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(...) Webcon ver 2021.1.5.315 I found a bug in business rules with parameter and SQL query. When type is text and value start by '0' then rule cut first char.

(...) ork. Tried different columns, tried "" and '', tried contains but it does not work. Any ideas how to do it properly? 3153 I have a field "Project Code", text type in Webcon, and "Project Code" text type in SharePoint. Filtering using this, does not work. 3153 in above example is a project code that I tried passing manually or through Form field value, n (...)

(...) The goal is - if JavaScript validation fails on field value change, I would like to revert the value of the changed field back to the default value )or previous value). I was researching the uxContext input parameter, but I was unable to find a function or value in the uxContext structure that would contain information about the ID of the field, that triggered the function. Thanks!

(...) Hello Community, it's time to ask my first question...so please, be understanding and polite ;) Business case: 1. I have a dictionary process, let's say 'Products', with 'Tags' text field, which contains tags (eg. black, bike, red). Every tag is separated by ','. 2. I have another process, for example 'Order'. On this form, user can enter what he is looking for, on 'Description' field. I want (...)

(...) I've got following fields: 1. Choice field with connection to MS SQL table - name of the supplier. 2. text fields like address, postal code filled based on the value chosen in choice field from point 1. 3. Another choice field with bank account numbers - another MS SQL table filter by ID value from choice field in point 1. Two qestions: 1. By clicking 'x' in supplier name choice field I'd like (...)

(...) Hello. I have in mind that it has been possible in the past to format the text of the "task details" in a form by HTML, e.g. . That doesn't work anymore with V2021.1.5.xxx (see attached) The only thing that works is for a line break. Is there a reason and more important: how can I format the text here? Kind regards Klaus

(...) Hello, is there a possibility to use existing SOLR as Data Source? I had an idea to show users SQL grid, which would show similar items found in database, based on text typed in regular text Input field. That lead me to Levenshtein Distance algorithm, which might be slow in SQL, but i've found that such a thing is already implemented in SOLR (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752301/how-to-confi (...)

(...) ne has an idea /have a hack to move the attachments / comments option to a tab? I'm currently trying to create a form, which should: - look good or at least ok - be usable with a big multi line text box - while using the task "view" and displayed info panel - has to compete with a paper based process with an arbitrary number of steps and options to write any information on the paper Best r (...)

(...) Hi, Is it possible to include the comments field into a pdf generated based on a template? So like you can include various form fields by creating a tag e.g. {WFD_Atttext 1}, is there such a code for the comments field? And will it work if we include it in a template to generate pdfs? Thanks!

(...) e complaining about lacking of comment editing/deleting feature. It should be possible only for comment's author only of course. Such comment should be marked with "Comment changed" "Comment deleted" text . Wouldn't that be a great feature?

(...) Hi everyone, does anyone has an idea, why a data source dictionary would not return all data, also "access data in the context of system account" is checked? I was banking my head on the wall, why the form validation stopped working until I noticed that the lastest workflow instances are not returned by the data source. The screenshot shows the data from the "data sources" navigation pane, i (...)

(...) path after a minute. In the traversal path, I have an action that calls a web service. The frame uses a business rule to convert the content of the attachment to Base64 (the business rule returns the text value of the last attachment). When the whole thing is handled by TimeOut, I get the error: Message=Error executing SQL rule Create Attachment Base64 (Id: 3008) Source=WebCon.WorkFlow.Base Stack (...)

(...) I want to send an email which has as Body the Item List's values which i have added. Is it possible? I have seen that i can Populate a word with Item list, but i am asking just for that email body text . Thank you.

(...) Hi, I have found this article. I don't understand where should i define an additional row... (text fig. 13) Or i get error "column DET_Att1 not found.." https://community.webcon.com/posts/post/confiugration-of-the-item-list-and-data-table-form-field-in-e-mail-templates/14 Can you help? Thank you.

(...) rollerActionInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, Scope scope, Object state, Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext Sealed context ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructu (...)

(...) e the response body into a multi-line content field. I am also using a HTML field with a download button, to save this file from content field to disk. This method is working very good with plain/text . After saving file from Content field to disk, Excel is corrupt. I think this has something to do with content-type or encoding, but I can't figure out, how to get the raw content. Is there (...)

(...) How can I initialize attachments on the item list in the subworkflow? The initializing query retrieves text fields, but does not retrieve attachments. I receive an error message: Validation Error, SubElems (ID: 9031) Attachment not found. SubElems (ID: 9031) Attachment not found.

(...) ) = 2 and is now replaced by the Calculated field WFD_DTYPEID = 1 and WFD_AttChoose1_ID = 2 This will fail now because I didn't put the WFD_ID into single quotes '' and the new field may contain text which can not be converted to integer. It seems that the dbo.ClearWFElemId(WFD_AttChoose1) = 2 was applied after getting all elements of the form type 1 while the condition with the calculated field (...)

(...) File name: 'System.Numerics.Vectors, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' at System.SpanHelpers.SequenceEqual(Byte& first, Byte& second, NUInt length) at System.text .Json.JsonSerializer.LookupProperty(Object obj, ReadOnlySpan`1 unescapedPropertyName, ReadStack& state, Boolean& useExtensionProperty, Boolean createExtensionProperty) at System.text .Json.Serializ (...)

(...) I have a form on which I want to have an action that trigers after the fields has change, what kind of action I can add? For instace in workflow I have element called 'start' with form fields : text : dupa Number : 1000 user makes some changes in those field, after that i want to trigger my action. How can I do it?