration) approach applied in the WEBCON BPS system. It entails assigning tasks not to individual group members, but to a group as a whole. As a result, a perso (...)

(...) of a text message with possible image attachment and their general purpose is to increase the quality of application (enhance it). Change requests can be submitted by users directly in Portal, but reqUI re prior enabling in Designer Studio or Admin Panel.   Enabling and configuring change requests The change request functionality is by default disabled – to use it you need to ena (...)

(...) Professor Katarzyna Grzybowska. WEBCON BPS Hackathon  The topics of the winning processes were: Complaint management Workflow for a request for booking meeting dates and eqUI pment for specified events. Workflow for requesting a change in job position or scope of duties. Workflow for a request for publishing or changing information on a company’s website. Be (...)

(...) x any errors and make sure that our system always functions as intended.   Every year, we publish a major version that introduces a multitude of new features. Additionally, updated bUI lds are released at least once a month, they aim to resolve any existing issues and implement small changes. These small changes can be tracked via our changelog (available at the bottom of this page) (...)

(...) ndicators to calculate completion times for individual steps, segments of the workflow, or the entire workflow.   In addition to configurable indicators, some standard ones were also bUI lt into the regular form (e.g. form filing time and total instance duration).   Indicators are licensed based on WEBCON Advanced Analytics Framework   Interface Changes Displa (...)

(...) nbsp;In addition, a large portion of these data feeds the Solr search indexes supported by Search Server.   Creating the Search Server container The Search Server container image is bUI lt based on the official Solr image for the Linux operating system. Therefore, Docker Desktop must be switched to support Linux containers –  right-click on the program icon in the system t (...)

(...) tional database user, and then configure a connection in WEBCON BPS Designer Studio that works in the context of this user. The new connection should be used for those configuration locations that reqUI re extended access to the database. At this point, it is worth reminding and emphasizing that any modifications of data in BPS databases (using UPDATE or INSERT commands) performed via a non-standa (...)